Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 88 (1988) 82-92 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., A m s t e r d a m - Printed in The Netherlands
496 My age of plagiogranites in the Chamrousse ophiolite complex (external crystalline massifs in the French Alps)" evidence of a Lower Paleozoic oceanization R.-P. M r n o t a, j . j . Peucat
2 D.
Scarenzi 3 a n d M. Piboule 3
1 D~partement de G~ologie, U.A. 10, C.N.R.S., Universit~ de Saint Etienne, 42023 Saint Etienne Cedex 02 (France) 2 Centre Armoricain d'Etude Structurale des Socles, C.N.R.S., Universit~ de Rennes, 35042 Rennes Cedex (France) 3 Institut Dolomieu, L,4 69, C.N.R.S., Universit~ de Grenoble, 38031 Grenoble Cedex (France) Received September 24, 1987; revised version accepted January 4, 1988
Genuine ophiolitic series are extremely rare in the Variscan orogenic belt and the Chamrousse formation appears as an exception. The main lithological and geochemical characters of the ophiolite are summarized and a special attention is paid to the field relationships and the magmatic filiation of the leucocratic rocks. The time evolution of the mafic magmas is considered to express the transition of attenuated continental lithosphere to oceanic lithosphere. The silicic rocks represents the final products from a multisequence fractional crystallization of a tholeiitic LIL-enriched m a g m a and their compositional diversity results from the local increase of the H 2 0 partial pressure during syn-accretion tectonics. Dating the plagiogranites, using the U / P b method on zircons, also give the date of the oceanization. The resulting age of 496 _+ 6 Ma is closely comparable (1) to the accretion age of ophiolites from peri-Atlantic Paleozoic belts, and (2) to the protolith crystallization age of the "leptyno-amphibolitic groups" (LAGs) from Western Europe. But these relics (ophiolites and LAGs) of the Cambro-Ordovician distensional event later undergo very different tectonometamorphic evolution. The distinct post-magmatic evolutions m a y be related to their rather distinct original geodynamic significance and to their primitive location with respect to the subsequent zonation of the Hercynian belt.
1. Introduction
Ophiolite complexes in the Western European Hercynian Belt are extremely rare. These relics of oceanic lithosphere have always been transformed during metamorphic events and have often reached eclogite facies in the Mid-Paleozoic. The Chamrousse formation is one of the best examples, without noticeable orogenic dismembering and devoid of any high-grade recrystallizations. Establishing its age, whitherto unkown, is important in order to establish the place of the ophiolite complex in the Paleozoic geodynamic context. The purpose of this paper is to describe this formation and then, following a geochronological study, to compare it with the ophiolitic series of the peri-Atlantic belts. We conclude, by attempting to explain why this ophiolitic belt did not experience the overall high-pressure (HP) events in Western Europe. 0012-821X/88/$03.50
© 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
The basic and ultrabasic (B-UB) Chamrousse complex belongs to the external crystalline massifs (ECMs) of the Western Alps. These ECMs make up segments of pre-Triassic basement in the outer area of the Alpine Belt. They are, from south to north: Argentera, Haut Dauphinr, BelledonneGrandes Rousses, Mt. Blanc-Aiguilles Rouges, and Aar-Gothard. These massifs are separated from each other by Alpine terranes from the Dauphin6 zone. Correlations among the different massifs have been proposed, based on locally detailed geological studies [1-5]. On the one hand, they point to the lithologic continuity of the various formations which make up the ECMs and on the other hand they point to similarities in their tectonometamorphic evolution [4]. However, the situation occupied by the ECMs in the Variscan belt of Western Europe is still largely hypothetical [4,6] and recent syntheses have not been able to resolve this question [7-10].
83 These uncertainties are largely due to the absence of reliable geochronological data for this region. So far, the Chamrousse ophiolite complex has been successively attributed to the Brioverian [11,12] and then, by analogy with the leptynoamphibolitic groups of the Ibero-Armorican arc [7], to the Upper Proterozoic or the Lower Paleozoic periods [13]. The isotopic data presented here for the Chamrousse ophiolite complex allow us to propose a period of oceanization in the ECMs extending to the Cambrian/Ordovician boundary. The data also provide a comparison with the recognized pieces of evidence of this major distensional event from other Paleozoic areas. 2. Geological and petrographic context
2.1. Geological context The Chamrousse complex is located at the extreme southern end of the Belledonne Massif (30 km southeast of Grenoble) (Fig. 1). It forms a generally monoclinal foliated series dipping towards the west, and forming an exposure of about 25 km in length and 5 km in width. It corresponds to a metaplutonic sequence (Chamrousse Formation s.s.) progressing without any apparent discontinuity to a leptyno-amphibolitic formation of volcano-sedimentary origin (S~chilienne Formation) [13-16,20] (Fig. 2). Metamorphic recrystallizations involves greenbrown hornblende, diopside, andesine (An30_35), clinozoisite and locally garnet. From a structural point of view, the ophiolite is actually overtumed and is overthrusted onto the Devonian [18] metafelsic formations of Riouprroux and Livet [12,14,16,17]. The overthrust may be linked to a late Visean syn-metamorphic tectonic event, as deduced by K / A r data on amphiboles [19]. 2.2. Lithostratigraphy and petrography The Chamrousse complex shows the following sequence (from bottom to top, after re-establishing the normal "stratigraphy") (Fig. 2): Plutonic sequence: (a) Ultramafic cumulates (Aa): there only remains a thin section (maximum 100m), consisting of serpentinites, rich in scattered or bedded spinels
(chromite and magnetite), and alternate layers of serpentinites and pyroxenites. Because of subsequent recrystallization, the original nature of the various ultrabasic rocks is difficult to determine. A few contain relict crystals and may be identified as dunites and wherlites. Some clinopyroxenites occur as thin layers or as dykelets in the ultrabasites. (b) The banded blastomylonitic complex (10-30 m) (Ab): it commonly provides the transition from ultramafic to gabbroic cumulates. It consists of flasered gabbroic cumulates, pyroxenites, finegrained gabbros, basalts and dolerites. Extreme deformation is evident and results in a fine banding of blastomylonites and ultramylonites. This tectonic is related to an early intra-oceanic event as revealed by its syn-magmatic timing and its high-temperature characters [27]. Some basalts of the dyke complex transect the sheared domain and are undeformed. Ultramylonic bands contains porphyroclasts of clinopyroxene and pargasite and their microstructures suggest the extent of superplastic flow deformations. (c) The gabbroic pile (250 m) (Ac): It is made up of coarse-grained gabbroic cumulates with flaser textures. These leucocumulates include beds of clinopyroxenites and conformable layers of dolerites. Isotropic gabbros occur in the upper cumulates as small intruding masses and sills. The igneous mineralogy is still easily recognisable: clinopyroxene and labradorite being the most abundant minerals and lesser amounts of olivine and orthopyroxene occurring in the lower and upper cumulates respectively. Finally some brown calcic amphibole and Fi-Ti oxides appear in the higher cumulates. The cumulate textures (ortho-, ad-, and heteradcumulates) are rather well-preserved.
Roof assemblage (transition zone, B). This assemblage marks the contact with the Srchilierme volcano-sedimentary formation, and includes cumulates or isotropic gabbros, dolerites, porphyritic basalts, diorites and various leucocratic rocks. This composite zone is highly complex and appears to be locally brecciated; the different petrographic types are found in a variable order with no lateral continuity. The upper part of this zone consists of a relatively continuous layer of orthoamphibolites (metadolerites and metabasalts).
4 °
S o 31 o
Ge~-e~A,g.Rouge~ ~psnine
7 . . . . . .
• '
8 9
10 lac lake
Fig. 1. Situation and geological sketch map. 1 = post-Paleozoic; 2-6 = Paleozoic basement (2: "srrie Satinre", mainly micaceous schists, Lower Paleozoic (?); 3: "Riouprroux and Livet Formations", mainly metafelsic rocks and subordinate amphibolites, Devonian; 4-6: "Chamrousse ophiolite", Lower Ordovician; 4: Srchilienne Formation, metavolcano-sedimentary series, 5, 6: Chamrousse plutonic sequence, metagabbros (5) and meta-ultramafites (6); 7 = main thrust contacts (Visean) 8 = facies boundaries 9 = main faults 10 = Mid-Carboniferous megashear zone. S.M.: "Synclinal Mrdian".
The roof assemblage has generally u n d e r g o n e a complete m e t a m o r p h i c recrystallization.
The dyke complex (D): It cross-cuts both the p l u t o n i c sequence, ultrabasic cumulates excepted, a n d the v o l c a n o - s e d i m e n t a r y formation, a n d consists of metabasalts a n d metadolerites. Dykes show an i n t e r n a l differentiation with a porphyritic core
a n d chilled margins. They always i n c l u d e screens of s u r r o u n d i n g rocks a n d never m a k e up a 100% dyke complex. The p l u t o n i c sequence c o n t a i n s some other intrusive facies: - - m e t a p y r o x e n o l i t e s , specially in the lower part
( Aa, Ab, Ac); - - m e s o - to m e l a n o c r a t i c m e t a g a b b r o s i n the
D. Volcano-sedimentary sequence (D): The S~chilienne Formation represents the higher part of the ophiolite complex. Igneous, volcanoclastic and pelitic rocks have been wholly recrystallized as amphibolites, metafelsites (leptynites) and gneisses. The base, near the plutonic sequence, and the top of this banded formation are enriched in marie and silicic intrusives and in elastic and sedimentary layers respectively. Some of the characteristic facies of the ophiorite sequences have not yet been recognized at Chamrousse, such as basal harzburgitic tectonites, pillow-lavas and overlying pelagic sediments.
;~chilienne formation
Volcano-sedimentary serie and dyke complex
Chamrousseplutonicsequence "Roof assemblage (Transitionzone} ~ 1 Gobbro cumulates
1 ° O m ] ~ F ....
~ ~
2 3
Blastomylonitic ~ : ~ ,5 AD zooe [-~-~SJ~,6 A~ Ultramafic cumulates ~ 7
Fig. 2. Schematic reconstruction of the Chamrousse ophiolite with the primitive lithostratigraphic polarity (actually overturned). 1 = metapelites; 2 = amphibolites and leptynites of igneous (Na-granites and keratophyres) and of sedimentary (arenites) origin; 3= metabasalts and metadolerites; 4 = isotropic metagabbros (fine-grained and pegmatoid); 5= metaplagiogranites and related rocks; 6 = metacumulates (a: massive; b: layered); 7= metapyroxenites, dykelets and cumulates. 8= serpentinites (a) with Ca pyroxenes (b), or with spinals (c). A = plutonic sequence (Aa: ultramafites, Ab: blastomylonitic zone, Ac: gabbroic cumulates); B = transition zone or roof assemblage; C= volcano-sedimentary series (S6chilierme Formation); D = dyke complex (no scale for the dykes).
upper part of the cumulates (Ac) and in the roof assemblage (B); - - s o m e scarce felsic rock (keratophyres and sodic granites) in the upper gabbroic cumulates (Ac), in the transition zone ( B ) and in the volcano-sedimentary formation (C). They are more specially concerned by geochronological study.
2.3. Situation of the plagiogranites and associated leucocratic rocks Plagiogranites have recently been discovered in the Chamrousse complex [20,23]. They are contemporaneous with and genetically related to the maric rocks as evidenced by their situation in the ophiolite sequence, their field relationships and their chemical characteristics. Three main petrographic types have been distinguished: (1) Various plutonic rocks as (a) plagiogranites of quartz-dioritic, tonalitic and leucotonalitic compositions with respect to the Streckeisen classification [54] and as (b) plagioclase-rich cumulates subdivided into albitites and anorthosites according to the An content of the normative feldspars. The leucotonalites appear as dykes and veinlets, closely associated with ferrogabbros, in the higher part of the gabbro cumulates. Quartz-diorites, tonalites and some leucotonalites are interbedded with the Srchilienne amphibolites as decimetric to decametric sills. Plagioclase cumulates principally occur as patches and veinlets of centimetric to decimetric size within the upper gabbros. They become scarce in the roof assemblage ( B ) and are absent in the Srchilienne Formation. (2) Rare keratophyric effusive facies. They are extremely difficult to recognize owing to recrystallization. However, they have been described in the roof assemblage (B). (3) A b u n d a n t leptynites resulting from the metamorphic transformation of the above mentioned leucocratic rocks. They form centimetric shear zones in the plagiogranites and decimetric to metric layers of leucotonalitic composition, alter-
86 nating with amphibolites in the S6chilienne Formation. The preserved igneous field relationships between mafic and leucocratic rocks allow us to define the following relative chronology. The anorthosites and albitites seem to be contemporaneous with the upper gabbros cumulates (diffuse contacts). The plagiogranites, always closely associated with isotropic ferrogabbros, are interbedded with and intrusive into the cumulates, with locally chilled margins. All these facies, gabbros and silicic rocks, but also the leptynoamphibolitic (S~chilienne Formation) are intersected by the basaltic and doleritic complex. Mafic dykes represent the last magmatic event of the ophiolite accretion and exhibit a N-MORB composition [13,27,58]. The field setting characteristics suggest that the felsic rocks are genetically linked to the mafic-ultramafic complex and must be considered as true ophiolite plagiogranites. Silicic samples from the top of the cumulate sequence have been chosen for dating. Amongst all the metafelsites of the Chamrousse complex, these plagiogranites remain the least recrystallized and sheared and they exhibit well-preserved and significant igneous relations with the mafic rocks (cumulates, ferrogabbros, and late basic dykes). Dating them should also allow the dating of the period of oceanization.
2.4. Structural and metamorphic character&tics The Chamrousse ophiolite has undergone a multiphased tectonic activity. The earliest events consist of intra-oceanic syn-accretion deformations. They occured prior to and during the emplacement of some members of the ophiolite association: plagiogranites [21,23], isotropic gabbros and basaltic dyke complex [13,15,16,29]. This early tectonics induced the flasering and the shear zones of the gabbro cumulates sequence (Ac) and the high-temperature (HT) mylonites of the banded complex (Ab). The high strain deformation and the high-grade metamorphic recrystallizations suggest that this tectonics is more probably linked to transform or pre-obduction faults than to common ridge crest deformation and metamorphism [27]. Only the last tectonic event was related to the Hercynian orogenic activity and the ophiolite was
finally overthrusted onto Devonian and Lower Carboniferous terranes [19]. The associated dynamic mesozonal recrystallizations are extensive in the S6chilienne Formation and the transition zone, but less marked to absent in the plutonic sequence. In summary: (1) No direct evidence of the obduction or uplift can still be observed. The early deformations could perhaps be related to the compressive stress preluding to the continental accretion. (2) Despite the conspicuous preservation of the successive parageneses, no relict of HP orogenic metamorphic event has been observed [12,13,15, 19]. (3) There is no noticeable disruption of the ophiolite sequence during its tectonometamorphic evolution and its lithological continuity has been preserved.
2.5. Chemical characteristics The tholeiitic nature of the complex [15] is clearly indicated by the following diagrams (Fig. 3a, b). The composition and the differentiation trend of the metabasites can be compared to that of the oceanic tholeiites. There is, however, a greater complexity as the existence of several magmatic groups becomes apparent (Fig. 3b) [27]. Several models have been proposed: Pin and Carme's [58] data favour a mixing model between three end-members of N-MORB, E-MORB and "supra-subduction zone" basalt affinities. Bodinier et al. [13] pointed out three successive basaltic influxes which correspond to E-MORB, T-MORB and N-MORB compositions respectively. This compositional change has been explained by an increasing rate of partial melting [13]. In addition, the evolution is also marked by a decrease of the Th (and lithophile elements) contents [27]. From a geodynamic point of view, such chemical characters may express the transition from attenuated continental lithosphere to oceanic lithosphere [27]. The chemistry of sodic granites also points to the transitional nature of the original setting. The plagiogranites are considered as the ultimate differentiated members of the E- and T-MORB sources. The evolution from basic to silicic rocks is mainly controlled by fractional crystallization processes [21,22,24]. Thus, granites are related to the earliest stages of the ophiolitic accretion.
Ti 02
100 -
Abyss. Thol. VA+ Syn
xx~ ~x~x
• Ax&x~
" - . LKT
:. ~]9 ..... c.A,,. ~_
Fe 0 t./Mg 0
1000 ppm
Fig. 3. Geochemical diagrams of basic rocks. (a) Ti vs. Zr (after Pearce and C a n n [60]. O F B = ocean floor basalts; L K T = l o w - K 2 0 tholeiites; C A B = calc-alkaline basalts. (b) TiO 2 vs. F e O t . / M g O , after Miyashiro [61]. / = gabbro cumulates; 2 = isotropic gabbros; 3 = amphibolites, dolerites and basahs.
On the discriminant diagram of Pearce et al. [28] (Fig. 4a), they plot in the fields of both volcanic arc (VAG) and oceanic ridge granites (ORG), and more specially in the transitional O R G domain. This transitional field include silicic differentiates from "anomalous" ridges (e.g. 45 ° N Mid-Atlantic Ridge) and from attenuated continental crust (Skaergaard, Mull) basalts [28].
The distribution can be explained by two specific processes: continental contamination and particular ways of fractional crystallization mechanisms. In a transitional, continental to oceanic, tectonic setting, crustal contamination could cause the representative points to shift from the O R G towards the VAG fields [28].
10.000 -
l i
Zr 5'0
200 ppm
173.2 273_g
[ I La Ce
I Nd
f I I I Sm Eu Gd Tb
Fig. 4. Geochemical diagrams of plagiogranites and related rocks. (a) N b vs. Y, after Pearce et al. [56] Syn-col. G. = syn-collision granites; V A G ~ volcanic arc granites; W P G = within-plate granites; O R G = ocean ridge granites. × = leptynites; K = keratophyres; z~ = tonalites and quartz-diorites; • = leucotonalites (b) Chondrite-normalized R E E distribution [62]. Top: E-type plagiogranites (leucotonalites) (146-4, 177-3, 193-8). Bottom: A-type plagiogranites (tonalites and leucotonalites) (6-4, 15-4, 173-2, 273-9. Sample 273-9 has been used for dating. Chemical datas and analytical procedures are available in [27] and by request to R.P.M.
According to a recent study of the sodic granites geochemistry [24] two types of silicic rocks have been defined (Fig. 4b). The first one (Eplagiogranites) mainly includes the leptynites of the Srchilienne Formation. They have high rare earth elements (REE) and incompatible elements (Zr, Nb, Y) contents. Their REE distribution patterns closely resemble to the sub-horizontal profiles described for most of the ophiolitic plagiogranites. The second type (A-plagiogranites) includes silicic rocks spacially related to higher part of the plutonic sequence. Their REE and incompatible elements contents are distinctly lower, and the REE profiles show calc-alkaline affinities with higher (La/Yb)N ratios. This chemical diversity can be explained by a petrogenetic modelling that considers (a) the specific location of the E-type and A-type granites in the overlying volcanic series and in small residual chambers of the uppermost cumulates respectively, (b) the field evidence of periodical expulsion of more or less differentiated magmas in the volcano-sedimentary formation, (c) the close association of A-plagiogranites with hornblende ferrogabbros, and (d) the evidence of the late and spatially restricted crystallization of igneous Caamphiboles. Our model involves two sequences of fractional crystallization: (1) Segregation of olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxides causes evolution from basaltic (E-MORB) to dioritic and granitic (Etype) compositions. (2) Crystallization of hornblende, plagioclase, Fe-Ti oxides and accessory phases causes the transition from tonalitic liquids to A-type granites in residual magma chambers. The modal fractionated
assemblage is consistent with the mineral composition of the associated ferrogabbros. The transition from "dry" to "wet" mineral assemblages during fractionation implies an increase of H 2 0 partial pressure which can be correlated with the syn-accretion tectonics. Despite their atypical composition, samples of A-type plagiogranites have been dated with respect to their well-preserved igneous petrographic characters and to their obviously original relationships with the mafic ophiolitic members. 3. Geochronology Using the U / P b method on zircons, it was possible to date a plagiogranite associated with the ferrogabbros included in the top level of the cumulative sequence. The zircons are sub-automorphic, colourless and rich in inclusions. Their typology has been described elsewhere [22]. Internal structures belying inherited cores were generally absent. Five fractions of a sample were analysed (Table 1, Fig. 5), which enabled the establishment of a discordia between 508 -+24 +44 Ma 1 8 Ma and 122_50 with an MSWD of 0.3. The zircons show a relatively high rate of discordance ( = 25%); this is probably linked to their high uranium content (1000 ppm). To eliminate a part of this discordance, we have abraded one zircon fraction using the procedure published by Krogh [57]. The abraded fraction (80-69/~m, Table 1) plots closer to the Concordia and the six points discordia ages between 496 +6 Ma and 90 + 13 Ma for a MSWD of 0.2 (Fig. 5).
TABLE 1 U-Pb data for zircons from Chamrousse ophiolite (sample 7208) Size
A ppa re nt ages (Ma)
Calculated ratios
Measured ratios
(/t m)
> 120 80-69 69-53 53.37 < 37 80-69 abraded
1173 1351 1225 1088 1227 760
67.7 77.6 72.4 64.8 73.4 52.7
3623 8877 6694 5644 7489 1711
0.06040 0.05815 0.05874 0.05914 0.05852 0.06534
0.04950 0.04314 0.04435 0.04616 0.04521 0.06908
0.06131 0.06095 0.06275 0.06315 0.06342 0.07307
0.47684 0.47501 0.48955 0.49264 0.49491 0.57310
0.05640 0.05652 0.05658 0.05657 0.05659 0.05688
384 381 392 395 396 455
396 395 405 407 408 460
468 473 475 475 476 487
2o6 Pb*/238U
0 07 0 06
0 05
004 2OO
0 02 001
207pb*/235U ,
2oTpb,/z35U 011 0:2
014 0:5
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Fig. 5. Concordiaplot of the zircon points from the Chamrousseplagiogranite(273-9). 496 Ma is considered as being the time when the zircons crystallized in the plagiogranite. 90 Ma may be the moment when there was an episodic loss of radiogenic lead during early alpine events or it could be simply an artefact resulting from a continued diffusion of the lead (Fig. 5). According to these results, a Proterozoic or even a Brioverian age for the Chamrousse complex [11,13,17] can be ruled out. Thus the ophiolite of Chamrousse must be considered as one of the rare pieces of evidence of Eo-Variscan oceanization in Western Europe. 4. Discussion: geodynamic hypotheses
This Cambro-Ordovician age is exactly comparable to the ages obtained on Appalachian ophiolites (Betts Cove, Bay of Island, etc.) by Mattinson [30,31] and Dunning and Krogh [32] or on Scottish ophiolites (Ballantrae [33], in Dewey and Shackleton [34]). A lower Ordovician age may also be estimated for the Norwegian ophiolites (Karmoy, Leka [36]). Finally, fragments of the oceanic crust from the Cambrian period (500 Ma U / P b ) were observed in the Penninic region of the Eastern Alps [36]. It is, however, necessary to distinguish the Chamrousse ophiolitic series from other com-
plexes with which it has often been compared in the past [15]; these latter are either younger (Lizard, 375 Ma [26]) or older (Audierne, 1250-1300 Ma [37]; or even Belle Ile en Terre, 602 Ma [381). Elsewhere at this time, in the Western European segment of the Variscan belt, a bimodal magmatism was developing, as shown in the "leptynoamphibolitic groups" (LAGs). These series reveal a major extensional episod, and even a genuine oceanization, and are considered as remnants of a suture zone [6,7]. There are numerous ages for these LAGs (520 to 480 Ma) which cover various regions: the French Massif Central (Limousin [39]; Rouergue [40]; Haut Allier [42]; Lyonnais [43], crystalline Provence [41], Bavaria [44], etc. A closer comparison of the LAGs and the ophiolite complexes reveals that the magmatism is comparable in (a) age, (b) plutono-volcanic activity, (c) bimodal character and tholeiitic chemistry with oceanic affinities [45-47]. On this basis, the two types of formations have the same geodynamic significance and bear evidence of crustal extension. The LAGs, however, are distinguished by (a) more abundant felsic rocks, (b) greater chemical variation including alkaline and calc-alkaline rocks, and (c) a frequent metasedimentary component [46-48,59]. These petrological dif-
90 ferences suggest an ensialic or transitional location for the magmatism within the LAGs. In addition, the LAGs are distinguished by a totally different post-magmatic evolution from that of the ophiolites: they have been greatly deformed by tectonic activity, are disrupted ("tectonic melanges" [49]) and show traces of a H P metamorphic recrystallization. The LAGs are in fact involved in infracrustal thrusts leading to the generation of Btype eclogites [50], coronitic gabbros and pyrigarnites and to the incorporation of mantle rocks [51]. These tectonics are related to continent-continent collision (10) which occurred from the Lower to Mid-Devonian period (420-380 Ma) (Acadian event). The t e c t o n o m e t a m o r p h i c history of the Chamrousse complex has been discussed and compared to the evolution of LAGs in a recent paper [55]. To sum up, two main events have been defined. (1) The Chamrousse ophiolite was accreted onto the continental domain, very soon after formation and probably during Lower to Mid-Ordovician times. This assumption is supported (a) by the obviously syn-magmatic tectonics related to thrust or transform faults and considered as pre-obduction or pre-uplift constraints, and (b) by the existence of localized compressive systems during the Ordovician [53]. It is commonly assumed that most of the ophiolite complexes have been obducted, or uplifted, as " h o t " fragments of oceanic crust [52,56]. Such an evolution has been particularly pointed out for the Paleozoic ophiolites from the Appalachians and Scottish belts, where obduction occurred 10 Ma after accretion [34,52]. This early tectonometamorphic evolution is radically different from that of Groix, where the "Acadian" obduction of an old and "cold" oceanic crust involves the crystallization of C-type eclogites [50]. (2) The orogenic tectonics and metamorphism only occurred during the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous. The ophiolite is devoid of any "Acadian" H P parageneses and exhibits a single phase of recrystallization. These facts imply that Chamrousse ophiolite was emplaced within a continental domain which remained orogenically inactive during the Lower Devonian period, probably in the inner side of the Mid-European continent (Saxo-Thuringian zone) [27].
According to its 496 Ma age, the Chamrousse ophiohte can be considered as a significative witness of a Cambro-Ordovician episode of rifting and spreading. The important igneous activity linked to these distensional tectonics leads either to accretion zones where oceanization clearly occurred (Appalachians, Scotland, Austro-Alpine Penninic region, South Armorican area, Alpine external crystalline massifs or either to else areas where crustal influence persists (various LAGs). In the French Paleozoic domain, the LAGs represent domains of sheared or attenuated continental lithosphere, as Chamrousse provides evidence of new oceanic crust, even if of limited extension [27]. The contrasting post-magmatic evolution between LAGs and the Chamrousse ophiolite mainly depends on their respective primitive location with regard to spatio-temporal zonation of the Paleozoic tectogenesis. The ophiolitic complex probably belong to a more northern domain (SaxoThuringian?) than the " M o l d a n u b i a n " LAGs. Moreover, as response to the early compressive tectonics, the presence of a still-warm ophiolitic crust favours obduction or uplift processes, but the LAGs, as weak crustal segments, are preferentially involved in underthrusting.
Acknowledgements We are grateful to Dr. J.A. Pearce for helpful discussions and suggestions and to anonymous reader for useful criticism. We also thank N. Morin for technical assistance and M. Lemoine for the abrasion device making.
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