(pollution, health protection, safety)
Q5100557 Influence of coal typo on water spray auppraaalon of alrborna raaplrabla duat y;kyi$ak, J. A. and Leon, M. H. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 1994, 21, (2), Discusses a laboratory study which was conducted to study the water spray capture efficiency of airborne resoirable dust from 9 bituminous coal
95/00555 Influence of low-frequency alactromagnatlc flalda on living organlama Ashok Kumar, B. S. er al., Elecrric Power Systems Rer, Sep. 1994, 30, (31. \ 229-234. Recent research reports appear to indicate a real possibility that the lowfrequency electromagnetic field produced by the power transmission and distribution network presents a health problems. A critical assessment of the available information is presented. The state of knowledge, available evidence and conflicting reports indicate a definite need for interim action by the power industry. I.
%/Wee9 Intarnatlonal organlzatlon worklng on mlna aafaty and health Lauriski,D. D. AhfCJ., Sep. 1994, 80, (Y)?18-19. A report on the 254th Session of the govemmg body of the International Labor Organization 1994 Conference. lntroductlon to Babcock and Wllcox’a 100 MBtu/h 95/00590 Clean Envlronmant Davalopmant Faclllty Flynn, T. J. er al., Proc. Am. Power Co& 1994, 56, (2), 1301-1306. The paper describes the Babcock and Wilcox Clean Environment Development Facility at Alliance, Ohio, which has a 100 X lo6 Btulh capacity which can bum a wide range of pulverized coals, No. 2 and No. 6 fuel oil, or natural gas. The facility, is a state-of-the-art test facility that integrates combustion and post-combustion testing capabilities, including a pulverized coal feed system, a prototype furnace and convection pass, air heater, dry scrubber, and baghouse. %/00591 la It polaon? Pon, M. AhfC J., Sep. 1994, 80, (9), 7-8. POISON. In an instant, you are en aged in a word associaton game. Like any previous experience you had pf aying this game, your response probably was placed in context of your knowledge, experience or imagination. Mining contaminant+ particularly those that affect the lungs, are high on the agendas of the Mme Safety and Health Administration MSHA) and its advisor agency, the National Institute of Occupational Sa$ety and Health (NIOSH). Discusses the different kinds of contaminants associated with the mining industry. Lavala of heavy matala In clinker and camant 95iwes2 Sprung, S. and Rechenberg, W. ZKG Inr., Ed B, 1994, 47, (5), 258-263. (In German) 95lW593 strategy
95looss7 Mercury amlaalon raductlon ualng actlvatad carbon with spray dryer flus gaa daaulfurlzatlon && R. and Felsvang, K. Proc. Am. Power Conj, 1994, 56, (I), Activated carbon, in conjunction with spray dryer absorption, was used to enhance the removal of air toxics from incinerator flue gases for several years. The paper describes recent development work in cpplying the activated carbon technology to coal fired boilers. Presents results of studies characterizing the inherent mercury removal efficiency of full scale dry scrubbers in Europe and the USA, and the results of activated carbon testing at a full scale installation. Also reports on the results of several recent pilot plant research projects. 95lOO590 Method and apparatus for traatlng a flow of gas contalnln oxldlzad sulfur compounds to obtain ona of aulfurlc acid, con3 anaad sulfur dloxlda, and sulfur Greefkes, J. er al., (Assigned to) Hoogovens Groep BK, PCT Int WO.94,13,578, Jun. 1994.
The method comprises treating the gas, e.g. flue gas from coal combustion,
to obtain a first component flow containing 30% or more of the total sulphur oxides and a sicond component flowcontaining at least part of the remainder of the total sulphur oxides, converting the first component flow into a concentrated gas containing sulphur oxides in a concentration of 2.5 vol.% or more, and converting the sulphur oxides in the second component flow into H,S, and supplying the concentrated gas and the H S to an apparatus for manufacturing one of H,SO,, condensed SO, ani S. The apparatus comprises a wet scrubber, a degasifier, and an anaerobic reactor. Monltorlng of potantlal carclnoganlc polycycllc 95100599 aromatlc compounds In tha amlaalon from coal combuatlon Cui, W. et al., J. Environ.Sci. (China), 1994, 6, (I), 78-81. A review giving a comprehensive summary of the study on the monitoring of potential carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in the emission of coal combustion. Some PACs in the stack gases of coal-fired boilers have been determined with a procedure which consists of isokinetic stack sampling, extraction, preseparation, and some instrumental analysis steps. The results indicate that the air pollution of PACs in China are related closely to the coal combustion.
LIFAC aorbant lnjactlon: An altarnatlva SO, control
HeNok J. et al., Preor. Par).-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (2), 386-390. Describes the LIFAC sorbent injection technology, which was selected by the Clean Coal Technology Program as an alternative method for desulphurization of power plant flue gases, and its advantages and disadvantages. The LIFAC system combines conventional limestone injection into the upper furnace region with a post-furnace humidification reactor located between the air preheater and the electrostatic precipitator. This roccss produces a dry! stable waste product that is removed from both the 1ottom of the humidification reactor and the electrostatic precipitator.
Managlng powar plant trace aubatancaa amla95100894 alona: An ovarvlaw tt;_hslW. and Torrens, I. M. Proc. Am. Power Conf, 1994, 56, (l), The papkr discusses EPRI’s PISCES research programme which was created to improve the understanding of chemical emissions from power plants. The aim is to characterize industry emission profiles and produce mformation and tools for utilities to assess emission risks and evaluate alternative control options. Interim results from this research indicate microgram per cubic metre levels of emissions for many trace substances. Further research is being carried out with additional emphasis on mercury species behaviour and its removal under varying flue gas conditions. The maralnal coat of CO., amlaalona 95100895 A& C. Energy, Dec.7994, 19, (12), 1235-1261. Haraden’s model for estimating the economic cost of global warming is analysed. The author changed his method of discounting and some of his input arameters in a manner consistent with hysical and economic theory as we P1 as empirical data. He found much lu*$:et costs than Haraden found. These costs are compared to the cost of reducing CO emissions and it was found that dee cuts of the emissions of CO, are prekrable. A check of the sensitivity oft ge results with respect to some crucial parameter values does not alter that conclusion.
95/005Q5 Mass-tranafar modal of marcury ramoval from water vla mlcroamulalon llquld mambranaa Larson, K. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Jun. 1994, 33, (6), 1612-1619. A diffusion/reaction model is developed for mercury extraction using a microemulsion liquid membrane. The model incorporates the uniqueness of the mercury-oleic acid chemistry by including the role of oxygen in the surfactant on equilibrium extraction and stripping. Features wluch distinguish microemulsions from coarse emulsions are also taken into account. The differene is manifested primarily in the emulsion macrodrop size.
Fuel and Energy Abstracta January 1995
More on North Korea. Commant from Europa 95/ooWo Rippon, S. Nuclear News, Jul. 1994, 37, (Y), p. 43. Discusses the June 7 report to the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Authority, by Director General Hans Blix on the North Korean situation as being like a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing. Mutaganlclty of ash from munlclpal waata 95/oo901 Inclnarator Yoshino, H. and Urano, K. Haikibursu Gakkai Ronbunshi, 1994, 5, (l), 11-18. (In Japanese) The genotoxicity of fly ash samples from 23 plants and bottom ash samples from 10 plants was estimated by the Ames mutagenicity test. Naural natworka for NO, control 95100902 Reinschmidt, K. F. and Ling, B. Proc. Am. Power Conj, 1994, 56, (l), 354-359. The pa er discusses neural networks which were developed to empirically model K 0, formation in a utility boiler as a function of various parameters and settings. Using test data obtained from an actual boiler, neural networks were trained to predict NO, production under various conditions. Using the neural network prediction model, the optimal control settings for overfire air, burner tilts, O,, auxiliary air, and other parameters can be determined including under faulted conditions. 95/oo903 A new approach to dacompoaltlon of nltrlc oxlda ualng aorbantlcatalyat wlthout raduclng gas: Us8 of hataropoly compounds R;t3y T. and Chen, N. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Apr. 1994, 33, (4), .