00672 Initial operation of first 13E2 shows promise

00672 Initial operation of first 13E2 shows promise

10 Combined cyclr plus fired chp for Kernsly Mill 95m660 psper works Modern Power Systems, Sep. 1994, 14, (9), 55, 57, 59, 61. Describes a highly flex...

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10 Combined cyclr plus fired chp for Kernsly Mill 95m660 psper works Modern Power Systems, Sep. 1994, 14, (9), 55, 57, 59, 61. Describes a highly flexible combined cycle chp plant at Kemsley Mill paperworks in Kent, UK, which will replace an old steam generating system which burnt 5000 te of coal per week. Using exhaust heat recovery boilers with both auxiliary and sup lementary firing with provisions for bypassing the Frame 6 gas turbine, tKe plant will produce steam for use in three paper mills at the Kemsley Mill site and another at Sittingboume. It will also generate electricity for use by the paper mills with the surplus being fed to the regional electricity supply company, with substantial savings in environmental impact.

Engines (power generation and propulsion, electric vehicles)

Flow modollng In turbofan mlxln duct 95lo6669 Tsui, Y. Y. and Wu, P. W. Numercial Heat TransPer, Part A, Applicadons, Aug. 1994, 26, (2), 219-236. A computational procedure is described to study the mixing flow in a multilobe turbofan mixer. The predictions have been obtained using a finite volume method to solve the density-weighted time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. Turbulence is characterixed b the k-e eddy viscosity model. To fit the Irregular boundaries of the flow fyteld, the curvilinear nonorthogonal coordinates are employed. 95/00670 Gas saturators Shono, T. and Hashimoto, K. (Assigned to) Ishikawajima Harima Heavy

Ind, JAP. Pat. JP.O6,170,196, Jun. 1994.

Dlstrlbutrd control of Aylrsford paper mill CHP 95/00591 Modern Power Systems, Oct. 1994, 14, (lo), 37, 39. State of the art distributed control for the new combined heat and power plant for the SCA Aylesford paper mill in Kent, UK, has been seamless1 merged by Valmet Automation mto the existing Damattc KD system whtc .K controls the steam generation boilers Nos. 1 to 5 and number 8, site steam distribution and electricity for three paper machines. 95166662 ElectrIcal problems, machines, rqulpment Clerici, C. Insrallarore Iral., Jul. 1994, 45, (7) 1049-1061. An in-depth analysis of the components and technical problems with combined heat and power systems. 95/00563 Energy economy 94 Holwerda, B. Gas (Netherlands), Nov. 1994, 114, (11), 572-573. (In Flemish) Now that the period of reflection about the construction of new cogeneration units is ended, the Ener Economy 94 trade fair is the perfect stocktaking opportunity. In the g ield of power generation cogeneation has become the prime o tion. Within Europe Hollnd is in the cogeneration lead, but interest in tKe combined production of heat and power is steadily increasing in other countries as well. Exergstlc comparison of two KRW-based IQCC 95lQO664 power plants Tsatsaronis, G. er al., J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 1994, 116, (2), 291-299. Two configurations of the Kellogg-Rust-Westinghouse based integrated gasification-combined cycle power plants were compared from their exergy viewpoints. Exsrgoeconomic rvaluatlon of a KRW-based ICXC 95lW665 power plant Tsatsaronis, G. er al., J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, 1994, 116, (2), 300-306. One configuration of an integrated coal gasification-combined cycle power plant, using the Kellogg-Rust-Westinghouse (KRW) process, was analyzed from exergetic and economic (i.e. thermal and economic) vawpoints. This design configuratton uses an an-blown KRW gasifier, hot gas cleanup, and two General Electric MS7001F advanced combustion turbines, with operation at 3 different gasification temperatures. 95/00666 Exergorconomlc optlmlzatlon of a cogenrratlon plant Alvarado, S. and Gherardelli, C. Energy, Dec. 1994,19, (12), 1225-1233. The paper illustrates, with a specific example, the methodology presented in a previous paper for the exergoeconomic optimization of complex, multicomoonent-multioroduct svstems. The aoolication selected is a coneneration plant (the C&AM problem) to whfch methodologies develo-pd by different authors have been applied previously. The CGAM problem involves a regenerative gas-turbitie system and a-heat-recovery steam generator producing 30MW (net power) and 14 kg/set of saturated steam at 2 MPa. 95/06667 Feaslblllty study of the power supply of a hospltal based on cogenrrstlon Cassitto, L. and Rixzi, A. Installatore Ital., Jul. 1994,45, (7), 1042-1048. (In Italian) Discusses the practical application of combined heat and power in an 800bed hospital in Italy. 95lO6666 Flrxlblr manufacturing of ABB turbochargers Stihl, M. ABE Review, 1994, (8) 4-12. Discusses how flexible manufacturing plays a key role in the success of ABB Turbo Systems, helping to keep the market leader in turbochargers for 500 kW-plus diesel engines at the cutting edge of this highly competitive business. Advanced machining methods and robotics are the cornerstones of the company’s new, future-oriented manufacturing strategy.

A process where gas saturators are equi ped with a pump-containing bypass line for mixing of the HrO-saturate B gases with gases containiig a low amount of moisture to evaporate mist in H,O-saturated gases. The satutators are especially useful for increasing the water content of synthesis gas from coal gasification by gas-liquid contact. 95100971 Hot-gas cleanup for coal-based gas turblnas Cicero, D. C. Mechanical Engng., Sep. 1994, 70-75. 95100972 lnltlal operatlon of first 13E2 shows promlw Modern Power Systems, Sep. 1994, 14, (9), 19, 21, 23. The initial ooeratine exuerience from the fist ABB 13E2 industrial aas turbine may have been partly overshadowed by the announcement of&e 240 MW GT26 at the turn of the year, but at present the 13E2 is commercially the more important machine as well as being the basis of GT26 development. Initial operation of the first 13E2 at Kawasaki’s gas turbine research facility at Sodegaura near Tokyo has been impressive. 95iQ0573 Keeping cool when the heat Is on Anthony, M. Mine & Quarry, Oct. 1994, 23, (lo), 20-21. In a country where the summer and winter climates seem to have merged into an endless autumn, engine cooling is not often viewed as a high priority. But as anyone who has seen a wheel loader stood idle suffering from overheating, cracked heads or piston seixure will confirm, coolant selection is as vital as the quality of the chosen fuel and lubricating oil. 95l66674 Malayslan dlrsrls make a black start Isles, J. Modern Power Systems, Oct. 1994, 14, (lo), 65, 67. Reports that Malaysia, like most countries in southeast Asia, has laid down plans, to boost its wer generation capacity to meet a rapid growth in electricity demand. c uch of this added capacity will be in the form of gas turbine based plants operating in either simple or combined cycle. A key element to the start-up and synchronization of these plants with the grid are the diesel engines used for ‘black start’. 95166675 Measuring turbine blade vlbratlon Ziegler, H. ABE Review, 1994, (9), 31-34. The moving blades of turbines have to be designed to withstand very high static and dynamic stresses. Although the static stresses can be measured or calculated with approximately the same accuracy, the dynamic stresses are determined more exactly by experimental means than through theoretical work. Blade vibration measurement has consequently evolved into an important area of turbine engineering. At ABB Turbo Systems’ Laboratory for Thermal Machines in Baden, Switzerland, vibration measurements are carried out on turbocharger, steam turbine and gas turbine blading. The diversity of the assignments reflects the broad experience and know-how the laboratory offers in the area of turbine blade development. 95100976 The Mldwrst Power PCFB drmonstratlon project, Ahlstrom Pyroflow PCFB technology Drvden, R. et al.. Proc. Am. Power Conk 1994. 56. (2). 911-918. Describes the Ahlstrom Pyroflow first-generation pre&ued circulating fluidixed-bed (PCFB) process which is a combined-cycle r generation system based on a conventional Rankine cycle combine with the expansion of hot pressurized flue gas through a gas turbine in a Brayton cycle. A technical and economic comparison of the original 80 MW design of the repowering of the Midwest Power’s Des Moines, Iowa, Energy Center Unit No. 1 using the Pyroflow process is given, with several alternative configurations. 95166677 Natural gas vehicles motor around the United Klngdom Gorman, T. and British Gas plc, Natural Gas Fuels, Feb. 1994, 24-25. Reports that in order to support development of natural gas vehicles in the UK, British Gas has launched a research programme, and spends in excess of 1 million pounds sterling each year. 95/06676 Opportunltles and limits for dlstrlct hratlng In Hanover’s new energy concept Ebeling, H. J. Fern. Inc., Jul.-Aug. 1994, 23, (7), 364-371. (In German) Describes the new district heating system in Hanover, Germany.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1995