corresponds substantially to the extracellular domain of the human neu gene product, said protein being detectable in a biological f...
corresponds substantially to the extracellular domain of the human neu gene product, said protein being detectable in a biological fluid. In another embodiment this invention relates to assays for detecting this protein. Finally, this invention also concerns monoclonal antibodies which are capable of binding to pl00.
5604109 M E T H O D F O R EXPOSING GROUP A STREPTOCOCCAL A N T I G E N S A N D AN I M P R O V E D D I A G N O S T I C TEST F O R THE I D E N T I F I C A T I O N OF G R O U P A STREPTOCOCCI Fischetti Vincent; Bernstein David West Hempstead, NY, UNITED STATES Assigned to New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation The present invention relates to the rapid detection of Group A streptococci in clinical specimens, through the enzymatic digestion by a semi-purified Group C streptococcal phage associated lysin enzyme and the identification of the released antigens, through the reaction of a labelled ligand and its respective antigen or receptor. The labelled ligand can be included during the digestion of the bacteria, enabling the total assay time to be less than five minutes. The lysin enzyme is stabilized and can be lyophilized for in situ reconstitution.
amount dependent upon the assay result, characterized in that the developing solution includes a signal producing substrate for the enzyme. The substrate moves slower through the absorbent material than the enzyme-labelled reagent or any compound of the enzyme-labelled reagent formed in the assay. The absorbent material is suitably in the form of an elongate strip provided with transverse reagent zones. The device is useful form performing immuuoassays including immunometric assays and dual analyte assays.
5604111 M E T H O D A N D KIT F O R DETECTION OF O X A L A T E Peck Ammon Gainesville, FL, UNITED STATES Assigned to University of Florida Research Foundation The subject invention concerns the novel use of formyl-CoA transferase enzyme together with oxalyl-CoA decarboxylase enzyme for the detection and measurement of oxalate in biological samples. The use of the enzyme system according to the subject invention results in the conversion of oxalate into carbon dioxide and formate. Because the production of formate is directly correlated to the concentration of oxalate present in a sample, the determination of the resulting formate concentration provides an accurate, sensitive and rapid means for detecting even low levels of oxalate.
BINDING ASSAY DEVICE Baker Terence; Perry Martin; Fleming lan Stalnes, UNITED KINGDOM Assigned to Celltech Therapeutics Ltd A device for performing an enzyme-labelled binding assay comprises an absorbent material and a developing solution, wherein the absorbent material is provided with a plurality of reagent zones including an indicator reagent zone, and is capable of transporting the developing solution by capillary action sequentially through each reagent zone, and wherein the indicator reagent zone includes a reagent capable, directly or indirectly, of immobilizing an enzyme-labelled reagent in an
5604112 METHOD FOR DETECTING THE CARDIOTOXICITY OF COMPOUNDS Crane Paul; Orlandi Cesar Sudbury, MA, UNITED STATES Assigned to The Dupont Merck Pharmaceutical Company The present invention provides methods of testing the cardiotoxicity of compounds and kits useful for the same.