4391255 Programmed sequential fuel injection in an internal combustion engine
l\iew Patents
A controlled amount of a fluid (steam or water or a solution of water plus additives) is injected into an internal combustion eng...
A controlled amount of a fluid (steam or water or a solution of water plus additives) is injected into an internal combustion engine to impr0i.e combustion. efficiency. and to reduce emissions. The amount of the fluid injected i\ controlled in response to engine need. I’hc steam is gencratcd b\; the head produced by the engine. Combustion gas tcmperaturc is used to control the amount of steam produced by varying the fluid flow through one or more fixed or Lariablc orifice control \alvcs. The steam is injected in a piston engine to cool peak temperatures. to prevent detonation and pre-ignition. to smooth out hot spots. to pre\‘cnt auto-ignition or diescling. and to use the \‘apor energy in the expansion c\,clc to increal;c 101~ speed torque and accclcration. .Ihe steam is used to cause full retard of the vacuum spark ad\,ancc during accclcration at full load from IOU, speed. and a large amount of steam is injected at this point in the cycle to prelcnt prc-ignition and detonation. Ultrasonic cncrgx ih added to the injcctcd steam to product better mixing and distribution. H>,drogen is also injected to permit better combustion with higher amounts of air. I hc hydrogen is produced by the Interaction of a cataI!,st on the steam and fuel hydrocarbons and ultrasonic energ!. At times eshauht gas and other additives. such as hydrogen pcroxidc. mcth!,l alcohol and ammonia arc irl,jectcd.
4392919 CHARGING APPARATUS FOR COKE COOLING CHAMBERS Manfred Galow, Horst Joseph. Essen, Federal Republic of Germany. assigned to Tidier Engineering GmbH -7
An apparatus for charging coke chambers is disclosed which effectively reduces and controls gas and dust emissions evolved during the coke charging operation. The charging apparatus includes a gas-tight enclosure which seals the immediate area surrounding the cooling chamber or serially arranged chambers in a cooling plant. a lift transport facility located internally to the enclosure for carrying a coke bucket to and from the respective coke cooling chambers, a crane or elevator for placing and removing the coke bucket from the lift transport facility. and an exhaust device for evacuating the gas and dust emissions from the
enclosure. Inert gas feedlines are integrated with the charging operation to maintain an inert gas atmosphere within the enclosure.
4391255 PROGRAMMED SEQUENTIAL FUEL INJECTION IN AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE Richard E. Staerzl. assigned to Brunswick C‘orporation An electronic control circuit for a fuel injected internal combustion engine in which fuel flow is alternated among selected engine cylinders at IOU speed engine operation. Alternate fuel deliver) results in improved idle. fuel economy and reduced emissions. Conventional engine operation is progressively restored as the engine approaches high speed operation.
4391251 ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER FOR CONTROLLING THE AIR/FUEL RATIO OF THE MIXTURE SUPPLIED TO AN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE Pierre Pianteline, Roger Machetei, Paris. France. assigned to Groupement d’lnteret Economique de Recherche et de Developpement PSA A digital electronic controller for an engine equipped with an oxygen detector equipped with electrovalves for regulating the fuel flow rate. This controller comprises digital circuits for closed loop and open loop regulation including a digital memory in which the carburetor regulation value is permanently stored. a logic circuit for controlling the operating modes and a plurality of amplifiers for controlling the electrovalves of the carburetor. This controller makes it possible to reduce the pollution level of motor vehicles.
4390456 SPHEROIDAL ALUMINA PARTICLES AND CATALYSTS EMPLOYING THE PARTICLES AS A SUPPORT Moises G. Sanchez, Michael V. Ernest. Norman Laine, assigned to W R Grace & Co Spheroidal alumina particles have a combination of high macroporosity. surface area, crush strength