00692 BEM formulation for steady-state conduction-convection problems with variable velocities

00692 BEM formulation for steady-state conduction-convection problems with variable velocities

17 Process heating, power and incineration (energy applications in industry) 95/006?9 Opportunitlrs for combined heat and power in Europe Chadburn, ...

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17 Process

heating, power and incineration (energy applications in industry)

95/006?9 Opportunitlrs for combined heat and power in Europe Chadburn, R. MDIS Publications, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, 1994, 154 pp.


Discusses combined heat and power systems in Europe. Gives a profile for each country.

Energy Applications in Industry 95/00660 Organlslng a CHP In a brewery Wallace, M. Energy in Buildings & Industry, Sep. 1994, 13, (8), 32, 34. Details the problems overcome before and after the installation of CHP at the Joshua Tetley & Son Ltd brewery in Leeds. S!ilOQ66l Power to the people Parsons, J. A. and Patterson, M. C. Gas Engng. Mgmnf, Jul.-Aug. 1994, 34, 187-190. The paper describes the concept of domestic combined heat and power using the existing natural gas supply to distribute the energy and to generate electricity for internal consumption in individual homes. 96100662 Tailor-made CHP outdoing dlstrlct heatlng Hoving, K. and Vriend, J. Gas (Netherlands), Oct. 1994, 114, (lo), 504-505. (In Flemish) Well considered, both district heating and tailor-made CHP are a form of cogeneration. In a comparative evaluation made by Gasunie tailor-made CHP was found to be by far the better option. By applying combined heat and power production in district heating schemes energy savings are achieved indeed, but according to current insight tailor-made CHP has an additional saving potential of about 4 billion m’ natural gas equivalent in Holland. The costs would be some billions of guilders less. Transmlsslon systems MER, Marine Ennineers Review, Jul. 1994, 37, 39. Specialists in mar&e gearing, clutches and couplings must satisfy varying and sometimes conflicting demands for operational flexibility, reliability, low noise and comuactness from transmission systems. But advances in design and productibn techniques, materials and -&trols are contributing to innovative solutions for versatile single- and multi-engine propulsion installations with power take-offs for alternators, and for the new generations of large high speed ferries.


Unnatural gas - Integrated gaalflcatlon In power 95/00664 generation Emsperger, W. IEE Review, Nov. 1994, 40, (6), 273-276. Gas-fuelled power generation has made great advances over the past decade, largely through the introduction of combined-cycle operation. Developments promise to extend these advances to other fossil fuels. Varlotram - The light rall concept of the future 95/00665 Gottschalk, G. ef al., ABB Review, 1994, (4), 26-32. Users of urban public transport expect fast, regular service, a high standard of comfort and safety, ecological soundness and an affordable ticket, while service operators’ priorities are economy, safety, reliability and operational flexibility. The Variotram is an urban transit system designed to meet the requirements of both users and operators. Its design concept combines innovative technology with proven systems and components, and emphasizes overall economy. The Variotram is the world’s first low-floor light rail system with gearless hub motors to be based completely on modular principles. A prototype was delivered to the Germany public transport ooerator Chemnitzer Verkehrs-AG in December, 1993, and will undergo thals in Chemnitz this year. Village combined heat power (CHP) atatlona - How 95/00666 are the aconomlca Marcussen, C. TOWS Danvak, Aug. 1994, 30, (9), 6-9. (In Danish) Reports on 27 local natural-gas fired combined heat and power plants which have been established since 1990 in North and Central Jutland, Denmark. 95100667 Wabash Rlver Coal Gaaltlcatlon Repowerlng Project Foster, M. D. Proc. Am Power Co@, 1994, 56, (2), 1697-1701. The Wabash River Coal Gasification Repowering Project will demonstdrate, in a commercial utility setting, the repowering of an existing enerating unit as part of an integrated gasification combmed cycle umt.8 IGCC), using Indiana hi h-sulphur bituminous coal. The unit, when complete, ~111 be the largest Id CC unit in qperation in the US and will have a unit net iominal output of 262 MW with an expected net heat rate of 8974 Btu/kW-


Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1995

95/00666 Adaptive TMP rdlner control system baaed on optlcal conslatency measurement Sutinen, R. et al., ABE Review, 1994, (9), 10-18. Thermomechanical pulping (TMP) is a relatively complex and difficult process to control, in large part because of the non-linear dependencies that exist between the pulp quality and the control variables. Conventional methods having proved unsuccessful for optimum TMP plant contra!, ABB has developed a unique device for in-line measurement of the consistency in the pulp stream after the refiner. The measurement can be combined with an adaptive, multivariable strategy to control both the fibre flow rate to the refiner and the consistency during refining. %/0%69

Al Taweelah B deaallnatlon approaches completion Oct. 1994, 14, (lo), 19, 21. Already the second largest sea water desalination/power plant in the world, the truly gargantuan Al Taweelah B project in Abu Dhabi is now ready to start commissioning just as the major suppliers begin to anticipate the prospect of the even larger project - Al Taweelah C - which will probably represent investment of some $1700 million. Modern Power Systems,

Analysis of tuyere zone In blast furnace ualng coke Heo, N. H. et al., RIST Yongu Nonmun, 1994,8, (2), 203-209. (In Korean) Using coke sampler, internal characteristics of tuyere zone in Kwangyang No. 1, 2, and 3 blast furnace was investigated. Samples taken from the tuyere during shut-down period were analyzed by physical and chemical tests in accordance with operation data analysis. Aaymptotlc snd numerlcal solutions for thermally 95lQO691 developlng flowa of Newtonian and non-Newtonlan ftulda In clrcular tubes with unlform wall temperature Prusa, J. and Manglik, R. M. Numercial Heat Transfer, Parr A, Applications, Aug. 1994, 26, (2), 199-217. Methods that predict heat transfer rates in thermally developing flows, imoortant in eneineerinn desien. are often cornoared with the classical &&z problem.~Surp&gly, &me&al solutioni to this roblem generally do not give accurate results in the entrance region. &is inaccuracy stems from the existence of a singularity at the tube inlet. By adopting a fundamental approach based upon singular perturbation theory, the heat transfer process in the tube entrance has been analyzed to bring out the asymptotic boundary layer structure of the generalized problem with nonNewtonian flows. Using a standard finite difference method with only 21 radial nodes, results within 0.3% of the exact solution to the Graetz problem (Newtonian limit of generalized power law fluid flows) are obtained. 95/00692 BEM formulatlon for steady-state conductlon-convectlon problems with varlable velocltlea Gupta, A. et al., Numerical Hear Transfer, Parr B, Fundamentals, Jun. 1994, 25, (4), 415-432. Discusses the development of a boundary-element method (BEM) for steady-state conduction-convection problems with an arbitrary velocity field. Compressed alr coats - leakage. Beat practice 95/00693 programme Building Research Establishment, BRE, 1994, 4 pp.

Discusses the savings and wastage of compressed air and how this can be improved. Compresalng alr coats - Generatlon. Beat practice 95loo694 programme Buildinn Research Est. Enernv Consumption Guide 40, 1994, 6 pp.

One of i set of three Guidesrelating to compressed air. Indicates areas where wastage occurs, and highlights low cost measures for improving efficiency. Compreaalng alr coats - Traatment. Beat practice 95/00695 programme Building Research Est., Energy Consumption Guide 42, 1994, 4 pp.

Presents one of a set of three Guides relating to compressed air.