00039 Progress in coal pyrolysis research

00039 Progress in coal pyrolysis research

01 Solid fuels (sources, winning, properties) Nitrogen functionality in coals snd coal-tar by X-ray photoelectron 8p8CtrO8COpy Buckley, A. N. Fuel P...

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Solid fuels (sources, winning, properties)

Nitrogen functionality in coals snd coal-tar by X-ray photoelectron 8p8CtrO8COpy Buckley, A. N. Fuel Process. Technoi., 1994, 38, (3), 165-179. 95tooo35 determined


The forms of nitrogen in several Australian coals, a coal-tar pitch, a mesophase prepared from the coal-tar pitch, and the isotropic phase in equilibrium with the mesophase, were determined by XPS. In agreement with previous studies, nitrogen in the coals was present predominantly in pyrroiic and pyridinic forms, with the proportion-of pyrr&c being greater than pvridinic in each case. A N(lsj comwnent near 401.5 eV was assi&id to a protonated or oxide for& bf pyribinic nitrogen. On this basis, the total proportion of pyridinic nitrogen was comparable with the reported value determined by X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy for a US bituminous coal. Pyrrolic nitrogen was also the predominant form of nitrogen in coal-tar pitch.

95mo43 Ruhrkohlr Mine grtr lntrlligent control/monitoring syrtem Coal, Supplement - The Switched-on Mine, Sep. 1994, 99, (9).

Discusses whv todav’s minine industrv can no longer manage without electronic c&trols, Huch as pGgramm;ble lo ‘c c&olles, d&ktop personal computers and mini-computers. The nee I?for more intensive systems are constantly becomin more extensive and complex, thus placing-heavy ~. and maintenance personnel. demands on the skill o! operatmg 95/00044 SalaCted 88peCt8 Of appiled CO81 p8trOgraphy in South Africa Snyman, C. P. Process Mineral XII, Miner. Met. Mater. Sot., Warrendale, PA, USA, 1994, 411-423.

The paper describes how three independent methods of coal classifications can be distinguished based on grade, type, and rank. The latter two can be determined accurately and unambiguously only by means of microscopical techniques. These three independent variables affect all coal properties and therefore also the technology behaviour of a particular coal. The influence of the inorganic constituents of coal on the fusibility of the ash, and also on fouling and slagging are discussed.

Schoell, M. et al., Org. Geocirem., 1994, 21, (6), 713-719. 95lOOO37 Or anlc oxygen and nitrogen trandormatlonr during pyrOly8l8 0 7 coal Kelemen, S. R. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem.,

1994, 39, (1). 31-35. The paper &cusses the chemical changes in organicall bound oxygen and nitrogen forms using XPS following mild pyrolysis or Argonne Premium coal. The evolution of CO,, CO and Hz0 during pyrolysis was quantified, and their appearance was associated with the loss of hydroxyl and carboxyl functional groups present in coal. 95100036 PrlnClpal Component anlly8i8 Of upgraded W88t8rn Canadian coals ;I$;;~ W. I. and Ogunsola, 0. I. Fuel Process. Technol., 1994, 38, (3), . -

95/00045 prrdlction

SlmUl8tOr for d8gS8ifiC8tlOn, mrthsne 8ml88lOn and mlnr ventllatlon Patton, S. B. et al., Min. Eng. (Littleton, Cola.), 1994, 46, (4), 341-345.

Describes a computer model which uses the relationshio between the interactive and dynartiic processes of methane drainage, mitiing and ventilation. The model includes simulation of the coalbed methane reservoir for prediction of gas emission rates under the influence of degasification wills and longwall mining, ventilation network- eneration, and ventilation simulation. As mining progresses step-wise tf rough the coalbed-methane reservoir. the ventilation network is created and subseauentlv simulated. iteratively determining fan requirements to safely redu& methane concentrations. The model can also be used to quantitatively study the effectiveness of methane degasification on the ventilation systems in a longwall panel. Some





In coal

Three Western Canadian coals of different rank were upgraded by evaporative drying in several atmospheres at up to 500”. Data from proximate and ultimate analyses, along with equilibrium moistures and heating values, were evaluated by principal component analysis. Significant changes in the products occur at >400 for lignite and >300” for subbituminous B and high-volatile C bituminous coals. No significant differences were observed when the data for the upgraded coals were compared with published data for naturally occurring Western Canadian and US coals of the same rank.

The paper provides several instances of the use of basic geochemistry in coal science using Australian bituminous coals as examples. The mode of occurrence of manganese is related to associations with siderite and calcite, the reason being cation replacement. High concentrations of boron, arsenic, phosphorus and other elements in deposits found in some boilers were due to the presence of boron phosphate.




In coal pyrolyrir


Solomon, P. R. and Serio, M. A. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (l), 69-73. Discusses the recent progress in coal pyrolysis research. Topics discussed include bond breaking, retrogressive and crosslinking reactions, effects of cations and water aid oxygen, effects of macromolecular network, tar vaporization, and visocity. 95/00040 and future



of coal rcience:

Past, present

Gorbaty, M. L. Fuel, Dec. 1994, 73, (12), 1819-1828. More fundamental knowledee of coal in terms of its structure and behaviour during various conve&ion processes is essential for generating the new technologies that will be required for the efficient and clean uses of coal as an enirgy source in the future. In this paper, the current state-ofthe-science in each of several areas including coal characterization, combustion and liquefaction is discussed, along with suggested research opportunities in each area. These suggestions are coupled with an assessment of the impact such research programmes could have if successful. 95/00041 Queensland resource8 of black coal - July 1994 Queensland Government Mining J., Sep. 1994, 95, 10-17.

Reports that the Department of Minerals and Energy estimates of proven black coal resources in Queensland as at 1 July 1994 amount to 34,328 million tonnes in situ of which some 13,254 million tonnes may be classified as coking coal. 95/00042 Relatlonshlp between carbon aromaticltler ratios for bituminous coals

and H/C

Maroto-Valer, M. M. er al., Fuel, Dec. 1994, 73, (12), 1926-1928. Carbon aromaticities for a selection of 19 bituminous coals and vitrinite concentrates have been obtained by solid-state ‘“C n.m.r. using the inherently quantitative single pulse excitation technique. Within experimental error, ihe aromaticity-vaiues in the range 0.75b.90 correlate-extremely well with the WC ratios (R2=0.931:the 11 samoles investieated with H/C ratios between 0.74 and d.77 all h&e aromaticiiies in the range 0.75-0.81. Furthermore, the correlation holds for the coals investigated with high inertinite contents.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts



Swaine, D. J. (21, . ,. 482-485.

Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39,

SOrptlV8 prOp8rtl88 Of COO1 from th8 I8hldel8koe da oalt of thr lrkutrk reglon and low-trmparature coke from lrr t a-Borodlnrk coal Vyaxova, N. G. and Kryukova, V. N. Khim. Tverd. Topl. (Moscow), 1994, (2), 15-17. (In Russian)

95/00046 Spat101 Varlabillt in mOd8rn tropical p8Ot d8pO8lt8 izay Sarawak, Malayala an cy Sumatra, lndonerla: Analog8 for

Esterle, J. S. and Ferm, J. C. Inr. J. Coal GeoL, 1994, 26, (l), 1-41. Petrographic and chemical variability of two tropical, low-ash, domed peat deposits of similar age and physiological settmg, but different external morphology, were examined as modem analogs for coal. Both occur in microtidal alluvial to deltaic plain settings, support similar arborescent vegetation and have accumulated in the past 5000 years. 95100049 Structura and reactlono of Baypazarl Ilgnltr. 1. Characterization by 92 NMR and IR ?? tudlaa Yurum, Y. and Altuntas, N. Fuel Sci. Technol. Int., 1994, 12, (7),

1115-1129. Describes how the solid-state ‘% NMR and IR spectra of Beypazari lignite were deconvoluted by the least-square curve-fitting techniques to resolve the overlapping bands in the O-220 ppm region of the 13CNMR spectra and in the 4000-2700 cm”, 1860-900 cm” and 900-400 cm-’regions of the IR spectra to gain information about the structure of the lignite. 95/00050 A rtud of COOI facie8 Mahanadi Valley, In c!la

In the Korba


Singh, R. M. and Dwivedi, C. S. Inr. J. Coal GeoL, 1994, 25, (2), 113-132. The authors report that in the Korba sub-basin an effort has been made to study the coal facies with the help of maceral content, microlithotypes, chemical constituents of coal and by depositional milieu. Macerals like vitrinite when associated with sporinite strongly characterized freshwater conditions, i.e. limnic and telmatic. Macrohthotypes of this sub-basin mostly reflect conditions of a high groundwater level in a swamp forest. Microlaverinp observed in clarite sunnest a certain chase of starmant water conditidns in-a subsiding sub-basin:Durite indicates sub-aquatic facies. Carbominerite is more useful in studying lateral facies and the decrease of carbominerite content towards the eastern part of the sub-basin points to the existence of eutropic swamp conditions.