fcrably in a phosphotriestcr Ibrm. ha,,ing a base sequence substantially complementary to a portion of messenger ribonucle...
fcrably in a phosphotriestcr Ibrm. ha,,ing a base sequence substantially complementary to a portion of messenger ribonucleic acid coding tbr a biological component, such as a protein, of the organism. Thc oligonuclcotidc has about fourteen bases or nlore, such as tv, enty-three bases. and can be a deoxyriboneuleotidc. Tile oligonucleotide sequence can be derived from the organism's ribonucleic or deoxyribonucleic acid that codes lbr a vital protein, and can bc synthesized in bulk either chemically or by insertion into a plasmid.
FURTHER GENE SEQUENCE CODING FOR HUMAN RELAXIN Peter J Hudson. High Niall, Geoffrey W Trcgear. Bullecn. Australia assigned to llov, ard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology & Medicine Genes and DNA transfer vectors for the expression of human preprorelaxin; sub-units thereof. including genes and transfer vectors for expression of human prorelaxin and the individual A. B and C peptide chains thereof: and equivalents of all such genes. Methods for synthesis of the peptides involving recombinant DNA techniques.
5023328 LEPIDOPTERAN AKH SIGNAl, SEQUENCE Max I) Summers. James Y Bradfield. Larry 1. Kccley assigned to The "lexas A&M University System A baculovirus expressiOl) vector system is constructed wherein the natural signal DNA peptide sequence associated v.ith the desired foreign gent, such as ('I)4 (T cell surface protein T4) is replaccd by the signal DNA scqucnec from the l,epidopteran adipokinetic hormone (AKH) precursor signal peptides. The exemplary Manduca sexta AKH signal scqucncc is representcd as follows: See Patent/or (Twmical Structure PS.
5034133 PURIFICATION OF HUMAN I N T E R L E U K I N - 4 FROM A CHOCELl. L I N E C U L T U R E M E D I U M David Naveh. Jay Raman. John C Tang, Leiden. N J, Netherlands assigned to SchermgCorporation Active recombinant human IL-4 is purified from a crude cell culture medium o f a CHO-cell tines mutant by subjecting said crude solution to two scquentialcation exchange chromatographies at pH 7.2 and 0.12M sodium chloride, selective chromatography on a cobalt-chelating agarose column at pH 7.2 in a buffer containing a high concentration of sodium chloride, i.e., about 0.5M sodium chloride, further treated by concentration (diatiltration) up to 20 mg/mL and size exclusion gel chromatography using a citrate buffer at pH 4.5.
Sa V Ho assigned to Monsanto Company A method for the solubilization and naturation of somatotropin from refractile bodies produced by r-DNA technology wherein the refractile bodies are dissolved in an aqueous solution comprising a chaotropic agent such as urea or guanidine hydrochloride and a soluble surfacrant such as sodium dodecylsulfate. The solubilized protein is exposed to mild oxidation lbr a time sufficient to allow the protein to form disultide bonds and refold to its native conformation. The presence of the surfaetant suppresses the lbrmation of somatotropin dimers and aggregates and results in higher yields of the desirable monomeric form of the protein.
5034224 METHOD AND COMPOSITION FOR TREATING PROTOZOAL INFECTIONS Sidne Kantor, Robert Kennctt assigned to American Cyanamid Company This invention relates to a method and composition for the control of protozoal inl~tions in warm-blooded animals by orally administering to said animals an effective amount of a new antibacterial produced in a microbiological for-