4432894 Process for treatment of detergent-containing radioactive liquid wastes
New Patents
A reusable solid state device is disclosed which monitors ionizing radiation. The device is a silicon-on-sapphire n-channel MOS tra...
A reusable solid state device is disclosed which monitors ionizing radiation. The device is a silicon-on-sapphire n-channel MOS transistor having a back-channel leakage current which is proportional to total radiation dose. To return the monitor to its original reusable state, the drain-to-source transistor bias is reduced to zero while irradiating the device to an appropriate dose level.
phenyls (PCB's) which are resistant to conventional incineration The method and apparatus described herein are also capable of handling liquids, solids or vapors, with only minor operating modifications.
MICROWAVE RADIATION MONITOR Edward Asian assigned to The Narda Microwave Corporation
Kunio Kamiya, Kenji Motojima, Kiyom Funabashi, Koichi Chino, Susumu Horiuchi, Hitachi, Japan assigned to Hitachi Ltd
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This portable microwave radiation monitor utilizes an antenna formed in a dual Archimedean spiral. The power density of the electric field is indicated on a meter coupled to diode means connected across the inner terminals of the antenna by inductance means selected to resonate with the variable capacitance of the diode, substantially at the frequency of the field being monitored.
4432344 M E T H O D AND APPARATUS FOR SOLAR DESTRUCTION OF TOXIC AND H A Z A R D O U S MATERIALS James E Bennington, Gerald Bennington, Frederick E Bernardin, Donald J Patterson, Walter Weber assigned to Focus Environmental Systems
A detergent-containing radioactive liquid waste originating from atomic power plants is concentrated to have about 10 wt. % detergent concentration, then dried in a thin film evaporator, and converted into powder. Powdered activated carbon is added to the radioactive waste in advance to prevent the liquid waste from foaming in the evaporator by the action of surface active agents contained in the detergent. The activated carbon is added in accordance with the COD concentration of the radioactive liquid waste to be treated, and usually at a concentration 2-4 times as large as the COD concentration of the liquid waste to be treated. A powdery product having a moisture content of not more than 15 wt. % is obtained from the evaporator, and pelletized and then packed into drums to be stored for a predetermined period.
Toxic and hazardous organic materials are photochemically and thermally changed into innocuous and environmentally acceptable products through the proper application of solar energy. The present invention is especially wellsuited for the destruction of polychlorinated bi-
RADIOACTIVE SOLID WASTES Toshio Adachi, Susumu Hiratake, Nagoya shi, Aichi ken, Japan In apparatus for filling a container suitable for storage with radioactive solid wastes arising from atomic power plants or the like, a plasma