18 Energy conversion and recycling 95lO1105
Taachlng the taachara: An anargy aducatlon strategy LaHart, D. Solar Today, Nov.-Dec. 1994, 8, (6). 21-22. The author describes how high quality materials and an implementation workshop contribute to the success of a Florida high school energy cducation project. 95/01106 Tachnology foraalght programma Energy World, Oct. 1994, (222), 15-17. Discusses a recent in-depth review of the Institute of Energy, culminating in the reorganisation at the Devonshire Street headquarters which identified a number of areas where it was felt that members should be better informed about the Institute’s work on their behalf. One such area is communication with government, and the Institute’s most recent response in published in full. 95/01107 Try tha balovad country Cardy, S. Petroleum Review, Nov. 1994, 48, (574), 517-518. Imagine a country with a wealth of largely undiscoverd mineral resources, which was prepared to offer some of the most attractive exploratin terms in the world. Thus is how the new South Africa is presentmg itself to the international community but is the offer really as good as it seems? 95lOllO0 Unlty and dlvarganca In golng to Eastern Europa Raauen, W. Gas (Netherlands), Oct. 1994, 114, (lo), 520-522. (In Flemish) This year energy distribution company EDON joined the Twente Energy Institute (TED, a regional cooperatrve scheme combining participants with supplementary knowledge in ener y matters, including Stork Boilers, Twente Technical University, AB P$ AMRO Bank and engineering firm Telbodin. If one of the partners is granted an order it cannot handle on its own, help from the other participants can be sought throu TEL That’s why it is important that different sorts of companies anr? Institutes are related to TEL 95lOllo9 An uphlll task In Slbarla Reader, C. Petroleum Review, Sep. 1994, 48, (572), 427-428. The European Commission Energy Centre in Tyumen, officially opened recently, sets out to promote energy technology improvements in Western Siberia. Given the less than whole-hearted reception frequently given to representatives of western oil companies and equipment suppliers and their consequent growing disenchantment, how successful is the new centre likely to be? 95101110 The valua of dlvaralty Jones, P. M. Energy & Environment, 1994, 5, (3), 215-225. Diversity, security of supply and environmental benefits or disadvantages are factors given special mention in the terms of reference of the Govemmerit’s ongoing Nuclear Review. They are not mutually exclusive, nor do they embrace all the wider benefits and disadvantages arising from energy (or energy saving) investment decisions. Employment, balance of payments and macroeconomic effects are also potentially significant relative to the financial cost differences between energy options. Nevertheless, fuel diversity has figured prominently in many countries energy policies over the past 50 years, stimulated by concerns over the long run availability and price of fossil fuels. These have been exacerbated from time to time by international political developments and by the actions of powerful interest groups within countries. 95lOllll Whoaa utlllty: Tha social Impact of public utlllty prlvatlaatlon and ragulatlon In Brltaln Ernst, J. Open University, Buckingham, 1994, 225 pp. The author traces the history of energy and water privatization in the UK.
18 ENERGY CONVERSION AND RECYCLING Achlavlng energy conaarvatlon with Ica-baaad 95101112 thermal storage Brady, T. W. ASHRAE Trans. No.94.32.1, 1994, 100, (l), 1735-1745. Reports that studies have shown that while reducing on-peak instantaneous demand for electrical energy, some existing ice-based thermal storage systems significantly increase overall annual energy consumption. It is feared that incentives offered bv electricitv SUDDIV comoanies to reduce On-oeak demand for electricity w:ll actually increaie electrical generating requirements, and lead to a waste of natural resources and increased environmental pollution.
Comblnad oonvactlon and radlatlon In aimultana95lO1113 ouu$rtvaloplng flow and haat tranafar wlth nongray gas Sea,T. et al., Numerical Hear Transfer, Part A, Applications, Jul. 1994, 26, (l), 49-66. Many industries, such as steel, aluminum, glass, and hazardous waste incineration, produce high-temperature exhaust gases. Because these exhaust gases contain large amounts of energy, the potential for significant cost savmgs is enormous. To recover some of this energy, high-temperature heat exchangers can be installed in the exhaust flows. High-temperature heat exchanners are also used as fire-tube boilers. Combined convection and razation in simultaneously developin laminar flow and & The fluid is a heat transfer in a smooth tube is numerically modeled. mixture of carbon dioxide, water vapor, and niirogen. The bulk mean temperature variation, temperature profiles, and Nusselt numbers are determined. 95lO1114 Comparing energy conaumptlon In non-domaatlc bulldings Field, J. et al., Proc. First Buildings & the Environment Int. Co@, BRE, Watford, May 1994, CIB Energy Paper No.16, 5 pp.
Discusses a critical review which has been carried out of the various energy comparison methods as part of a wider programme which aims to provide more effective analysis methods and improve interaction and data interchange. Outlines some of the problem issues and possible solutions. 95lO1115 The davalopmmt and Impact of tha natlonal horns anorgy ratlng ?? chama Brownhill, D. and Chapman, J. Proc. First Int. Conf Buildings and the Environment, BRE, Watford, May 1994, Energy Paper 4, 1994, 8 pp.
Describes the development and operatron of the National Home Energy Rating scheme in the UK. 95/01116 Energy afflclancy In tha provlalon and us8 of lnduatrlal gaasa Dept. of the Environment, Energy Efficiency Office, London, 1994, 25 pp.
Provides guidance on industrial gas supply and use, highlighting possible energy saving measures. 95101117 Energy recovery In munlclpal awlmmlng pools Hawthorne, C. and McMullan, J. T. Int. J. Energy Research, Jul. 1994, 18, (5), 525540. After a discussion of heat losses and energy costs in municipal heated swimming pools, an analysis is presented of the performance of all of such ~001s in Northern Ireland. It is demonstrated that nerformance is aenerallv well below that expected by the designers and reasons are identif?ed as to why this should be so. The causes for poor performance are found to arise variously throu poor design, inappropriate equipment selection and installatron and $ ad control and operatmg practice. Part of the value of this study lies in the fact that as all _ok inthe region were included, with no pre-selection, the findings can c expected to be fairly representative of such installations throughout the United Kingdom. 95/01118 Energy use by office aqulpment - Raduclng longterm runnlng coats Hill, R. P. Building Research Est., BRE Information Paper 10194, Jul.
1994, 4 pp. The paper has been written for senior managers, energy managers and
designers, and explains how a better understanding of the power needs of office equipment can lead to cost savings and energy-efficiency. 95101119 Exargonomlca of an EOR (OCDOPUS) project Yantovskii: E. 1. et al., Energy, Dec. 1994, 19, (12), 12751278. The combmed production of power, carbon dioxide, process steam, hot water, and compressed nitrogen for EOR is considered. Exergy-flow diagrams are used to evaluate plant efficiency. The exer efficiency of the plant is defined as the sum of the exergy outputs drvr . *Bed by the exergy of the consumed fuel. Estimations of the invested exergy, net exergy coefficient and the sum of the specific exergy consumption are presented. 95lO1120 Laaalng energy-aavlng maaauraa Toepoel, 0. Gas (Netherlands), Nov. 1994, 114, (ll), 600-602. (In Flemish) The second Dutch National Environmental Action Plan (A-MAP 11) and other studies show that financing of energy-saving measures is a major bottleneck. This bottleneck can be divided into three thresholds: high costs, large investment risk and lack of money. Four energy distribution companies started a leasing project in schools to enable them to break down these thresholds. Under normal conditions this approach proves to be profitable.
95l01121 Low energy hoapltala. St. Mary’s Hoapltal, ISIS of Wlaht. 1at vaar a~~ralaal D&t. af he&th, NfiS Estates, 1994, 48 pp.
A first year appraisal on St. Mary’s Hospital on the Isle of Wight, a low energy hospital.
Furl and Energy Abstracts January 1995