October 20-25, 1986 Buenos Aires, Argentina
5th International Conference of the IAEG
Themes of this conference are: engineering geological investigations of rock masses for civil engineering projects and mining operations; engineering geological problems related to foundations and excavations in weak rock; engineed ng geological aspects of foundations in soils; engineering geological problems related to hydraulic and hydroelectric developments; engineering geology in the developments of road, railroad, coastal and offshore projects; and engineering geological aspects in environmental planning and urban areas. Two colloquies--on engineering geology in geothermal engineering projects, and on engineering geology related to nuclear waste disposal projects--wilt be held in conjunction with the conference. In English and French; simultaneous translation. For more information write: Dr. L Primet, LCPC, 28, Blvd. Lefebvre, F-75732 Paris Cedex 15, France.
November 17-21, 1986 Santiago, Chile
Mining Latin America
Organized bythe institution of Mining and Metallurgy, this conference will cover novel aspects of the minerals industry, including finance/investment opportunities, geology, mining, mineral processing, extractive metallurgy and marketing, that have particular relevance to the Latin American region. An exhibition of equipment, products and services for the minerals industry will be held concurrently with the conference, and a number of technical and social tours will be offered. For more information write: The Conference Office, the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 44 Portland Place, London WIN 4BR, England.
Nevembe~ 1986 Beijing, People's Republic of China
Engineering in Complex Rock Formations
This ISRM sympoisum is being organized by the Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics. Subjects to be considered are; new developments in field and laboratory testing of complex formations (in-situ and laboratory testing techniques, geophysical testing and explo'ration, new procedures and data acquisition techniques, and determination of design parameters); design philosophies, methods of analyses and stability of rock slopes, dam foundations and underground structures; construction and strengthening---excavation and support with an emphasis on complex rock formations; and monitoring--back analysis, case studies, and evaluations of analytical methods, design methods, and construction techniques. For more information write: Secretariat of the ECRF Symposium, Institute of Geophysics, Academia Sinica, P.O. Box 928, Beijing, People's Republic of China.
December 1-5, 1986 Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Scientific Basic for Nuclear Waste Management
This symposium, to be offered in conjunction with the Materials Research Society fall meeting, offers scientists with an interest in the technical aspects of nuclear waste management an opportunity to present and exchange recent scientific results, The program will feature papers reviewing technical progress in a variety of subject areas with an assessment of the ability of the work to provide the information required to achieve waste disposal. The focus of papers will be the demonstration of, and license requirements for, long-term performance of waste package components from short-term data--extrapolation methods, mechanistic understanding, validation of models, etc. Possible topics include: materials interactions in a repository; waste form performance (glass, spent fuel, others); container design and corrosion; radionuctide behavior in a repository environment; radiation effects on groundwater chemistry, waste form performance, and corrosion; natural analogs for waste package components; disposal of nonhigh-level radioactive waste; and materials characterization and selection. For more information write: J.K. Bates OR W.B. Seefeldt, CMT-205, Argonne Nationa Lab, 9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne IL 60439 U.S.A. V o l u m e 1, N u m b e r 1, 1986
January 5-10, 1987 Tucson, Arizona
Second International Conference and Short Course on Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials: Theory and Application
The objective of this conference and short course is to provide a forum to bring together developments at the international level, leading to fruitful interchange of research results, cooperation, and transfer of basic research results for technological application. The conference, which will be held at the University of Arizona, is sponsored by the University of Arizona's Engineering and Computation Mechanics Program, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering and Mechanics, Rensslelaer Polytechnic Institute. Topics to be covered are (1) solids (metallic and geological materials); discontinuities; and implementation. The short course on Implementation of Constitutive Models, to be held January 9-10, will involve presentations related to geologic and metallic materials. The main aim will be to provide the participants with information on models that can be readily applied to practical problems. For more information write: Constitutive Laws Conference, Special Professional Education, Harvill Bldg., Box 9, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 U.S.A.
February 1-6, 1987 Miami, Florida
13th Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique
Sponsored by the Society of Explosive Engineers, this conference is designed to provide a forum for the exchange of information and new developments in the technology of drilling and blasting. Subject areas to be covered include: blasting systems for use in surface mines, strip mines, quarries, underground mines, and blast phenomena; geologic and engineering aspects of rock blasting; legal and insurance considerations; and theoretical approaches to problems involving blasting. For more information write: Dr. Calvin J. Konya, Society of Explosives Engineers, 6990 Summers Road, P.O. Box 185, Montville, OH 44064 U S A .
April 7-10, 1987 Stoneleigh, England
Drillex '87
The theme of this conference is "Drilling--the minerals industry and geotechnical engineering." Organized by the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy and the British Drilling Association, the conference will be held at the National Agricultural Centre. Conference sessions will cover drilling equipment--recent and future developments; drilling techniques; planning and implementation of drilling programs, including environmental considerations; exploration drilling case histories; in-the-hole equipment and methods; and geological requirements from drilling. A volume of papers will be distributed to registrants in March 1987. A Driflex '87 Exhibition, at which a wide range of international companies will display their products and services, will be held concurrently with the conference. Details of the exhibition, and application forms, may be obtained from: The British Drilling Association, Ltd., P.O. Box 113, Brentwood, Essex CM15 9DS, England. For more information about the conference write: The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 44 Portland Place, London WIN 4BR, England. Tel: 01-580 3802. Telex: 261410.
May 4-8, 1987 Engineering Geological Environment Beijing, in Mountainous Areas People's Republic o! China This international symposium is being organized by the Committee on Engineering Geology, Institute of Geology (Beijing). Themes for the conference include: engineering geological assessment of the environment in mountainous areas and engineering planning and siting; geological hazards and their prediction (earthquakes, landslides, and debris flow); and influence of engineering construction on the geological environment (engineering geological processes in man-made lake areas, influence of rock excavation on the geological environment, and quantitative analysis of the stability of rock masses). Official languages of the symposium are Chinese and English. For more information write: Prof. Wang Sijing, International Symposium on TUNNEI.LIN(; AND [INDER(;ROI:ND SPA(;E TECtlNOI.O(W