01129 Ash and sulfur content and calorific value of Chinese coals used for steam generation

01129 Ash and sulfur content and calorific value of Chinese coals used for steam generation

01 Solid tieis (sources, winning, properties) 01 SOLID FUELS sources,winning,Properties %/oil% Air cooling ?? yatems in the German coal mining Indus...

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Solid tieis (sources, winning, properties)

01 SOLID FUELS sources,winning,Properties %/oil% Air cooling ?? yatems in the German coal mining Industry Schlo~, W. Gluc+u$ 1994, !30, (8), 518,520. (In German Describes the mean mstalled refngeratmg capacity (1388 kW) o2 140 cold water machines used in the German coal mining mdustry m 1993. The mean ca city of the larpr cold water machines with more than 1000 kW rated rek gerating capaaty (98 were in use) was 1837 kW. %I01127 Appllcatlon of rpoctromooplc tochnlquw to the structural analy8lr of conI Speight, J. G. A@. Specfrosc. Rev., 1994, 29, (2). 117-169. Areviewofs pectrosoopic techniques for coal structural analysis. Topics discussed in&de: coal-constituenis, spectroscopic methods 6r hydro&bon and hetcroatomic structures, and assessment of coal structlue. rIol;tJ


of molecular

modollng In coal

Carlson, G. A. and Faulon, J. I. Prepr. Pap.-Am Chem Sot., Div. Duel Chem, 1994, 39, (l), 18-21. Discusses the modelling of the 3dimensional structure of coal.

%I01 1% Aah and rulfur contrnt and calorlflo value of Chlnrrr ooala used for atum gonoratlon Li, W. and Zhai, J. Mcircm Zhuanhua, 1994,17, (l), 15-25. (In Chinese) Bssed on the ‘The Data Bank of Chinese Coal Rank Source’, the ash and sulphur contents and the calorific values of Chinese coa$ used in steam generating boilers, were systematically investigated by usmg computers. %/01130 The cortlflcatlon of tha contonta (mau fractlono) of total fluorlno In coal Quevauviller, P. et al., Comm Eur. C ommwaities, Report EUR.15417, 1994, 36 pp.

Describes the preparation of coal reference material, the homogeneity and stability studies, and the analysis work performed for the certification of total fluorine. Chan oo of chomlcal atructurr and propertlor dur%I01131 Ing oxldatlon of CR all1 coal 203-208. (In He, P. et al., Ranliao Huame Xuebao, 1994. 22, (2), . Chinese) Coal samples from the Shanxi formation in Chaili mining area were oxidized in simulated exoeriments. A series of oxidized coal samoles with respect to the ultimatezmalysis, humic acid content and FIlR s@oscopy reveals chemical structure and property changes during oxidation. %$1132

Chemical otablllty and rtructun of organic sulfur In

Hu, X. et al, Huadong Ligong Dame Xuebao, 1994,20, (3). 321-326. (In

k%?& sulphuric coal samples were selected from Yanxbou and Donglin mines in China. The inormmic sulohur was comoletelv removed, and the co+“!samples were treat&by hydrolysis, oxidati&, re&tion, &d supercr&cal extraction. The orp su$hur coytent and type was.examined. It was found that about 40- 0% of e orgamc sulphur 10 coal IS released at approximately 350”. Based on FI’JR and Xps s ectroscopy the removed ic sulphur is mainly mercaptan and thioe tg er, while the thiophenic Z&r is almost unchanged. sslol133 Chomlcal atructuro changer of coal, char, and tar durlng dovolatlllxatlon H&her, T. H. and Pugmire, R J. Prepr. Pop-Am Chem Sot., Div. Fuel them, 1994, 39, (l), 108-112. Discusses the chemical structural features of coal, semicoke, and tar from rapid devolatilixation, and how experimental data have impacted the development and input parameters for devolatilixation models, es relationship between pyridine extract yields and extract yielzcia!J pre acted the purely from Nh5R chemical structuredata. To iar discussed include the parent coal structure,structureof pyrolysis pJ ucts (semicokes and tars), and use of chemical structurefeatures in devolatilixation models. %/01124 Chemical atructun of hand-plcked corl mrceralo derlvod from speclflc plant pmcursom Clifford, D. J. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (l), 198-204. Discusses a study of the chemical structure of band-picked wood-derived vitrinite, diterpenoid-type resinites and sesquiterpenoid-type resinites by NMR spectroscopy and pyrolysis techniques.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts March 1995

%/011% Coal macromolecular network structure anelyrls: fi$vJvrnt;well$g thermodynamlca and It, Impllcatlonr Energy h Fuels, Nov.-Dec. 1994, 8, (6), 1247-l &i2. * * et IrL The thermodynamicsof the coal swellin process is considered in light of various correlations of swellability ~1I% solvent properties. It has been found that the swellability of coals in specificnlly interacting solvents is a stron function of the electron-donating capacity of the solvents. as meaSlid by two very different scales. The two scales are seen to be closely related. The swelling also correlates with the heat of immersion of coals in solvents, and thus it appears that it is the enthalpy of interaction of specifitally interactin solvents with surface functionalities in coal that mainly determines swef hng . behaviour. 95/01135 Coallflcatlon of llgnln to form vltrlnlte: A new structural template baaed on an bllcal structure Hatcher, P. G. and Faulon, J. L. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem Sot., Div. Fuel Chem

1994. 39. 0). 7-12.

The iaper &sc&.G the transformationof coalified wood form lignite through the subbituminousrank ran e to high volatile C rank bituminous coal and is characterized by trans!ormations which result in complete demethylationof methoxyphenols to catechols and a subsequent reduction of the catechol-like structure, presumably through reaction, to form phenollike structures. The focus of the paper is to review the authors’ current understanding of the evidence for these afore mentioned chemical transformations. COm rIOon of traW ?? lomont contonb oi mw and clean commercla p"coalm

%I01 137

commercial coal from a single mine was 10-2096; across a broader gcological re$on in a single seam, the PRSD increased to 20-5046. A comparison of paued samples of raw and clean coals from eight preFation plants demonstrated that conventional cual cleaning is effective m reducing the concentrations of most trace elements. 95/01125 A comprrhonrlvr rovlow of the offocta of calclna;l; it varlour tomporatuno on coke atructuro and propotilar Hardin, E. E. et al., Light Met. (Warrendale, PA.), 1994, 571-581. The pa r discusses the effects of calcination on coke struchue and properties. T/Fese conditions were considered typical of commercial calcination processes. Topics discusserl include effeci bf sulphur content, coke pro rties, apparent density and porosity, results of release of S, H, and N, cfp” ects of metals contents on calcination and coefficient of thermal expansion. 95lO113Q Crou-llnk ?? tructum of coal Takanohashi, T. Tohoku Daigaku Hanno Kagaku Kenkyusho Hokaku, 1994, 4. 194. (In Japanese) Discusses cmsslmk structure of coal, based on the experimental results obtained from solvent extraction and solvent swelling.

%I01140 Don&y radlont contrlfugatlon: Appllcatlon to the uparatlon of macoraPa of lM#o _. I, II, and Ill 8odlmrntarV_ organic mittor Stankiewicx, B. A. et al., Energy & Fuels, Nov.-Dec. 1994, 8, (a), 1513-1521. Samples of organic matter from nine well-known geological units (Green River Fm., Tasmanian Tasmanite, Lower Toarcian Sh. of the Paris Basin, Duwi Fm., New Albany Sh., Monterey Fm., Henin No. 6 coal, Eocene coal, and Miocene lignite from Kalimantan) were pmcessed by density gradient ccntrifugation to isolate the constituent maccrals. %I01 141 Dooorptlon of orgrnlc pollutanta (PAHa) from contamlnatad rqulfor matrrlal Grathwohl,P. ef al., Proc. UHRIAIRH Symp. Trans React. Processes

Aquifers, Balkema, Rotter&m, Netherlands, 1994,46 !f-474.

Desorotion and dissolution kinetics of selected oolvcvclic aromatic hvdrocarbois (PAHs) from contamined aquifer matehal*a& coal tar pha& was investigated in column and batch &ion experiments. The results indicate that solute transport occurs under nonquilibrium conditions after a relatively short period of time of 2-5 days. 95101142 DotermInatIon of ?? ulfur In foull fuel8 by Iaotopa dllutlon thermal lonlzatlon mau spectrometry Kelly, W. R. et al., Ad Chem., 1994, 66, (1 2505-2513. Total sulphur was measured in 13 petroleum an? 14 coal standard reference materials (SRMs) by isotope dilution thermal ionixation mass spectrometry. These SRhfs were suitable as primary and quality control standards for determining the sulphur content of oils and coals by X-ray fluorescence and high-temperaturecombustion instrumentation.