69. For an ink holder: Daniel Harrington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 22

69. For an ink holder: Daniel Harrington, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 22

#mc~~can I'a~cnLs' / , r /Jpvil: ,oil/a Remarks 1(;7 v~m~ wilh ice cw s,o~; and beiDg ol a uniform tlfickness, sets easier W tim foot ot the animal...

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.#mc~~can I'a~cnLs' / , r /Jpvil: ,oil/a Remarks


v~m~ wilh ice cw s,o~; and beiDg ol a uniform tlfickness, sets easier W tim foot ot the animal, and on account of the pressure being e.qual on all sides, is tar more du table than the common horse shoe." Instead o1' a groove for the nail beads, countersinks are made, and ~utds suiting them pass in llush. 67. For an improvemenl in the /lorizonlal £'quare Piano Fo~.ac; Ebenezer it. Curcier, Boston, Massachusetts, April 22. The objects claimed to have I)een aceomplishe, d by this improvemerit are the tbllowing: The making each hammer strike one or more strings, as in the grand piano tbrte; fer which purpose the hammer rail is made to shit~ by mean,~ of a pedal. TI~e placing the key board exactly midway of tbe instrument, giving a compass; of seven octaves, and preserving greater symmetry and beauty than by tim ordinary arrangement. The runnnlg of the braces very near to the strings~'thus attaining great strength and lightness, with the property of keeping iu tune. A.s these advantages depel.,.d prin.cipally upon the arrangement of fi~e action~ a drawing would be necessary to their explanation. 6S. t or the application of power to the E.z'lraet'z~ G" o/~glunzl)s o/' 7'tees; Wlllard " " '|'ostcr, Oswc,,go, "" _tioga county, • _New " }.orko April 22. A straight post of about nine feet in length, with a cross piece of timber morticed on to its lower end,to prevent it from sinking into the ground, is placed at the distance of about two feet from the stump to be ;aise.'l; its upper cud is to incline so as to stand over the stump. A chain, one cam of wlfich is firmly attached to the stump, passes over, and rests upon the vpper end ~" the post first mentioned; the other eml of the chain is to be fi-tstened round another stump, or any convenient tixed object. If this chaht be then shortm~ed by any means, and all the attachments be secure, the stump will be raised. This shortening is proposed to be etli:ctcd t,)3" means of a tackle attached to' the ehaL,l., drawing it laterally; or by means of a long lever with chain and hooks near to one end of it, which hooks may be so attached to the main chain, that by twisting the lever it may draw forcibly upon them. There is no claim mad% but we are tohl that ~'tlle power may be aptflied to extracting stumps~ raising weights, drawing up vessels, moving buildings or other ponderous bodies, and such part of the machine, or the whole, applied, as will eflbct the object," As no new power, or maelfine, is brought into action, but means resorted to which have been heretofore applied in various ways, we presume it wouhl have been best to have confined the deseriptiou to the raising of stumps, because it is probable that such part as has been heretofore employed for other purposes, may still be freely nsed. ~;.qo For :m I n k .l[oh[er: Daniel ]Iarringtm~, Philadcll)hia~ Pennsylvania, April 2-L