Fuel science and technology (fundamental science, analysis, instrumentation)
Flue gas analysers getting more accurate 95/00999 Nieuwenhuis, B. and Ogink, R. Gas (Netherlanh), Nov. 1994, 114, (ll), 576-578. (In Flemish) The qualify of CO measuring instruments has definitely improved over 1992, says GASTEC after having completed a relevant study in October. Nonetheless, there are still various instruments on the market that exhibit big measuring errors. Meanwhile criteria has been set for certification of this type of instruments. Early 1995 the first certified CO measuring instruments are expected to appear on the market. 95/00990
Fractlonal factorial drslgn for energy systems Gustafsson, S. I. et al., Applied Energy, 1994, 49, (3), 215-222. Nowadays, when powerful computers are on almost every one’s desk, it has become more and more common to use complex energy-system models in order to predict the use of electricity and heat in buildings. At the same time, it has been harder to grasp the overall solution because of all the details implemented in such a model. A method that could help the operator to find the important parts in the model would therefore be of great interest. Traditionally this is addressed by using so-called sensitivity analyses. The authors have examined nine parameters in order to rank their importance for the output energy balance. The interactions between these nine parameters have also been studied using the same method. Getting It right - slmulatlon of computer systems 95/00991 Carr. A. and Lee. A. IEE Review, Nov. 1994, 40, (6), 255-258. Difficulties in the successful intioduction of cokpiter systems have reached crisis proportions. The authors of ERA Technology, describe how computer simulation methods can be used to tackle the problems. Hlgh temperature gas chromatography for the anal95100992 ysls of fossll fuela. A revlew Philp, R. P. J. High Resolut. Chromatogr., 1994, 17, (6), 398-406. The paper discusses the advances that have occurred in terms of the application of high temperature gas chromatography to the analyses of fossil fuel samples, and discusses the possible origin and significance of highmolecular-weight compounds that have been identified. High-temperature pyrolysls of ketens In shock 95100993 waves Hidaka, Y. et al., Combustion & Flame, Oct. 1994, 99, (1), 18-28. The high temperature pyrolysis of ketene was studied behind reflected shock waves using both a time-resolved UV-absorption method (200 mn) and a single-pulse method (reaction time betwen 1.7 and 2.1 ms). The studies were done for the mixtures of 0.26% ketene and 2.2% ketene diluted with Ar in the temperature range 1102-1921 K at a total pressure range of 1.2-2.7 atm. From a computer-simulation study, a 38-reaction mechanism for the high temperature pyrolysis of ketene was developed. Industrial electrostatics - Fundamentals and 95100994 measurements Taylor, D. M. and Seeker, P. E. f35.50, $58.95, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Bafins Lane, Chichester, PO10 1 UD, UK Aug. 1994, 284 pp. The book is aimed at those who need to understand and monitor industrial electrostatic effects. It details a thorough treatment of the basics and introduces the mechanisms by which static is generated. A detailed, functional description of the required instrumentation is given which allows measurement of charge, electric field, potential, minimum ignition energy, resistivity and charge relaxation time. Infrared ?? pectroacoplc evidence of an Iron(car95100995 bonate complex on the surface of pyrlta Evv;g$ V. P. and Huang, X. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 1994,50, (7), * Pyrite separated from coal refuse pyritic shale in Pennsylvania and two other, well-crystallized, pyrites were studied by diffuse reflectance FI’IR after ex sure to various treatments. The treatment included oxidation by 0, at 1$ % relative humidity, several months exposure to atmospheric air at room temperature, bubbling with CO,, and washing with 4M HCl, etc. The Inatallatlon and use of elactronlc gas Volume 95100996 converslon svstems In&&on of Gas Engineers, London, 1994, 33 pp. Provides details of the installation, commissioning, validation, monitoring and maintenance of electronic devices to convert-gas meter volume readings to standard reference conditions. Intellectual property rlghta for englneera: The legal 95loo997 protactlon of lnnovatlon Irish. V. Insiturion of Electrical Engineers, f40.00 (HE), f20.00 (PB), 1994, 197pp. *
Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1995
95loo909 Internal droplet clrculatlon Induced by aurfacedriven rotatlon y;gyiy C. M. et al., Int. J. Heat & Fluid Flow, Oct. 1994, 15, (5), The pap;r presents a combined theoretical/experimental study of internal liquid circulation induced by droplet surface rotation. A numerical model is presented first, examining the fluid transport within a spherical liquid volume whose surface is subjected to rotation about a central axis. The model predicts that the steady-state motion established from spatially nonuniform surface rotation has a helical character and bears little resemblance to the toroidal internal flows developed within droplets under axisymmetric conditions. Similar internal flow patterns are predicted for temporally varying surface rotation occurring during droplet spin-up or spin-down. lntroductlon to fluld machanlca 95100999 Fay, J. A. The MIT Press, 55 Hayward St., Cambridge, MA.02142, & I1 Chenies S!., London WCIE 7ET, $49.95, 608 pp. The book IS a mathematically efficient introductory text for a basal course in mechanical en ‘neerin . More rigorous than existing tests in the field, it is also distinguls? ed by ta e choice and order of subject matter, its careful derivation and exolanation of the laws of fluid mechanics. and its attention to everyday exaniples of fluid flow and common engineehng applications. Beginning with the simple and proceeding to the complex, the text introduces the principles of fluid mechanics in orderly steps. At each stage practical engineering problems are solved, principally in engineering sisterns such as dams, pumps, turbines, pipe flows, propellers, and jets, but with occasional illustrations from physiological and meteorological flows. Introductory dlgltal algnal roceaalng wlth com95101ooo puter appllcatlona (Revlaad edltlon t dir Ii ) Lynn, P. A. and Fuerst, W. f19.95, $31.95, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Ba@s Lane, Chichester, PO19 IUD, UK Aug. 1994, 370 pp. Digital signal processing continues to be of vital importance in a wide varietv of areas. This revised edition of an acclaimed text gives a uractical account of the subject. In it the author identifies sonic of the main problems and pitfalls of DSP and details how to interpret the results of signal processing. Throughout the text, computer programs are employed to illustrate the fundamental concepts of DSP and to facilitate the practical desi n of digital filters and processors. For this revised edition they are in c. #I e three and half inch PC disk - now uackaned in free - urovides a graphic display of the results of p;ocessing example signals and’allows the reader to take an interactive role by experimenting with the program. A solutions manual will be available, Meterlng of two-phase Ilquld-llquld emulslona: A 95torw1 state of the art revleiu Pal. R. Ind. Ena. Chem. Res., Jun. 1994, 33, (61, 1413-1435. Meiering of two-phase liquid/liquid em&ions‘ i; im ortant industrially. However, despite the industrial importance of the pro glem, this topic has received little attention in chemical en ineering literature. This is the first comprehensive review of the topic. Foflowing a brief discussion about the industrial application of emulsions, the working principles of various emulsion metering techniques available to date, are discussed (albeit briefly). Where possible, the limitations of these techniques are pointed out. Various on-line techniques for calibrating the flowmeters (proving devices) are reviewed as well. Maters and the duallaatlon of utllltlea 95/01w2 Marvin, S. Energy Utilities, Jul. 1994, 22-26. Discusses the implications of new metering technology. Method for the group se aratlon of non-ortho95lO1003 monoortho- and multi-ortho-subatltut e$ polychlorlnated blphen la and polychlorlnated dlbenzo-p-dloxlna polychlorlnated dYbenzofurana ualng sctlvated carbon chromatography Kocan, A. et al., J. Chromatogr. A., 1994, 665, (l), 139-153. Describes the develooment of a cheat. efftcient and reliable method for the separation of mono-brtho-/nonortho:;ubstituted polychlorinated biphenyls multi-ortho-PCBs and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-diox(PCBs), ins/polychlorinated dibenzofurans from one another and from other interferents. The method was used successfully for the fraction of PCB technology formulations (Delor 103 and 105), municipal waste incinerator fly ash and biological samples (human adipose tissue, butter, egg and fish samples). The method is suitable for both mass spectrometrtc and electrocapiure detection. Mlcrocomputera and electronic Inatrumentstlon: 95/01004 Meklng the rlght connectlona ACS Publications, American Chemical Sociery Dept.338, PO Box 57136, Washington, DC.20037-0136, USA, $75.00, 1994, 424 pp. The book contains clear concise descriptions and diagrams of concepts, devices, circuits and systems. Covers how microcomputers operate and explores the use of microcomputers in science and technology. Includes microcomputer fundamentals such as digital data formattin.# transmission . and storage, and converting and acquiring data in scientl c mstrumentation. Contains the basics of supplying power to instruments and computers and how to measure and control analog and digital systems.