01957 Co2-reduction technologies with nuclear process heat

01957 Co2-reduction technologies with nuclear process heat

15 plloatlon studlor of bloaorptlon for monaxlto %/tll%Q procooslng InV ustry sffluonU M&c$harsn, T. R. d aL, Bioresource Technology, 1994, 49, (Z), ...

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plloatlon studlor of bloaorptlon for monaxlto %/tll%Q procooslng InV ustry sffluonU M&c$harsn, T. R. d aL, Bioresource Technology, 1994, 49, (Z), While &dies on the potential of many biosorbents for heavy metal uptake

have been reported, the msults on scale-up are relatively scanty. Even in those papers where there is a mport of mactor performance, more emphasis is liven to the metal untake hart and the critical issue of headloss develonm&t in columns is not tot&d upon. The paper presents the results of a scale-up study conducted with an established biosorbent, Ganoderma lucidum, for uptake of ram earth elements. The uptake as well as the mactor characteristics are discussed. %/01@40 Arrangomonts for rorpondlng to nuclear ?? mo sncks Hea ??I% Safw Executive, UK, HMSO, London, f7.50, 1994, 58 pp. This oublication reolaces a 1990 version. which also dealt with cmernencv a&emcnts for &clear installations in’the UK The main change in four years is the introduction of revised arrangements for co-ordination and control of the off-site emergency response at sites operated by Nuclear ElCCbiC.


(jwliution, health pro&c&n,


Bar codsa update ?? nvlronmantal monitors %/01@40 Brayton, D. and Britton, J. Nuclear Kngng. Int, Dec. 1994, 39, (485), 48-49.

Describes ABCASH, an automated bar coding system that captures, stores and retrieves environmental monitoring data, whtch is beinn used at the US Department of Energy’s Hanford site.85101849 Blorrmrdlatlon: A compstltlvo altsmatlvo for thr cleanup of contaminated MOP ?? ltaa Cutrighi, T. J. and Lee, S. Energy Sources, 1994, 16, (2), 269-277. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, contamination occurs primarily h leakinn underaround storage tanks and manufactured gas DhDt mites. AD via aaalys% was made of the &naminated soil for feasib&y bf clean biorcmediation, and selection criteria for the microogranisms wem 7 eveloped for the specificity of a manufactured gas plant site. Q5/olQ50 Canadlan trlbsa conaldw waste store - Canada Atom, Oct.-Nov. 1994, (436), p. 3. A short report on a new radioactive waste store which is being considcmd by natives of the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.

%/01041 Arsenic as long dlotancr tracer of alr pollutlon Nerin, C. et al., Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 1994. 44, (l), 33-42. The tly ash of small size generated in the combustion of coal can be transported over long distances from the stack. This particulate matter contains trace elements which can be used as tracers of air pollution. Thirty eight soil samples wem collected in sn area where the plume from the power plant touches the ground. The analysis of As were carried out by hydride-generation/at. absorption spectrometry.

95/01%1 1993 carbon dloxldr fact rhrst INotebook~ Walsh, J. H. Energy Studies Review, 1994, 6, (2),‘178-183. ’ This issue of the Car&n Dioxide Fact Sheet nrovides new data for 1993. and also provides a time series retrospective of mgional and world emis: sions back to 1983. The calculations rely on the BP Statistical Review of World Eneca for energy consumption data for the world and its principal regions ana nauons.

%/01!342 Aaarco’r Globs Plant and blo-bsadr: An economic ?? uccsss story ~~kman, L. L. and Yantorno, D. AMC Journul, Nov. 1994, 80, (ll),

95101952 Cstalytlc oxldatlon of an amorphoua carbon blsck Ciambelli, P. et al., Combustion & Flame, Nov. 1994.99, (2). 413-421. Discusses a study of ,the oxidation of an amorphous carbon black in the prr~ of a potassmm-copper-vanadmm catalyst supported on alpha-

D‘,&ribes how Asarco improved the precipitation process used in the trcatmcnt of its wastewater. @5l01%3

Aah dlrposal from warts-toansrgy Warmer Bulletin, Feb. 1995, (44 p. 24. A shortnote on the publication o> a detailed 85 page engineering perspective on combustion ash/residue management by Dr Richard Goodwin, (Combustion Ash/Residue Management, Noyes Publications, 120 Mill Road, Park Ridge, NJ.97656, USA, $45.00) %I01 943


Assembllrr rsach N.C., unloaded, ahlppsd to SRS

Nuclear News, Nov. 1994, 37, (14), 46, 48.

Reports that the fuel assemblies on board ships that departed from France on September 8 arrived at the Military Gcean Terminal at Sunny Point, N.C., in late September, after a yes-you-can/no-you-can’t duel between the US Department of Energy and the state of South Carolina. Reports the sequence of events.





to rnvlronmrntal

Warmer Bulletin, Feb. 1995, (44). p. 6. Reports that an international survey conducted by MORI Social Research Institute in London tested ‘green’ responses in more than 20 countries. (Information available from Robert Worcester, MORI, 32 Old Gueen St., London SWlH OHP).

%I01945 Atmosphrrlc PCB drposltlon In Flnland durlng 1970s and 1980s on the basis of concsntratlona In ombrotrophlc psat moass8 (Sphagnum) Himberg, R. R. and Pakarincn, P. Chemosphere, 1994,29, (3). 431-440. Reports on the analysis of sphagnum moss samples for polychlorinated biphenyls. Mean total PCB samples in the surface moss was 140 rig/g in southern and 51 rig/g in northern Finland. Tri- and tetrachlorobi henyls are responsible for >O.S of the total concentration in moss with P E B congeners 18, 2&33,52, and 101 dominating.

Charactrrlzatlon of cryrtalllnr rocks In deep boreholrr. The Kola, Krlvoy Rog and Tyrnauz boreholes SK8 Technical Report N0.92~39, Svensk Karnbranslehantering A5 (Swedish Nuclear Fuel & Waste Manageemnt Co., Stockholm, Sweden, I16 pp.

A report on superdeep drilling and comprehensive investigation of the earth’s interior. 95101954 Clrculatlng dry rcrubbsr (CDS): Coot effsctlvs FDG for clean coal planta Lavcly, L. L. er al., Proc. Am. Power Co& 1994. 56, (2), 1670-1680. Discusses how the CDS/ESP system can achieve 98% SO mmoval, articulate emissions of up to 0.015 Ib/MBtu, and an opacity of’
%iOl947 Autolgnltlon of combustible fluids In porous Inrulatlon matrrlalr _ McIntosh, A. C. et al., Combustion &Flame, Dec. 1994,99, (3), 541-550. The leakage of combustible fluids into the lagging of pipework in the orocess ennineerinn industrv can be verv haxardous because of the Hcreased r&idence~time for-oxidation as the liquid resides in the porous medium and also the substantially modified heat and mass transfer rates when compared with ignition at hot surfaces. The exothermic reaction can lead to ignition or at least severe self-heating with the consequent damage of i ework, etc. Experiments have been performed to simulate this haxardp+ll e thermal behaviour of a number of combustible liquids placed in porous material has been monitored and evidence is presented in this work that self-heating can indeed take place.

Cllmats change: The UK programmr

Dept. of the Environment, HMSO, London, flO.00, Jan. 1994, 80 pp.

Contains inventories of emissions and scenarios of possible future trends. It sets out measures aimed at returning emissions of each of the main greenhouse gases to the levels of 1990 by 2000.

EY57 Frewer, H.

CO,-rsductlon trchnologlsr wlth nuclsar process

Monogr. Forschungszent. Juelich, 1993, 8, 65-74. (In German) A review on the reduction of CO, emissions from power generation, including pressure gasification of co+, alternatives of Co, disposal, and integration of coal gasification with high temperature reactor.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts March 1%5