III. 30.
463-475 30
468. Light
A vacuum
: 20
30 463. Energy spectra of cathode sputtering products on heavy ion bombardment of metals. (USSR) In studies of the preparation and properties of sputtered thin films it is important to know the energy spectra of the sputtering products. A simple theory is developed for calculation of the energy spectra of the atomic products of cathode sputtering on metal bombardment by heavy ions with energy below 10 keV. Taking account of the influence of the sputtered atom velocity on the probability of its ionization, the corresponding spectra of ionic sputtering products are calculated. The calculated values are in good agreement with experimental data. Values of the energy threshold for cathode sputtering and of the dependence of the cathode sputtering yield on bombarding ion energy also agree with experimental data. V I Veksler, Fiz Tt~erd Telo, 11 (1 I ), NOIS 1969, 3 132-3 140 (ill R/tssin/r).
30 464. Some
features of electrical explosion of metallic and semiconducting specimens in vacuum. I. (USSR) Behaviour of materials on electrical explosion in vacuum is of interest in investigations of materials at high temperature and the deposition of thin films by electrical explosion. The homogeneity of the films obtained is disturbed by the presence of drops of the exploded material. Drop formation in the electrical explosion of Ag. InSb and Ge specimens in vacuum of IO-” torr was investigated as a function of the rate of energy lead-in. It is found that an increase in the energy of discharge due to energy storage does not lead to diminution of drop formation but to the increase of kinetic energy of exploded material. Power increase due to reduction of the discharge time results in considerable suppression of drop formation for Ag. It is concluded that it is necessary to decrease the time of energy lead-in to obtain drop-free thin films of metals and semiconductors. V I Petrosyan et al, Z/I Tekh Fir, 39 (1 I), No\> 1969, 2076-2083 (i/l RltSSiUl?).
30 465. The cathode
sputtering rate in a glow discharge. Cathode sputtering dependence on the current for a nickel-neon system. (Poland) Cathode sputtering is an attractive means for film deposition and is also an important process in determining the useful life of glow discharge tubes with cold cathodes. An experimental investigation of the sputtering rate dependence on the glow discharge current was carried out for the nickel-neon system. The sputtering rate was measured by the frequency shift of a quartz resonator due to the deposited layer. It is found that the sputtering rate is proportional to the 3.25 power of the discharge current in the investigated pressure range (4 to 14 torr). The theoretically calculated value of the exponent agrees well with the experimental result. (Bulgaria) V Orlinov et al, Pruce PIE, 10 (I), 1969, 3-16 (it? Russiou).
30 466. Sputtering
of two-atom compounds by low energy ions. (USSR) The sputtering of compounds containing two types of atom with different masses is experimentally investigated for bombardment by 100 to 500 eV cadmium ions. Experimental data for the carbides, borides and nitrides of several metals are explained in terms of the cascade sputtering theory. The sputtering yield is found to be dependent on the group number of the metal but independent of the lattice structure. The sputtering yield is also investigated as a function of the ratio of the masses of ion and bombarded atom. T P Martynenko, Radiotekh Elektron, 14 (I 2), Dee 1969, 2242-2245
(in Russian).
absorption in semiconducting amorphous metal antimony selenides. (USSR) Thin semiconducting amorphous flms of alkali selcnidcs wcrc prepared by vacuum evaporation Optical rcllcction and absorption coelficicnts arc of the band of forbidden cncrgies are obtained by for KSbSc,. CsSbSc, and other compounds. E L Zorina et al. IX ilkad Norrk SSSR Neore 1969, 109%? IO4 (i/r Rwsicur).
the theory of electrical explosion in vacuum. II. (USSR) Efficiency of electrical explosion in vacuum is theoretically studied as a function of system parameters and the physical characteristics of the exploded specimen. It is shown that shortening of the time of the energy lead-in is necessary for obtaining high efficiency of electrical explosion in vacuum and for accomplishing homogeneous liquidvapour phase transformation. It is shown that this conclusion agrees with experimental observations. V I Petrosyan and E I Dagman, Z/I Tekh Fiz, 39 (1 I), Nov 1969,
2084-209 222
1 (in Russian).
metal antimony on glass substrates. determined. Widths the optical method
5 ( I?).
30 469. CdS thin film field effect transistor. t Poland) A thin film field elfect transistor with a CdS scmiconducting layer and SiO dielectric is dcscribcd. The semiconducting layer was prcparcd by vacuum evaporation on glass substrates from the CdS single crystal or powder of phosphor grade. Volt-anipcrc characteristics arc measured. The influence of a protective coating of ZnS or SiO on the transistor shelf-life is examined. W Bala et al, Prrrce PIE. IO (I), 1969, 41-50 (if/ Polish).
30 470. Electroluminescence
properties of ZnS thin films. (Poland) Thin films of ZnS were prepared by thermal vacuum evaporation on heated glass substrates. The electroluminescence spectra of ZnS thin tilms ditTer from those obtained from the source material. Variation of luminance with time is greater than that for the powdered clectroluminescent materials. An explanation of this effect is proposed. \\’ Bala, Prace PIE, 10 (I), 1969, 3540 (itt Po/i.s/r).
30 471. InSb
film Hall generators. (Poland) Polycrystalline stoichiomctric films of InSb wcrc prcparcd by vacuum flash evaporation of InSb and Sb powder mixture on glass substrates, or by recrystallization from the liquid phase in a vacuum oven. It is found that the properties of the films depend on the manner of film preparation. Hall constants and electron mobilities were dctcrmined. M Oszwaldowski, Prwe PIE, 10 (l), 1969, 27-33 (ijl Polish).
30 472. Gauss
effect in two-phase InSb-In films. (Poland) InSb-In films were prepared by vacuum flash evaporation of stoichiometric InSb on a quartz substrate. Dendritic two-phase films of InSb-In were obtained as a result of a change in the composition of the films during the recrystallization process in the vacuum oven. The magnetoresistance properties of the films were measured. The charge magnetoresistance effect was obscrvcd and its dependence on the magnetic field was investigated. M Oszwaldowski, Proce PIE, 10 (I). 1969, 17-25 (i/f Polish).
30 473. Electra-physical
properties of the Si:,N,-Si boundary reactive sputtering of Si in nitrogen. (USSR) S&N,-Si structures were prepared by reactive sputtering a nitrogen glow discharge. The substrate surface treatment and ion cleaning was carried out under high vacuum. The of the electrophysical properties of the structure on the substrate surface treatment was investigated. L N Aleksandrov et al, Fiz Tekh Polrcprovod, 3 (IO), Oc/
of silicon in of heating dependence method of 1969,
1585 (in Russian). 30 474. Some
properties of TCNQ complex salt films. (Czechoslovakia) Films of triethylammonium and quinolinium complex salts of TCNQ (7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) were prepared by sputtering in an argon discharge and by vacuum evaporation on quartz substrates. Electrical and optical properties were determined and compared with corresponding results for crystals. A Kremen, Czech J Phys, B19 (I I), 1969, 1406-1417.
30 467. On
30 475. A new
method for measurement of the nucleation properties of thin films. (Czechoslovakia) A new method for measurement of the nucleation properties of thin films deposited by vacuum evaporation is presented, which is based on measurement of the deposition rate as a function of the substrate temperature and source evaporation rate. Methods for determination of the activation energies of desorption and of the critical nuclei are given. Examples of the nucleation properties of Al and CdSe are presented. J Hamersky, Zpravoduj ?+zkrrmc Tesla, 3 (6), 1969, 55-69 (iu Czech).