Selftest for printer controller The selftesting capability previously announced by MDB Systems as a feature of its DEC LSI-] I controllers has now been incorporated into Data Channel (DMA) line printer controllers for use with Data General Nova and Eclipse-type computers. This announcement marks a significant advancement in the use of selfdiagnostic peripherals for Data General applications. The new MDB controllers called MDB 42XX are designed to interface the Data General computers to all major industry printers with Centronics, Dataproducts, Data Printer and GE TermiNet interfaces. The selftest capability of the controller is comprised of two individual features called PrinTest and loop back and is coupled with LED visual indications for transmitted data and printer status signals. PrinTest, a switch activated feature, causes the controller to transmit to a connected printer a prescribed pattern that will check all features of an operational printer except VFU functions. The PrinTest mode can also be engaged remotely by applying a low going (ground) signal to a prescribed pin on the printer interface connector. For remote applications where the printer may be located several hundred feet from the computer, or on a different floor, this allows flexibility for problem diagnosis. The second test function, loop back, enables the controller to react to the CPU as a complete printer subsystem, even though a printer is disabled or not connected to the controller. This switch activated mode allows for controller verification of proper
MDB's data channel line printer controller for Data General type computers 488
operation or for troubleshooting of the controller without the normal association of printer noise and wasted paper. The edge mounted LEDs present the status of the data as presented on the eight data lines at the controller I/O connectors in normal operation, as well as when in the PrinTest or loop back modes. In addition, the data acknowledge signal is visually displayed by an LED as well as a printer ready or error condition. This error/ ready signal can also be transmitted back to the printer to light a status indicator if one is installed on the printer. The MDB 42XX printer controller also includes a horizontal tab memory feature and can be used with printers with or without an electronic VFU. Device addressing is switch-selectable and a programmable interval timer/ real-time clock is also available as an option. (MDB Systems, Inc., 1995
North Batavia Street, Orange, CA 92665, USA. Tel: (714) 998 6900. Telex: 01- 593 1339)
measurement such as pattern recognition, defect detection and image analysis. The J-SCAN board is intended for use as an evaluation and prototyping aid, yet it can be incorporated directly into systems using the CCD111A. Supplied fully assembled and tested, power supplies of 5 V and 15 V are all that are necessary to operate the board. The video output signal from the board can be readily displayed on an oscilloscope for further evaluation. Detailed technical information accompanies the board. (Fairchild Camera and
Instrument (UK) Ltd, 230 High Street, Potters Bar, Herts EN6 5BU, UK. Tel." (0707) 5111 I. Telex: 262835)
8-bit plus 4k An 8-bit single-chip microcomputer, the TMS7040, has been announced by Texas Instruments. The TMST040 offers the features of the TMS7000 family's previously introduced members - TMS7000 and TMS7020 (see
Microprocessors & Microsystems
Image evaluation board Fairchild Camera and Instrument have introduced a low-cost board for the evaluation of charge-coupled device (CCD) imaging technology, the I-SCAN design development set. Priced at £69, the I-SCAN is a 4½ in by 4 in PCB on which is mounted a CCD111A, Fairchild's 256-element line scan image sensor, plus the support components needed to drive it. A line scan image sensor consists of a row of precisely-defined photosensitive elements. It produces at its output terminals a video signal which corresponds directly to an image focussed onto these elements. Solid state image sensors can be used in applications ranging from optical character recognition and facsimile systems to high-precision noncontact
July/August 1981) - plus increased applications capabilities due to 4 kbytes of onchip ROM. Like the other members of the TMS7000 family, the TMS7040 features a microprogrammable instruction set. The TMS7040 implements its entire instruction set using only 160 microinstructions, with 48 bit per microinstruction. Some instructions in the TMST040s instruction set may be modified to enhance the user's unique application. The standard TMS'/040 instruction features more than 70 instructions. Typical instructions are executed in iust 2.8/us. In addition to the 4k of onchip ROM, the TMS7040 offers 128 byte of RAM and is capable of addressing up to 64 kbytes of on and offchip memory. Other features include 32 individual I/O lines, five memoryexpansion modes, three levels of vectored interrupts and a powerful 8-bit timer with programmable 5-bit prescaler. (Texas Instrument Ltd,
Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7PA, UK. Tel: (0234) 67466)
microprocessors and microsystems