01 Study of relation betwrrn slrotrlo conductivity and coal macromolecular structure Zhang, G. et al., Meiran Zhuanhuu, 1994, 17, (2), 10-13. (In Chinese) Discusses the electric conductivitv of coal sam~ks collected from Nantonn colliery, China. The relation beiween the el&tric conductivity and cod macromolecular structure are also discussed. Results are valuable for the study of electric properties and gasification of coal.
95100052 Study on gas permeablll of coal by mean8 of acouatlc emlaalon methods. I. Hyateraa7 a In gaa parmaablllty of coal and gas permeation formula Nakaiima, I. et al., Shinen to Sozai, 1994, 110, (l), U-60. (In Japanese) The ieversible and irreversible changes in gas p&meability‘of coal was investieated bv an acoustic emission method. Gas oermeabilitv tests of coal specimens weie conducted under increasing or d’ecreasing p&ssures. The gas permeability of coal was governed by opening and closing of cracks of gas-permeable coal. Therefore, it was either reversible or irreversible depending on the gas pressure applied and the gas pressure in the cracks. It was found that the gas permeabdity of coal vaned depending on the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the acoustic emissions. Sulfur-contalnlng phenol-formaldehyde realna to model the thermal chemistry of organic aulfur forma In coal8 Ismail, K. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, f21. 551-557. Crosslinked sulphur-containing phenol-formaldehyde resins! incorporating as the sulphur component, dibenzothiophene, di-Ph sulphide, Ph benzyl sulphide, and thioan’lsole, were prepared for use as calibiants for temperature-programmed reduction and as coal model reactants to probe such reactions as hydropyrolysis and the interconversion of sulphides into thiophenes. A mole ratio of 3:l was adopted to ensure. that a reasonably high degree of crosslinking was achieved in the initial preparation of the polymers.
Solid fuels (preparation)
Preparation 95moo6O Actlvatad carbon8 for removing phenol from coel ualng fluldlrad-bad reactor Yang, S. et al., Meitun Zhuanhua, 1994, 17, (2), 25-30. (In Chinese) The latest technique, manufacturin active carbons in one st by using fluidized-bed reactor was used in t%* IS study. The influences oI coal rank, operating conditons, and mineral matter in the coal on the phenol adsorption by activated carbon have been investigated. Addltlvaa for pulverized coal for pravantlon of acatterlna of aulfur oxldaa WakaJayashi, I. and Morita, K. (Assigned to) Mitsubishi Materials Corp., JAP. Pat. JP.O6,158,069, Jun. 1994. 95/0Qtt61
Adventures In macaral aeparatlon Dvrkacz, G. R. Preor. Pao.-Am. Chem. Sot.. Div. Fuel Chem.., 1994.39. ,, (l), 214:218. Discusses coal macerai separation techniques. Includes liberation, demineralization, wetting and dispersion, and separation. 95/ooo62
TNT-free water-raalatant axploalvea for underground mlnlng Wen, R. (Assigned to) China Mining Industrial University, Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingsku CN.l,079,951, Dec. 1993. 95100054
Tools of the trade Carter, R. A. Coal, Supplement - The Switched-on Mine, Sep. 1994, 99, (9). A cornerstone of mining automation technology is the capability to collect, analyze, and transmit large amounts of data at rates that enables mechanized or computerized mining and process equipment to operate in a realtime environment. Like any other industrial activity, automation has invented or borrowed tools, techniques, and jargon to achieve its objectives. These tools range from material items such as sensors or microprocessors to the more abstruse concepts of expert systems, neural networks and fuzzy logic. 95100055
Trace element contents in bltumlnoua coal seam8 with varlous mlnaral roups Schroeder, R. et al., GBueckauf-Forschungsh., 1994, 55, (2), 45-49. (In German) Discusses the statistical evaluation of the results of trace element contents and mineral presence in bituminous coal of the Ruhr Carboniferous (Germany) field.
Trace elements In coals and their emlaalona Devito. M. et al.. Proc. Am. Power Conf. 1994. 56. (11. 438-443. In anticipation oP regulatory requirements bf the ‘Clead Air Act Amendments for trace element emissions from coal-fired power plants, CONSOL Inc. has developed a data base for product coals containing information on content and variability of elements in coal, ash, heat content, in addition to information on removal efficiences (in cleaning), emissions related to coal sources, boiler configuration, and particulate control devices.
naca feed Kimura, K. May 1994.
Apparatus for dry pulverlzlng of coal for blast fur(Assigned to) Kawasaki Steel Co., JAP. Par. JP.O6,145,736,
Appllcatlon of wet and aubmargad proceaaaa to sulfur oxidation In coal bv Thlobaclllua farroxldana Guell, C. and Giralt, J. Afin&aulad, 1994, 51, (452),+277-283. Experiments were carried out on wet (in Petri dishes) and submerged desuiphurization of coal with Thiobaciilus ferroxidans, focusing on the effects of particle size temperature, and moisture content of the samples. Pyritic sulphur removal (oxidation) was best carried out at the optimum growth temperature of the bacteria, above which removal decreased. No improvement in the amount of sulphur release was observed with increasing sample moisture content using the wet process. 95100064
A blndar for manufacture of coal brlquata for gaalflcatlon Ye, J. Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu CN.1,080,316, Jan. 1994. 95100065
Blodagradatlon of hard coal and lta organic extract by aalactad mlcroorganlama Osipowicz, B. ef al., Fuel, Dec. 1994, 73, (12). 1858-1862. Biotransformation of powdered hard coal and’ its organic extract was achieved by means of Piptoporus betulinus, Nocardia rubra and Pseudomonas aureofaciens in aoueous medium. The arocess of depoiymerization wa; evaluated on tde basis of chromatograph:; &asp&l trai data. Gas chromatograms, high-performance size exclusion chromatograms and u.v., i.r. and ‘H n.m.r. spectra are discussed. 95/00066
95100067 Brlquattlng of flna coke and Induatrlal gaalflcatlon teat Song, Y. et al., Meitan Zhuanhuq 1994, 17, (2), 37-42. (In Chinese) Describes how fine coal with a binder was briquetted in a pilot plant.
Brlquattlng proceaa of brown coal Song, J. et al., Huaxue Yu Nianhe, 1994, (2), 84-92. (In Chinese) In this paper the effect of water content, size, additive and pressure of brown coal moulding of briquettes are described. 95/00066
Vltrlnlte reflectance as a maturlty parameter: Appllcatlons and llmltatlona Mukhopadhyay, P. K. and Dow, W. G. feds) ACS Publications, American Chemicul Society, De r.338, PO Box 57136, Washington, DC.20037-0136, USA, $79.95, 1994,806 pp. Describes applications and limitations of vitrinite reflectance in relation to microscopic features, geochemistry, and basin modeliing. Includes chapters on the chemical transformation of vitrinite macerals using pyroiysisgas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and NMR, FI’IR, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Describes correlation of vitrinite reflectance to other physical and chemical maturity/rank parameters. Discusses the application of kinetic and other numerical or geochemical modeiling to solving major geological problems.
The chamlatry of ozone condltlonln In tha aalectlve flotation of macroacoplc foaall raaln from a tah Waaatch Plateau coal Yu, 0. et al., Coal Preparation, 1994, 15, (l), 35-50. Ozone conditioning can be used for the selective flotation of macroscopic fossil resin (resinite) from coal by treatment of the resin/coal suspension for an appropriate period of time prior to flotation. In the way, a significant improvement in resin separation efficiency can be achieved, but the chemistry of ozone reactions and its influence on particle behaviour have not been reported. The improvement in the selective fossil resin flotation by ozone conditioning has been found to be due to (a) the improved depression of fine coal particles, which is evidenced from contact angle measurements, chemical analysis, and FAIR spectroscopic examination; and (2) the improved dispersion of the resin/coal suspension in which the coagulation between resin and coal particles in suspension was significantly reduced by ozonation as evidenced by optical microscopic observation.
Water-contalnlng exploalvea and their uaaa In open oit mlnlna Sumya, F.-et al., (Assigned to) Nippon Oils & Fats Co.Ltd., JAP. Pat. JP.O6,128,071, Dec. 1993.
95/00070 Coal deaulfurlzatlon-daaahlng method ualng mlcroraanlam Oomuray N. et al., (Assigned to) Denryoku Chuo Kenkyujo, JAP. Pat. JP.O6,49,466, Feb. 1994.
Fuel and Energy Abatracta January 1995 5