379 The Mitogenic Activity of Serum and Lymphocytes from Patients with Recurrent Abortion (RA)

379 The Mitogenic Activity of Serum and Lymphocytes from Patients with Recurrent Abortion (RA)

380 January 1992 Am J Obstet Gynecol SPO Abstracts 376 OBSTETRICAL OUTCOME IN AEROBICALLY TRAINED WOMEN Stephen R. Carr l , Marshall W, Carpenter ...

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January 1992 Am J Obstet Gynecol

SPO Abstracts


WOMEN Stephen R. Carr l , Marshall W, Carpenter l , Richard T erry2X, Ann Lengle 2X , Barbara Haydonlx; Brown University/Women and Infants Hospital I and Human Performance Laboratory, MIriam Hospltal 2; Providence, RI Previous studies examining the effect of physical exercise on pregnancy did not randomi2e or quantitate exertlonal duration or Intensity, The effect of a 6 or 10 week training period during pregnancy on the Incidence of PPROM, delivery EGA. bleeding. blrlhwelght, labor length and Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes was examined. 38 women were randomi2ed to either a sedentary pregnancy (S) or to either 6 or 10 weeks of training (T )whlch required 4 weekly sessions of 30 minutes cycle ergometer exercises at 60-70% V0 2max beginning at 2028 weeks gestation. V0 2max was determined by an Initial Incremental exercise test employing a pregnancy-specific formula extrapolating from Individual HR/V02 data. During exercise training the cycle resistance was Increased to maintain exercise heart rate at the initially targeted rate. RESULTS: LoL Al...A~ CIS !'PROM De! EGA B!dng BW 39.7±9 0 3458 12.2 8.1 8.9 T 3/16 3/16 ±361 ±1l.8 ±.6 ±'2 S

2/'lD 1/20




39.8±7 .73


3435 12.6 7.1 8.5 1427 ±l2.0 ±1.2 ±.5 .86



CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant women participating In a training protocol experienced no difference In obstetrical outcome when compared to a sedentary cohort. Our results confirm the safety of our exercise protocol In evaluating cardiovascular response during pregnancy.

377 ACTMTY RESTRICTION TO TREAT HIGH RISK PREGNANCY: A PHYSICIAN SURVEY. J. A. x Malonf', A.W. Cohen, I. Forouzan, E. M. Graham , Dept. Ob/Gyn, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Phila.,

PA There are no standard obstetrical protocols for inpatient or outpatient bedrest and reduced physical activity in patients with preterm labor, incompetent cervix, preeclampsia, placenta previa, or preterm rupture of membranes. A survey was conducted to determine patterns of activity restriction/bed rest therapy for these complications of pregnancy at given gestational ages. Questionnaires were sent to 70 Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists and 200 General Ob/Gyns. They were asked to select from varying levels of activity restriction treatment that they would prescribe at 20, 24, 28, 32, and 36 weeks gestation. There was no consensus within the obstetrical and Maternal Fetai Medicine community as to when patients should be hospitalized. There was strongest disagreement about the level of activity restriction required for patients with preeclampsia and placenta previa. Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists tend to hospitalize these patients at an earlier gestational age and are less likely to deliver patients electively at 36 weeks gestation. Only 32% of physicians noted side effects from bedrest and the duration of the side effects ranged from a few days to several weeks. This study concludes that there is no 'Standard of Care' across the nation for Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists or general obstetricians in the treatment of many high-risk pregnancy complications that may require activity restriction.


DEFICIENCY IN RAT PUPS. M. Subramanianx, X. Chen x, B. Bergeski x • Dept. of Ob/Gyn, Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI. Prenatal ethanol exposure induces behavioral abnormalities in rats. In the present study, we examined suckling latencies and milk consumption during early (day 6) and mid- (day 10) lactation in prenatally ethanol exposed pups. On day eight of pregnancy, rats were assigned to control (rat chow) or liquid diet groups containing 0%, 17.5% and 35% ethanolderived calories (EDC). The 0% and 17.5% EDC diets were similar to 35% EDC diet except that maltose-dextrin was substituted isocalorically for ethanol and both groups were pair-fed to the 35% groups. Following delivery, litters were adjusted to eight and transferred to untreated foster dams. On days six and 10 of lactation, pups were removed at 0800h and returned to dams at 1400h. The time taken for the majority of pups to attach to the nipple and start nursing vigorously (suckling latency) and milk consumption were determined. On day six, suckling latency for the 35% group (10.69 ± 1.43 min) was greater (p <.05) than control (7.4 ± 0.63) or 17.5% (6.0 ± 0.79) groups. However, on day 10, the suckling latencies among groups were comparable. Milk consumption was lower (p < .05) for the 35% group on day six (4.66 ± 0.29, 5.02 ± 0.52 and 3.46 ± 0.40 gm) and on day 10 (7.97 ± .42,7.17 ± 0.77 and 5.14 ± 0.63 g for control, 17.5% and 35% respectively). Pups exposed to 35% EDC weighed less up to weaning. These results illustrate the continued nursing difficulties offspring experience following prenatal alcohol exposure. (Supported by NIAAA AA07670).


PATIENTS WITH RECURRENT ABORTION (RA). R Wjlson±, M MacLean+, JA Thomson+, JJ Walker Univers~y Departments of Medicine and Obstetrics, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Scotland, UK We have shown that peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from women w~h a history of RA have an impaired response to mitogenic stimUlation. The aim of this study was to determine the mechanism responsible. Serum and PBL were obtained from heatthy pregnant women and from RA. The PBL were made to a standard concentration in RPMI + serum from both patient groups. The PBL were then incubated + mitogens. The activity was determined by 3H thymidine incorporation. The results (Table) showed significantly greater incorporation when PBL from healthy pregnant women were incubated with their own serum. The response was significantly reduced when PBL from RA were mixed w~h RA serum.while PBL from the control mixed with RA serum or vice versa gave a reduced response this was not always significant.These results would suggest that PBL from RA are unable to respond maximally to mitogenic stimulation and that this is due, at least in part, to some serum factor. 3H THYMIDINE (CPM X 103) C PWM PHA CON A N PBL + N SERUM 1.8 208 289 206 N PBL + RA SERUM 2.1 242 183 RA PBL + N SERUM 1.8 259 211 158" RA PBL + RA SERUM 2.3 140 P <0.001 P < 0.06 Resu~s are the mean of 5 experiments