4968939 Method and apparatus for measuring the NMR spectrum of an orientationally disordered sample
New Patents
device is moved toward a mass in the tissue. Once proximate the mass, an anesthetizing agent is introduced to the tissue through the ...
device is moved toward a mass in the tissue. Once proximate the mass, an anesthetizing agent is introduced to the tissue through the needle. Subsequently, the balloon is inflated for contacting the mass, and thus making the mass palpable. The needle is withdrawn from the catheter, and the patient is prepared for a biopsy or other medical procedure. An incision to the mass can be achieved by the shortest possible distance since the mass is made palpable.
4968939 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MEASURING THE NMR SPECTRUM OF AN ORIENTATIONALLY DISORDERED SAMPLE Alexander Pines, Ago Samoson assigned to The Regents of the University of California
An improved NMR probe and method are described which substantially improve the resolution of NMR measurements made on powdered or amorphous or otherwise oreintationally disordered samples. The apparatus mechanically varies the orientation of the sample such that the time average of two or more sets of spherical harmonic functions is zero.
Richard L Ehman, Joel P Felmlee assigned to Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Motion artifacts are selectively suppressed in an image by correcting only the NMR data in the central views. The peripheral views are not corrected with the result that motion artifacts produced by large objects in the image are suppressed while motion artifacts produced by small objects are not. Consequently, the interior of small blood vessels remain darker in the reconstructed image.
4968938 METHOD AND SAMPLE SPINNING APPARATUS FOR MEASURING THE NMR SPECTRUM OF AN ORIENTATIONALLY DISORDERED SAMPLE Alexander Pines, Ago Samoson assigned to The Regents of the University of California An improved NMR apparatus and method are described which substantially improve the resolution of NMR measurements made on powdered or amorphous or otherwise orientationally disordered samples. The apparatus spins the sample about an axis. The angle of the axis is mechanically varied such that the time average of two or more Legendre polynomials are zero.
METHOD OF USING A PRIORI INFORMATION IN COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY Francis H Little, David L Hampson assigned to General Electric Company To improve computerized tomography (CT) imaging quality, a priori information of the test object is developed by probing the surfaces thereof at a multiplicity of points sufficient to spatially locate and define the envelope of the test object cross section to be imaged. A CT scan of the test object is then performed, and the CT image reconstructed therefrom is corrected with this a priori information. To expedite a priori information development, the convex hull of the test object is constructed from X-ray projection data and fitted with the probe developed measurement data to define the cross section envelope.
4969165 AUTOMATIC DYNAMIC FOCUSING FOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY Richard T Bernardi, John F Moore assigned to Bio-Imaging Research Inc A dynamic focusing device is provided for an Xray scanner, the device comprising at least one