368 A Comparative Study of Two New Glycosides Peruvoside and Ruvoside from Thevetia neriifolia, Juss

368 A Comparative Study of Two New Glycosides Peruvoside and Ruvoside from Thevetia neriifolia, Juss

110 Abstracts of Papers doses increase the stroke volume of the kitten heartlune urenaration and increase the amolitude of cardiac contractions in ...

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of Papers

doses increase the stroke volume of the kitten heartlune urenaration and increase the amolitude of cardiac contractions in anaesthetized guinea pigs. The active principle is soluble in acetone, water and methanol, but appears to be only sparingly soluble in chloroform. It is ultrafilterable through a cellophane membrane. The cardio-activity is not destroyed by heating for one hour at IOO’C in acid solution, but becomes progressively destroyed a~ the pH of the solution is raised. The substance differs from the usual polypeptides 369a which stimulate plain muscle for it resists destruction by the proteolytic enzymes trypsin and chymoAdditional trypsin, even after 48 hr exposure. evidence that it is not a polypeptidr has been obtained from a paper chromatographic system. It has been demonstrated that the active substance has a basic nature as a result of its behaviour on paper electrophoretograms and ion-exchange resin. It can be partially purified from contaminating material on a silica gel column, and elutrd with mixtures of methanol and chloroform. By combining ion-exchange resins and chromatographic columns, considerable purification may bc achieved. v1



1. COBBIN, I,. B. and THORP, R. H. (19j7), (Land.), 180, 242. 2. COBBIN, L. B. and THORP, R. H. (1959),

n’ature Brit. J.

Pharmacol., 14, 392. 3. COBBIN, L. B. and THORP, R. H. (1960), hhture (Lo&.),


186, 473.

A Comparative Study of Two New Glycosides Peruvoside and Ruvoside from Thevetia neriifolia, JUSS. N. N. DE, M. M. \*OIIRA and J. D. KOHLI (India). Pharmacological action of two new glycosides, peruvoside and ruvoside, ‘I) has been studied. The chemical constitution of peruvoside and its relationship with other previously known thevatia glucosides has been worked out by Bloch et a1.‘2’ According to Rangaswami and Rae’s’ ruvoside is the corresponding alcohol of peruvoside. Evidence of cardiotonic activity wan obtained by 369b direct and indirect techniques such as the isolated papillary muscle of the cat, isolated hypodynamic guinea-pig heart, ECG changes in the cat, etc. Biological activity was assayed in cats, guinea pigs and pigeons. Both the glycosides were found to be nearly as potent as ouabain. By differential techniques and back titration in animals, the oral absorption, duration of action and cumulative toxicity of the two glycosides were measured. A comparison between the two glycosides and the clinically-important glycosides digoxin and ouabain has been carried out. Data obtained suggest that prruvoside is a good, quick acting glycoside which is well absorbed orally and has low cumulative

toxicity. advantage

Ruvoside, however, appears over the other quick-acting

1. Rangaswami

and Rao


to possess no glycosides.

3. 5%. Zndustr. Res.,

17B, 331. 2. Bloch

et al.

3. Rangaswami 18B, 443.

(1960‘1, Hek. Cbim Acta., 43, 652. and Rao i 1959), 3. 52. Zndustr. Res.,

Considerations sur 1’ActivitC Biologique des Nouveaux Glucosides Cardiotoniques de la Digitale Pourpre: Gitaloxine et V6rodoxine. ?r. GEORGES,J. PAGE et G. DUVERNAY (Belgium). L’activitt biologique dcs estraits de glucosidcs secondaires de la digitale pourprr n’est pas 1iGe directement au seul pourcentage des glucosides totaux, vu I’activitC biologique fort diffkrcnte et la proportion variable de chacun dcs glucosides COW stitutifs de ces extraits. Cette activite diffhre aussi sensiblement d’apr+s le choix de l’animal trst car il existe, pour un mZmP glucoside cardioactif, de grosses variations de susceptibilite entre animaux d’esp&es diffi-rentcs. Ainsi, chez le cobaye. la gitaloxine et la vProdoxinc sont respectivement 1.2 et 5 fois plus actives que la digitoxine tandis que chez la souris la gitaloxinc est 8 fois plus active et la verodoxine approximativement aussi active que la digitoxine. L’activitP biologique de tels extraits de glucosides cardiotoniques n’est pas-tout au moinv chcz lr cobaye-due exclusivement g I’additiondes activit& propres de chacun des glucosides qui les composent mais Cgalement B une synergic Cvidentc entre glucosides. Cette synergie est nullc entre la digitoxinc, la gitoxine, la gitaloxine et lr struspbide, mais apparait immbdiatement en la presence de verodoxine qui confkre & chacun de ces glucosides un important surcroit d’activit 6. La raison de cette synergic n’est pas cncorr connue. Ellc dipend B la fois du rapport entre la quantitC de vProdoxine et des autres glucosides et clu degre d’activiti spCcifique ties glucosidrs presents dam le melange. Some Aspects of the Biological Activity of New Cardiac Glycosides of Purple Digitalis : Gitaloxine and Verodoxine. A. GEORGES, J. PACE and G. DUVERNAY (Belgium). The biological activity of glycosidic extracts from digitalis is not directly related to the percentage of total glucosides, as the proportion of the glucosides of which the extracts are composed are variable. Their activity also varies noticeably with different animals used for testing, as there i3 a wide variation in the susceptibility of animals of different species to the same glucosidc. Thus, gitaloxine and verodoxine are 1, 2 and i times more active in the guinea pig than digitoxinp,