THE EFFECTS OF ENDO$RINE THERAPY ON PLALMA+STEROIDS I$+PROSTATIC CARCTWOMA+;$TIENTS, D. Drafts, E. Proca , E. Neacsu, V. Zamfir , M.Neagoe 3 and A.E.SchindZer +i Inst. of Zndocr. Bucharest; +Urology, Clinicai tiospitaf"Fundeni" Bucharest; Urology, ~lir&cal Despital ii~and~ri'f B~~harest,Rtrrua~ia;+f'Univ.-Frauenklinik, TGbingen, FIG ffasma testosterone (T), j~dihyo'mtestcrsterone(DEIT),TJIIHTratio, eStrene (El), estradiol.(g2), and t?-hydroxyprogesteroile (17-M-P) were measured in 68 patients with prostatic carcinoma (T34NolM 01) before and after endocrine therapy including: steroidal synthetic estrogens (polyestradiolphosphate e Estradurin: gI)mg monthly i.m.injection; ethinylestradiol: 1 mg/d), nonsteroidal synthetic estrogens (DES: .kag:/d; cloratrienisene = TACE: 24 mgjd; DES-diphosphate = WNV'AN: 200 mg/d), orchidectemy and their combinations. All.these forms of treatment reduced T, DHT, T/DliTratio, and maxim& suE\pressian being observed after castration (p
Cases of advanced prostatic cancer have been treated by medroxyprogesterone acetate in limited series using 500 mg in 3 times weekly. In some cases objective response has been reported. In a preiiminary study we have used higher doses in 20 patients of advanced metastatic prostatic cancer no longer responding to previous therapy. One of the inclusion criterias was a life expectancy of at feast ortemonth. The dose used was i g 3 times a week dnd then 1 g weekly untii progression. Ail patients had been orkidektomized or treated with oestrogcnes and 15 patients had also been treated wfth estramustine and 3 with chemotherapy. So far we have seen partial objective response in 4 cases during periods up to 9 months and stable disease in 2 cases . 7 patients had subjective response for a time less than 2 months. 7 ShcWed progressive disease. Ait patients in this study had a very advanced prostatic cancer disease. Our resutts are promising and indicate that medroxyprogesterone may have a cytotoxic effect in high doses. A prospective randomizes study has been started.
Robin Murray and Paula Pitt, Cancer Institute, Melbourne, Australia. Fwtyninepatients fmage65years, ranqe5$-86) ~~~~~~~~~~c~~ resista& to orchidectiw andior oestxcgens were treated wit& ~~~~~~~ Q&f TV induct;a '"medicaladrenalectcany".A&ena1 suppression was mnitored by serial plasma DORA-SO4 and testosterone n-easurmts, while cllassification of response was according ta U.I.C.C. criteria. Resmnse could not lx.assessed in 7 wtients, while?8 are curre4ntlyon treamt awaiting assessment. Of the 34 assessabla patients 13 (38%) had aT1objective remission with a men &ration of 8 mths (range 4 tzo 22+ nx3nths). WZZA-SOg was suppressed Sa less t&an 50% of basal in al1 patients, while testosterone Ieve& fell a s&&&r anxxsntirrF&h rezxlitters and non-remitters- Thfze were no differences in age, fre% interval, wcatage of @Gnizs witi prev2ms reqzonse or basal levels of DHEA-SOq and testoste~ between respon&rs and non-respxders. A.& was well tolerated, and in no case was treatment stopm because of side-effects. It is cxxcluded that A/G is effective in inducing remission in advanced prostatic carcincx~ which is resistant to convent&x&l therapies.