01256 Variation of petrological and geochemical compositions in a sequence of humic coals, cannel coals, and oil shales

01256 Variation of petrological and geochemical compositions in a sequence of humic coals, cannel coals, and oil shales

02 0 anlo oochomlatry of the Paloozolc potroloum iizE%so” 1Arabk 1994, ?&CL k ci aL, Energy&Fuels, Nov.-Dec. 8, (6), 1425-1442. The Paleozoic uetrol...

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0 anlo oochomlatry of the Paloozolc potroloum iizE%so” 1Arabk 1994,

?&CL k ci aL, Energy&Fuels, Nov.-Dec. 8, (6), 1425-1442. The Paleozoic uetroleum system of the Central and Northern Provinces of

lific oil-prone source. rocks of Saudi Arabia contains one of the most c of the Qalibah Formation. This Silurian age worldwide, the Qusaiba &a!ro the large, gentle structures of the source rock is responsible for c Central Province with billions ofhargb! bane of light, sweet, crude oil. Organic geochemical methods such as biomarkers, organic petrography, and -&aracterixation of the source rock facies have been used to determine the most likely candidatesourcerockfor the Paleoxoic oils of Saudi Arabia. Profllo modlflcatlon duo to polymer adrorptlon In %lOl%l nwnmlr rocka Alii,Li2g Burr&t, M. A. Energy & Fuels, Nov.-Lk. 1994, 8, (6), . Flow behaviour of a newly devclopcd starch-based biopolymcr is studied in the laboratory to gain insight into its ability and effectiveness to recover additional oil. This study analyzes pcrmeabiity modifications due to mer adsorption in the porous medra. Bxperiments are performed to I!zz mine the permeability reduction and the effects of polymer adsorption on to estimate the amount of ca illary pressure curves. A model is devel tfference in pore sixe distribuooPymer adsorbed in the porous media. The zped iion before and after lymer fiow indicates the effectivetiess of polymer to modify the permeab ii?” rty profile. The difference in capillary pressure curves before and after pal cr flow hdicatcstheextent of lymer adsorption in the porous media. ? tudres showed that starch-base $*bropolymers are not only cost effective and environmentally safe but effective for profile modification. %I01 252 Rlg market axprrlmclng worldwide upturn Steven, R. Ofihore Engineer, Jan. 1995, 19-20, 22. The article discusses the low cost production techniques and reduced exploration risk through use of new seismic technology which are among the factors contributing to an increase in exploratioti and development drillina worldwide in suite of the continuina weakness in the oil urice. The author-gives a global &lysis. 9!YO12% Super-barge saddler up for drllllng dutlro Fox, C. Ofiirorc Engineer, Dec. 1994, 1617. Semi-submersible crane vessels on the scale of Balder and Hcrmod have been offering a stable platform for construction activities for 16 years. Reports on a spin-off from the industry-wide Deepstar project, Heeremac has come up with desi modifications to enable one of its super-barges to drill in waters up to & deep. 9SlQl254 Tackling the data management problem Esau.I. Offshore Enbeer. Jan. 1995.3435. Describes & innova& data management system due to begin operations in Norway within the next few months which is being welcomed with open arms by exploration and production professionals. 95/012ss Timor Sea turna up trumpr Scholes, W. Petroleum Review, Jan. 1995, 49, (576), p. 2.5. The author reports that the long-expected replacement for Australia’s declining Bass Strait oilfields has been found in the Timor Sea where the Lamiiarta 1 oil discovery has confiied its status as a major oilfield. Varlatlon of etrologlcal and geochrmlcal compo95/012% altlona In a arqurnca op humlc coals, cannel coals, and oil shales Puttmann, W. et ai., Energy & Fuels, Nov.-Dec. 1994,8, (6). 1460-1468. Coals, cannel coals, and oil shales of the McLeod sequence from two boreholes in the Pictou Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada, are analyzed by use of microscooical and oraanic xeochemical methods. Chances in the environment d&mg deposit& of &e organic-rich rocks are r&e&d in ing proportions of vitrinitc, liptinite, and inertinite mace& and minZxmatter. %lQl2S7 Vlstnam. Dal Hung’s speedy startup Offshore Engineer, Nov. 1994, 19-21. Discusses the development activity offshore Vietnam.

Transport, Refining, Quality, Storage 951012% Actlvlty decilne and dlffuslonal changes In a magnrslum-promoted cobalt-slllca catalyst Puskas, I. er aL, Coral. Today, 1994, 21, (l), 243252. A Co-Mg/diatomaceous earth catalyst, prepared by slow precipitation, consisted of two separate phases: small needles of a Co-Mg phase, and large particles of the diatom fragments. N sorption measurements indicated a much higher pore volume for the catalyst than for a control catalyst prepared by fast precipitation. Catalyst activity in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis at 155 kPa declined at an unusually fast rate, which was accompanied by increased CH, selectivity and decreased Schulz-Fiery chain growth constant. Hydrogen treatment temporarily restored catalyst activity but did not stop the declines.

Liquid fuels (transpoH,mining, qu&iy, storage)

Attrltlon and carbon formatlon on Iron catalyrb 9sio1259 Kohler, S. D. Prepr. Pop-Am Chem Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (4). . 1122-1125. The paper describes how TEM analyses show in Fischer-Tmpsch synthesis at above 275’. there is sianificant carbon dcnosition and the brealrdown of the parent iron catalyst-agglomerate whic6 causes the particles to disstallites, a phenomena which would lead to integrate into individual attrition. Pretreatment in ZI followed by synthesis gas at 300”showed the thickest layer of amorphous carbon in TBM, and the amount of carbon deposited mcrcased with increasing temperature. The deposition rate was proportional to temperature. The results of TGA showed that weight gain continues at reaction temperatures below 2750. I.

951012% Beat products of homogeneous azeotroplc dlstlllatlons P$m&m, P. and Blass, E. Gas Separarion & Purification, 1994.8, (4), . A review of the literature about product boundaries of homogeneous axeotropic distillation. A method for the calculation of multicomponent distillation from stage to stage has been developed. The method is based on balances around the product end of the cascade of equilibrium stages and iterates only the amount of the stream entering the cascade. 95lO1281 Evolutlon of Improvrmenta In petroleum reflnln technology: Incmtlves, research and developmmt ani4 outcomss Enos,J. L. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 57 Woo&o& Road,

Oxford OX2 6FA, UK OIES Energy Economics No. 18, fl6.00, 1994, 29 PP. The paper discusses a methodology for studying the economic and engi-

neering functions of the fluid catalytic cracking process and for planning companies R&D activities. 95101262 Flschsr-Tropsch synthesis on Fs-Mn ultraflnr catalysts Li, X. et al., Caial. Len., 1994, 23, (3), 245-250. Describes the Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis on Fe-Mn ultrafine catalysts prepared by a special degradation method of Fe-Mn complexes. Bxammes the effects of preparation method and Mn content on the FT performance, and the active phases and the role of Mn are elucidated. QSiQ1292

A high actlvlty zsollte-supported cobalt FiacherTropsch cstalyst Frame, R. R. er al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1994, 39, (4), 1113-1116. Describes how in liquid phase Fischer-Tropsch synthesis at 215-222”. apparently new active sites are formed as the level of cobalt on steamed, acid-washed Y xeolite is increased from 8 to 28 wt%. If a ‘ven volume of support can carry higher levels of catalytically active co$ ah than previously thought possible, a superior liquid phase Fischer-Tropsch catalyst can result. This is partrcularly true if these catalysts also retam the ability to produce low levels methane which, in fact, they do seem to do.


Hlgh profllr for subrra technology

Offshore Engineer, Dec. 1994, p. 25.

A short report on the Dunbar development which is a 24km long, double wall di-phasic line to transport production to Alwyn North B. 95/012% HI h-slllca zeolltes as corn onentr of catal sta for synthrsls of Pow-molecular welght oPeflns by the r IschrrTropsch method Benbenek, S. er al., Przem. Chem., 1994, 73, (E), 298-300. (In Polish) %I01 2% Now for the hydrocarbons challenge Dudgeon, C. Offshore Engineer, Jan. 1995, p. 32. The short article discusses how wellfluid products of many oil and gas fields are now becoming increasingly corrosive, the search is on for a costeffective way of pmtectmg subsea pipelines and flowlines from the adverse effects of internal corrosion. 95/01267 Plastic liner proves Itarlf In water Inlactlon debut Offshore Engineer, Jan. 1995, 30-32.

Reports that the first ever installation of a high density polyethylene liner in it subsea pipeline was carried out during The Brent South reject conducted by Stena Offshore for Shell UX Exoloration and ProBuction. The method will be used again on another 8in water injection line, this time for Shell Expro’s Pelican subsea development project. Also reflects on the pioneerin nature of Brent South’s liner installation and explores the possibilities for extending liner technology to the transport of hydrocarbons.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts March l%!J