03 Chrracterlstks of coal char gsslflcatlon at hlgh %/01252 tsmwrstun. II. Effect of wn structun on cosl chsr gasiflcatlon zhu, 2. d al., Huagong Xuebao (Chin. Ed), 1994, 45, (2), 155-161. (In Chincsc~ The pore structure of Daton Newlands and Blair Athol coal chars, and the rate of gasification of t%cse chars with CO, were measured at loO_ 15ooOand normal pressure. The relationship of the change of pore structure and inner surface area during gasification was studied.
Cosl hydromothmolysls wlth coko-ovon gas. 2. %01%4 Influoncs of the coko-ovon gas components on pyrolysis yblds Braekman-Danhcux, C. et af., Fuel, Jan. 1995, 74, (l), 17-19. To improve the economics of the hydropyrolysis of coal by reducing the bcuscdhIstcadof hydrogen cost, it has been suggested that coke-oven pure hydrogen. The paper describes the role of meg c and some minor iompckenti in the &ki-wen gas during lysis and their influence on the oil and PBSvields. Pvrolvsis was con k” uctcd at 765’C under 3 MPa of various gas-&x&s sir&la&g coke-oven gas. The results clearly demonstrate the possibility of using coke-oven gas for coal p rolysis and lead to the conclusion that synergy between metallurg *ca! cokemaking and ‘creaming-off’ coal by hydropyrolysis will be profitable to both processes.
Cold flow flold snd nsldmco tlmr dlstrlbutlon of a 95101255 Texaco gaslflrr Gong, X. et al., Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao, 1994, 22, (2), 189-195. (In ChillCsC) The velocitv orofile and residence time distribution ln a cold Texaco napifier were r&&&d. The results showed that recirculation occurrcd”at a height of 2.5 - 3 times gasifier diameter; maximum recirculation rate was about 3.5 times that of jet stream. The residence time of the first 1% of the stream was even less than 0.056 s. Presents the equation of a dimensionless velocity profdc and a model of the function of residence time distribution density.
Comwsltlon of coalbed gases ScitfkR. In S& 1994, 18, (2), 1852Oi. Black Warcoalbed gascompositional data from the San Juan, Pi-cc, rior. Powdel ’River, Raton, Cherokee, Greater Green River, and Northern Ap$achlan Coal Basins were evaluated to determine the compositional vanability of coalbcd gases among and within basins. Coalbed as composition varies among coal basins, laterally between wells, and vertically among coal beds within individual wells.
95m1257 Desulfurlxatlon of hot coal-dorlvad fuel gases wlth msnganoso-bawd ngonorablo sorknts. 1. Loadlng (sulfldatlon) tests Ben-Sliiane, R. and Hepworth, M. T. Energy &Fuels, Nov.-Dec. 1994, 8, (6), 1175-1183. In earlier studies, zinc ferrite and zinc titanate were devel as rcgcnerable sorbcnts capable of removing hydrogen sulphide sg”om hot coalderived fuel gases. Manganese ore ti will timanfiesc carbonate. ,gr+itatcd from aqueous solutions, combined with alumina to form m uratcd pcllcts is shown to hold promise of being a highly-effective, inexpensive, rcgenerable sulphur sorbcnt for hot fuel gases. Although the thcrmod namits for sulphur removal by manganese predicts somewhat higher hy d;o gen sulphide ovc ressures than can be accomplished with zinc-based sorbcnts, zinc tends to ‘gc reduced to the metallic state under coal gasification conditions resulting in loss of capacity and activity by vola&atin of reactive surfaces. The paper addresses the physical and chemical behaviour of several sorbcnt formulations fabricated from manganese and alumina.
Gsseous fuels (deded
%io1251 Multlloop control of s pllot-scsk mombnno system for ass uDrrstlon8 $~&I,I,. k andKoros,W. J. Ind fing. Chrm Res., Aug. 1994,33, (8), . Describes the dcsinn of a multilooo control svstcm for a oilot-scale membrane separation process. The p&as emphys hollow ‘flbrc membrane modules and is reprcscntative of air separation systems in industry. The
anccasa result of interactions between the feed flow rate controllers.
%I01252 Non-tndlng MUof onorgy for hydrogsn Shi~$, S. J. andUsupov,I. 1~. J. Hydrogen Eneqy, 1994, 19, (lo), . The paper discusses the non-traditional sourcea for hydrogen production. An experimental heliocnergetic deposit for steam conversmn of different raw materials is described. ?rescnC the results of experiments on gasiflcation of vine stalks, cotton, and coal.
%I01352 Pressurized aslflcatlon of coals wlth water vapor and carbon dloxlde. Part 0. Results of aaslflcstlon klnotlcs Nattermann, C. and Huettinger, K. J. Er&i Koh4 Erdgas Pefruchem., 1994,47, (7), 287-295. (Ill ckrmlul) The kinetics of gasification with water vapour and CO, at 2.5 Mpa total pressure, with the variation of partial pressures, were studied in a batchoocrated laboratorv-scale fluidlzed-bed reactor at 800-900 ’ for eight coals (r&$ng from lig& and brown coal to bituminous coals). For alicoals. a partial pressure dependence of the reaction rate was analo~us to pure carbon. Reaction rates related to a specific carbon convemon inc~cssed only partially with increased conversion, which cantlot exclusively be cxplamed by an increase of the inner surface area.
95101354 Procoss ?? nhancomonts In plant opratlons of Destoc’s coal aaslflcatlon plant In Loulslans Llnd, D. and Hindrix, H. ‘Pm Am Power Co& 1994, 56, (2), 1692-1696. The paper describes improvements made to the facility and coal gasification process durin the past few years. The coal gasifiion combincdcycle power plant & gan operation in 1987 on subbituminous coal.
%I01355 Thr Shall Coal Gaslflcatlon Procrss: The Domkoloc Project and beyond FMTigi. L. and Cremer. G. A. Proc. Am. Power Confr. 1994,56, (2), Describes decent Improvements of the coal gasification process and their incorporation into the plant design. The f’ully integrated coal gasification combined-cycle power plant began operation in 1993.
%I01355 A slmulatlon study on the performmco of an entraIned-flow coal gsslflrr Ni, 0. and Williams, A. Fuel, Jan. 1995, 74, (l), 102-110. A new simulation method has been pcrformcd for an entralncd-flow coal gas&r. A multivariable model for the gasi& has been set up on the basis of eouilibrium. mass balance and enerpv balance bv means of non-linear p&Gamming. ‘The Shell coal gasifler &s used as I; typical model for an entrained-flow coal-oxygen gasifier, and the calculated ga&fication products are very close to-&c &al lant data. The scnsit&itics of Control variables for the Shell coal gas if?er operation arc also d&ussed in the
paperDovolopment of futun underground coal grslflcs%I01355 tlon In Chlna Yu, L. ef aL, Me&an Zhuanhuq 1994, 17, (l), 39-45. (In Chinese) Discusses thedevelopment of an underground coal gasification process, its principles and disadvantages.
%I01 %Q Futurs mrnufactun of city gas from coal Tsuru. Y. iVenryo Oyobi Nemho, 1994,61. (S), 323-330. (In Japanese) The paper disc&es ihc flash hydrogasilicatioi process of coal- for tic future manufacture of city gas. Briefly gives the testing methods and .-...I+”
%I01367 Source lnvontory of mothsno from cosl mlnlng In Japan Hayashi, M. Y. and Isci, T. H. Shigen to Kankyo, 1994.3, (1). 63-64. The source inventory of methane from coal mining in Japan is studied and an emission factor is obtained. Coal mines in Japan have a routine monitoring system for CH, content based on the mining safety law.
StopwIse pyrolysis of m8corals %iQ13% Soi~o.B. .I. Then Anal.. 1994. 42. (11 219-239.
Manufacture of hydrocracklng catalyst for heavy %I01 360 hydrocrrbons Fujimoto, K et aL, (Assigned to) Fujimoto Kaoru; Toyo Engineering Corp., JAP. Par. JP.O6,165,935,
Jun. 1994.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts March 1995 95