00953 Suspended particulate matter and SO2 emissions from Guru Gobind Singh Thermal Plant, Ropar (Punjab)

00953 Suspended particulate matter and SO2 emissions from Guru Gobind Singh Thermal Plant, Ropar (Punjab)

75 Environment (pollution, health protection, safafy) R eneratlon of flue sa deaulfurlzation wsste 95/00939 efitatlon and hydro9yais of nltrogen-sulfu...

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75 Environment (pollution, health protection, safafy) R eneratlon of flue sa deaulfurlzation wsste 95/00939 efitatlon and hydro9yais of nltrogen-sulfur Ilquora: Pfeclp compounds Kwon. T. M. and Randoloh. A. D. Ind. Em Chem. Res..I ADS. . 1994., 33., - ’ (4), 942-949. Rcgcneratioon of the FE”ZDTA scrubbing liquors for simultaneous removal of SO, and NO, in flue gas involves removing the nitrogensul hur (N-S) compounds accumulated in the li uor. In this aper, the autx ors investigate a simple regeneration process w%*lch selective Py precipitates the N-S compounds as potassium salts and then hydrolyzes them to yield ammonium/potassium sulphate as a marketable byproduct. The authors believe this is the first report on precipitation and hydrolysis characteristics of N-S compounds in actual waste scrubbing liquor. Precipitation of the N-S compounds was achieved by adding K*.SO,to the scrubbing liquor. 95lOao39 Removal of rraenlc from aqueoua solution by sdsorblng collold flotation Peng, F. F. and Di, P. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res:, Apr. 1994, 33, (4), 922-928. Adsorbing colloid floation (ACF) with ferric hydroxide as the coprecipitant, anionic surfactant sochum dodecyl sulphate and the collector, and nitrogn microbubbles has been shown to be effective in removing arsenic from low concentration of arsenic aqueous solutions (approximately 10 mg/dm’. Experiments were conducted to assess the effects of H, dosages of SDS and Fe(III), gas flow rate, foreign anions including R O,-, S0,2w, and PO,“, and Al(II1) addition on the efficiency of the arsenic removal by ACF. Removal of sulfur oxldea by catalytic carbon 95lOO94Q Hayden, R. A. (Assigned to) Calgon Carbon Corp., PCT. WO.94,16,799, Aug. 1994.

Describes an improved process for the removal of sulphur oxides from gas or liquid media containmg oxygen and water by contacting the media with a catalytically active carbonaceous material (char). 95l00941

95laOQ45 Sources of stmoapherlc carbon monoxide Badr, 0. and Probert, S. D. Applied Energy, 1994, 49, (2), 145-195. Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the main reactive trace gases in the earth’s atmosphere: it influences both the atmospheric chermstry and the climate. In order to evaluate the atmospheric budget of CO, knowledge of the emission rates from, and the, geographic distnbution of, the individual sources are re uired. CO is released into the atmosphere naturally and anthropogenica9ly: at present, the emission rates from these two categories of sources are comparable. However, the rates of emission from man-made sources have been Increasing steadily since industrialisation began, and are expected to continue growing with changes in population and economy. Although the major sources of CO are known, estimates for their emission rates are still uncertain. 95/00949 Spontaneous lgnltlon -A hazard In biomass-fueled power productlon Wilen, C. and Rautalin, A. Int. Conf Adv. Thermochem. Biomass Convers., Blackie, Glasgow,

UK 1994, 1645-1658.

Discusses a study of the spontaneous ignition of biofuels at atmospheric and elevated ressures by a dynamic method. The ignition temperature of bark, peat an8. hgnite has been measured for different sample sizes, and the results were extra lated by the Frank-Kamenetakii method to full-size storage bins. Resu p” ts are compared with the ex rience obtained from the operation of a commercial pressured peat gas1.p” ler of 140 MW.

Research needs for radlatlon protection

NCRP Publicarion, 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 800, Bethesda, MD.20814, USA, $20.00, 54 pp. The report contains the recommendations of the National Council on Radi-

ation Protection and Measurements in addressing research needs for establishing guidelines for radiation protection. 95/00942 Tokyo Kokado, M.

95loo947 Sorption of As and Se on mlneral components of fly ash: Rolevance for Ieachlng proceases Van der Hock, E. E. et of., Appl. Gcochem., 1994, 9, (4), 403-412. The authors compared the leaching of As and Se from fly ash with the sorption of arsenate and selenite on hematite, portlandite, and mullite. It was possible to describe the leaching of As and Se from acidic fly ash with a model of surface complexation with Fe oxides. Sorption reversibility of arsenate on all 3 minerals was less or at least slower, than that of selenite. This feature may partly explain that the fraction of As available for leaching from fly ash is generally lower.

Research on the treatment of fly ash from MSWI In Haikibutsu Gakkaishi, 1994, 5, (l), 46-59. (In Japanese)

95/00943 A response to the UK natlonal programmr for CO, emlsslons Falls, I. and Woolhouse, L. Energy Policy, Aug. 1994, 22, (E), 666-684. Following the decision of the UK government to sign the Climate Change Convention at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 the government has been obliged to produce a national plan with the aim of limiting carbon dioxide emissions for the period up to the year 2000. The paper outlines the proposals for action in the plan and identifies, with the aid of a computer model GEMINI-UK, the likelihood of realizing these aims rather than alternative policies. 95/00944 Seoaratlon svstem of CO. from boiler exhaust oaa Saji, A. Nenryo’Oyobi Neniho! 1994, 61, {6), 403-413. (In Japanese? Describes the separation of CO, m flue gases from coal, oil, or natqral gasfueled boilers ixi two systems: -a membiane separation-adsorption; and an adsorption-low temperature fractionation. 95/00945 Site remedlatlon and the regulatlon of toxic chemicals Connolly, T. J. Nuclear News, Jul. 1994, 37: (9), 60-61. Discusses the recent news announcing formation of an America1 Nuclear Society Technical Group for Decontamination, Decommissioning, and Restoration, which is not surprising, given the state of nuclear fission technology in our society. It suggests to the author that some nuclear technology professionals may be encountering regulations of hazardous and toxic materials for the first time. The author states that for what it may be worth, I offer my perspective. 95100946 SO, removal by NH, gas lnjectlon: Effects of temperature and molature content Bai, H. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., May 1994, 33, (5), 1231-1236. The removal of SO, by NH, gas injection at various temperatures and moisture content has been studied experimentally. The product compositions of the NH$O,-H,O vapour reactions were also reported. A thermodynamic analysis was carried out to predict the SO removal as well as the product compositions. Both the experimental resut ts and thermodynamic analysis indicated that SO, removal and the product compositions are sensitive to the reaction temperature.

95/ooQ50 State regulation. SCE, PO&E face off wlth Callfornla PUC on shutdown Nuclear News, Jul. 1994, 31, (9), 24-25 Reports that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) continues its consideration of a proposal to close permanently the San On&e nuclear station near San Clemente, California. In its reuort to the full CPUC, the Division of Ratepayer Advocates concluded thai continuing to opera& San Onofre was not cost-effective compared with the cost of replacement power. The DRA claims the state could save money by closing the plant and utilizing demand side management pmgrammes and power purchases from other utilities to replace the power for San Onofre at a lower cost. 95/00951 Studies on mutual effect of removal of SO,, NO,, and fly ash by high-voltage poaltlve pulse corona Ning, C. et al,, Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue, 1994, 14, (2), 123-127. (In Chinese) Mutual effect of DeSO /DeNO, and removal of fly ash from simulated flue gas, which was made b y combining SO,, NO, and fly ash with air, was studied by utilizing high voltage positive pulse comna produced by nanosecond pulse voltage generator. Ash can remove sulphur oxides but cannot remove nitrogen oxides. Experimental results and theoretical analysis suggest that it is possible to integrate the DeSO,/DeNO, corona process with the fly ash collection system in a reactor or a electrostatic precipitator with several electric fields. 95100952 Study of the direct eulfatlon of Ilmeatone partlcles at hlgh CO, partial pressures Fuertes, A. B. ef al., Fuel Process TechnoZ., 1994, 38, (3), 181-192. Reports on an investigation carried out on the reaction between SO, and limestone particles at high CO, partial pressures by thermogravimetric analysis under isothermal conditions using a raw limestone at 750-950”. By analyzing the dependence of time on fractional conversion, according to the shrinking unreacted core model, it was concluded that diffusion through the product layer is the controlling step. Suspended particulate matter and SO, emlsalons from Guru Goblnd Slngh Thermal Plant, Rooar IPunJab) . - . Singh, C. et al., Pollur. l?es., 1994, 13, (l), ?9-Si. Discusses a study of suspended particulate matter and SO, emissions from the Guru Gobind Singh Thermal Plant, Ropar, Punjab. 95100953

95lo0954 Suatalnable development and the energy Induatrier: Implementatlon and Impacts of envlronmental leglalatlon Steen, N. RIIA, London, 1994, 329 pp. Proceedings of a workshop which examined the interaction between environmental legislation and the energy industry.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1995 55