5310485 Process for dissolve gas flotation in anaerobic wastewater treatment

5310485 Process for dissolve gas flotation in anaerobic wastewater treatment

356 New Patents idants. The process is particularly effective for refractory gold ores including sulfide and carbonaceous ores. 5308448 P R O C E S...

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idants. The process is particularly effective for refractory gold ores including sulfide and carbonaceous ores.

5308448 P R O C E S S F O R THE F L O T A T I O N OF FILLERS F R O M D E I N K E D W A S T E P A P E R IN THE P R E S E N C E OF S U R F A C T A N T S CONTAINING SULFONATE GROUPS Ansga Behler, Raine Hoefer, Klaus Hornfeck, Wolfgan von Rybinski, Bottrop, Federal Republic Of Germany assigned to Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien The invention relates to a process for the flotation of fillers from deinked waste paper in the presence of surfactants containing sulfonate groups.

5310413 PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR E X T R A C T I O N OF M E T A L VALUES FROM METAL BEARING ORES Mark Hallinan, Johannesburg, South Africa assigned to African Oxygen Limited The invention relates to the extraction of metal values from metal bearing ores. More specifically, the invention comprises, in a process 10 for extracting metal values from metal bearing ores, a method of enhancing metal value recovery from the ore. The method comprises introducing, upstream of a metal recovery section 26, a gaseous agent by means of arrangements 30. The gaseous agent is capable of promoting recovery of metal values from the ore. The gaseous agent introduction is into at least one of the pipelines 20, 24, 28 conveying ore slurry or process water for use in slurry ore or for slurry make-up. The gaseous agent introduction is effected at a plurality of spaced points or zones, with the proviso that when at least one of the points or zones is in a slurry pipeline between a hydrocyclone separator and a thickener in the leaching stage, or in a water return pipeline from such a thickener to a mill, then at least one further gaseous agent introduction point or zone is provided in a pipeline downstream of such thickener.

5310485 P R O C E S S F O R D I S S O L V E D GAS F L O T A T I O N IN A N A E R O B I C WASTEWATER TREATMENT Me Roshanravan assigned to Darling-Delaware Company Inc A process for gas entrainment of wastewater in an anaerobic wastewater treatment system includes the steps of withdrawing wastewater from an anaerobic digester and piping it into a flotation container. Thereafter the wastewater is pumped into a free standing tank having pressure in the tank maintained at a predetermined level through the injection into the tank of compressed gas generated by anaerobic digestion occurring in the treatment system. The wastewater is removed from the tank and pumped through a multiple jet configuration wherein gas from the tank is entrained in the wastewater as the water is injected back into the tank. The gas entrained water is then discharged from the tank back into the flotation container where the gas bubbles particles to the surface of the water to form a sludge layer. The sludge layer formed on the surface of the water in the flotation container is recycled to the digester for further increased digestion, thereby providing an efficient flotation process with increased wastewater clarification, reduced disturbance of the anaerobic bacterial sludge layer, and efficient utilization of the gas generated by anaerobic digestion in the system.

5311997 SELECTIVE S E P A R A T I O N OF F I N E L Y - D I V I D E D M I N E R A L S BY A D D I T I O N OF SELECTIVE COLLECTOR REAGENT AND CENTRIFUGATION George E Gantt, Thomas J Adkisson, Preston B Gladin, Randall Ussery assigned to Engelhard Corporation Separation of impurities from kaolin clay is accomplished by conditioning a dispersed aqueous pulp of the clay with an anionic flotation collector, followed by centrifugation or hydrocloning to cause the impurities to settle from a dispersed pulp of the clay without an intermediate froth flotation step or a flotation waste froth is centrifuged or hydrocloned to recover valuable kaolin contained in the froth.