By-products releted to fuels
Intagratod approach to coal ash optlmum utillzatlon Sarma, C. S. and Viswanath, K. Proc. 1992 Nat. Cot+ Cem. Build Mater. 95100375
Ind Wastes, Tata Mffiraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi, India, 141-146.
The paper reviews coal ash as a valuable mineral raw material that can be used for the manufacture of building material, extraction of minerals, etc. Production of superior-quality material as a replacement for conventional materials such as stone chips is possible. Assimilation of non-Indian technology and development of Indian machinery are immediate necessities. Principal producers of coal ash should plan and help projects for beneficial utilization of coal ash to meet the ever-growing demand of housing activity. A brief study on an integratred realistic approach for coal ash optimum utilization monitoring in India is attempted m this paper. 95100376 urfaca propartlaa of Avgamaaya Invratlgatlon of ?? aaphaltlte Guevenc, A. et al., Fuel Process. Technol., 1994, 38, (3$ 211-221. Surface properties of Avgamasya (Turkey) asphaltite were Investigated by adsorption of N and CO,. In order to see the effect of ash content and pyrolysis temperature on the surface properties of asphaltite, samples were washed with 15 vol.% HCI to reduce the ash content, and then yrol zed in N at 773-l 173 K. Surface areas measured by CO, adsorption P3-3dml/s) were higher than the areas measured by nitrogen adsorption (2-47 m’lg). Demineralization and pyrolysis changed the surface properties of samples. Klnatlca of the hl her alcohol aynthaala over a Kpromoted CuO/ZnO/AI,O, cataByat Boz, I. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Sep. 1994, 33, (9), 2021-2028. Detailed kinetic experiments of higher alcohol synthesis over K-promoted CuO/ZnO/Al,O catalysts have been performed usin an internal recycle reactor operated at 4 MPa and between 548 and 578 I!. It was found that a 0.5% K-promoted catalyst, a stoichiometric H,CO ratio (a proximately 2), and a low (2%) CO, concentration were favourable for iso&utanol yield. In contrast, for the synthesis of methanol, a higher K loading, H,/CO ratio, and CO, concentration were found to be favourable.
Morphology and traca rlemont contents of tha fly ash from Maln and Northorn Ilgnlto flolda, Ptolomala, Graaco Georgakopoulos, A. et al., Fuel, Nov. 1994, 73, (ll), 1802-1804. Morphological and elemental characteristics of fly ash from lignites in Ptolemais coalfield, Northern Greece, were studied using scanning electron microscopy and inductively coupled plasma. Morphologically, fly ash consists of irregularly shaped, oval and spherical particles. Plerospheres, cenosphres and <5 microns spherical particles are also present. The fly ash is enriched in W, Ni and Cr, as compared to Clarke’s earth. However, it is enriched only in W compared to the 1000°C lignite ash from the same lignite basin. The trace elements investigated are grouped into three cateories: (1) with organic affinity (W); (2) with inorganic affinity (MO, Pb, f , Cu, Ni, V, Cr), and (3) with intermediate affmity (SC, Co, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Yb). A new molecular machanlca computer program for glant fullsranra and nanotubra Borstnik, B. and Lukman, D. Fullerene Science & Technology, 1994, 2, (4), 357-366. The molecular mechanics computer program is designed to study the structure of fullerenes with icosahedral symmet and carbon nanotubes. The program takes full advantage of symmetry. % e program predicts meaningful conformation, energies of formation for symmetrical fullerenes as well as for the carbon nanotubes for which also the elastic properties are calculated. 90ioo305
95/00376 Llquafactlon of low-rank coals as a potent181 source of apeclalty chrmlcala Huang, L. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (Z), 591-595. Three low-rank coals (i.e. Big Brown subbituminous, a Montana subbituminous coal, and North Dakota lignite) were liquefied in Tetralin or lmethylnaphthalene at 250-450“ and 7 MPa H (cold) for 30 min. in the presence and absence of ammonium tetrathiomolybdate catalyst precursor m an attempt to produce. l- or 2-ring aromatic chemicals. Optimum conversion occurred at 400’. Reactions without catalyst or donor solvent was very low for all three coals. Manufacture of actlva carbon for polaonoua matarlal removal y;iiT, (Assigned to) Kyatara Kogyo KK, JAP. Pat. JP.O6,100,311, Apr.
Describes the manufacture of active carbon which is useful for removing poisonous material from gases or liquids. Manufacture of carbon fibers wlth optlcal Isotropy Kakazu, T. and Aida, Y. (Assigned to) Osaka Gas Co.Ltd., JAP. Pat.
JP.O6,158,433, Jun. 1994.
95/00381 Manufacture of hydrocarbon waxes by FlacharTropach synthesis Fujimoto, K. et al., (Assigned to) Ube Industries; Fujimoto Kaoru, JAP. Pat. JP.06.172.223.
Jun. 1994.
A process’for ‘the ‘manufacture of waxes with high molecular weight by contacting H/CO mixture gases with catalysts containing lO:(l-20):(0.3-5) Co-lanthanides-Ni in gas phase at 180-250”. Manufacturr of light-weight foamed bulldlng matarlals uslna coal aahaa as maln raw matarlala Yoshida, I?. et al., (Assignid to) Chubu Electric Power; Inax Corp., JAP. 95/00302
Naw aami-wet procaaa ualng coal ?? halea In Wartr II cement plant Duda, J. World Cem., 1994, 25, (3), 20, 22-25. Describes the modernization of the cement kilns and a channe in the kiln firing system. A semi-wet technology has been developed wzh the use if coal shales as part of the raw matenal and as an additional source of heat. 95100306
Naw tachnology for contlnuoua praparatlon of anode pasta Hohl, B. and Buehler, U. Light. Met. (Warrendale, Pa.), 1994, 719-722. Presents an interesting new process for the preparation of anode paste. It represents the alternative to the conventional process technology which has remained almost unchanged for decades. The process is based mainly on the electric heatink of the dry substances as well as on the subsequent, separate homogemzing and cooling in an intensive mixer and a mixing cooler. 95m307
A note on fullrrmas Malkevitch, J. Fullerene Science & Technology, 1994, 2, (4), 423-426. The purpose of this note is to provide a simple proof of the result that there exist 3-valent 3-polytopes and 12 pentagons and h hexagons (h is not equal to 1). Such 3-polytopes are often now referred to as fullerenes. 95/00380
On aaarmbllng fullaransa from ldrntlcal fragmanta Babic, D. and Trinaistic, N. Fullerene Science & Technoloav -- 1994, 2. 95loo309
(4), 343-356.
A combinatorial covering of the fullerene graph by identical fragments has been considered. Fragments involved in various proposed mechanisms for fullerene formation were examined. A search for Hamiltonian circuits has also been undertaken. On the corn oaltlon of volatllra rvolvad durlng the productlon of carbon a8 aorbenta from vagrtablo wastes Razvigorova, M. Fuel, Nov. 1994, 73, (ll), 1718-1722. Gas and liauid oroducts evolved in the orocess of carbon adsorbent oroduction by s&m ‘pyrolysis of apricot stoics and coconut shells are ‘investigated. The oils are separated by an extrographic procedure, and the obtained fractions are analysed by gas chromate aphy-mass spectrometry. The basic part of the identified compounds are 8.envatives of phenol, guaiacol, veratiol, syringol, resorcinol, free fatty acids and esters of fatty acids. The comparative study of the pyrolysis products of apricot stones and coconut shells reveals some differences, referring mainly to the lipid parts of the raw materials. 95100390
Pat. JP.O6,166,579, Jun. 1994.
A process where coal ashes, forming aids, and more than 1 binders selected from waste ceramic glazes, blast-furnace slags, and ashes formed by incineration of sewage water treatment sludges are mixed, moulded, and fired for melting the binders and expanding of air in the coal ashes to give porous ceramics. 95100383 Mathod for modlflcatlon of coal ash88 by hydrothermal treatment Kato, H. and Meguro, M. (Assigned to) Nippon Steel Corp., JAP. Pat. JP.O6,48,726, Feb. 1994.
A process for the modification of coal ash by adding alkali and hydrothermal treatment to obtain oorous crvstalline material. Tbe alkali is added to the coal ash in advance!’primary hydrothermal treated under atmospheric pressure, and then eqmvalent of Al20 source is added, and secondary hydrothermal treated. The modified coa I ashes can be used for adsorbents, deordorants and ion exchangers.
Fuel and Enargy Abstracts January 1995
95100391 On toroldal azulenolda and other ahapaa of fullarma cage Kirby, E. C. Fullerene Science & Technology, 1994, 2, (4), 395-404. The wssibilitv of toroidal cage of carbon with reoeatinn five and seven membered r&g pairs (azulenz units) upon their &ace’s is briefly discussed. Some of the difficulties in recognising possible fullerene cage shapes are pointed out. Parformanco of high-voluma fly ash concrata In large ?? xparlmontal monoliths Bisaillon, A. et al., ACI Mater. <, 1994, 91, (2), 178-187. Presents the comparative data on high-volume fly ash concrete made with ASTM Type I cement, and control concrete for mass concrete applications made with ASTM Type I cod a modified version of ASTM Type II cements. 95100392