(jwilution, healthprotection, safety)
Envlronmontal clrlma London Borough of Sutton, Civic Ofices, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey
95/01%9 Extandlng the aoftwan tool RAMA in naponw to aomr open quratlona of probablllatlc aafoty aauaamont Ki;hzger, C. and Reusens, B. Kerntech% Nov. 1994, 59, (6),
the UK.
The article provides reflections of some current points of discussion on open questions of Level 1 probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) for nuclear power plants and ‘ves corresponding responses in recent develo ments of the software too P RAMA. This computer code is designed for tf e purposes of continuous1 collectin and processing plant-spe&Ic component engineering and faHure event % ta with the objective to generate plantspecific component reliability parameters for use in PSA. As a starting point, some possible shortcomings of the standardised German Level 1 ‘PSA guideline’ are discussed.
SM IEA, UK, f10.00. Covers the evaluation of the use of environmental claims in marketing in
%I01991 introduction ~~~~~~
Environmental et al,
Johns Hopkins UniversityPress, Baltimore, MD,
, Envlronmental effecta of rlcctrlclty generation %I01 992 Institutionof Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2R OBL, f.5.00. Envlronmental hlatory of Britain ainca the Indua99/01992 trlal ravolutlon Clapp,B. W. Longman Group Ltd., Longman House, Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE, UK, 02.99. Envlronmental Impact aaaaaamrnt for waata traates/o1994 mant and dlapoaal facllltlaa Petts, J. and Eduljee, G. John Wiley, Baj@s Lane, Chichester, Wesr Sussex PO10 IUD, fir9.95 + p&p. A guide on conducting environmental impact assessments within the context of UK and EU legislation. Envlronmental orlmnted elactrochemlatry %I01 995 Sequeira, C. A (cd) Studies in Environmental Science Vol.59, Elsevier Science BV, PO Box 181, 1000 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Dfl.450.00, $257.25, 1994, 746~~. The book concenbates on the ele.ctrochemistry/environment relationship including, among others, chapters on design and operation of electrochermCal reactors and separators, process simulation, development and scale-up, optimization and control of electrochemical processes applied to environmental problems, also including economic analysis, description of unique current and future applications, in addition to basic research into developing new technologies. It is ho d that this volume will be considered interesting and extremely time p” y to specialists in electrochemistry and environmental sciences. Envlronmantal policy for ?? uatalnabla development %/01999 of natural reaourcaa. Mechanlama for Implamrntatlon and mforcomant J~GF~&.K.and Begg, M. Natural Resources Forum, Nov. 1994,18, (4),
-._ -__-
The paper describes new environmental policies and ex anded administrative agencies which in recent years have been adopte a by many govemments faced with a continuin decline in the quality of their environments. In a number of develooed and develooinn countries. devisine a far reaching environmental policy ior sustainable’de~elopment bf the n&ml resource: sector is a national riority. Specific environmental policies may be classified according to o1.jectives, timeframe, mechanisms for implementation, whether or not they-are binding, and ihe nature of sanction. The paper provides some generalizations about certain features common to most environmental policies. 95/01%7 Envlronmantally targeted objactlvea for reducing acldlflcatlon In Europa GOI&. C. A. et al., Energy Policy, Dec. 1994, 22, (I2), 1055-1066. Inte&ted assessment modeiiing hti been employed & a iool for deriving cost-effective strategies based on critical loads for the reduction of acidifying pollutants in Europe. Current negotiations towards a second European Sulphur Protocol, coordinated by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, have identified the need for additional deposition targets as an intermediate step to achieving critical loads. Different applications of integrated modelling techniques are described, with particular emphasis on the detinition of intermediate targets. These may be fixed externally to the model, or may be variable and incorporated within the optimization model. A d namic approach to deposition targeting was shown to offer the greatest revels of overall environmental protcctlon for a given cost. The axDectrd sraenhouaa beneflta from develop%/01995 Ing magma power it Long Valley, Callfornla Haraden, J. Int. J. Energy Res., Jan. 1995, 19, (l), 13-17. Manma oower is the aroduction of electricitv from shallow magma bodies. Bef& bagma becokes a practical source’of power, many :n,neering problems must still be solved. When they are solved, the most hkely site for the first magma power plant is Long Valley, California, USA. In this paper, the author examines the greenhouse benefits from developing Long Valley. By generating magma power and by curtailing an e ual amount of fossil power, an estimate is made of the expected mass an8 the expected discounted value of reduced CO, emissions. For both measures, the expected benefits seem to be substantial.
Fuel and Energy Abstracta March 1995
%l02ooo Extlnctlon of nonprrmlxad flames with haloge. natad fire ?? uppreaaanta Hamins, A. et al,, Combustion & Flame, Nov. 1994. 99. (2). 221-230. An exp&imental, kalytical, and numeri&I study was &do&d to elucidate the influence of eleven gaseous agents, consIdered to be substitutes for CF$R, on the structure and critical conditions of extinction of diffusion flames burnIn liquid hydrocarbon fuels. The effectiveness of these. a ents in quenching !!ames was compared to those of CF,Br and an ine.rt diLent such as nitrogen. Experiments were performed on diffusion names stabilized in the counterflowing as well as in the cofIowin configuration. The fuels tested were heptane in the counterflowing w nt!gurations, and heptane, the jet fuels JP-8, and JP-5, and hydraulic fluids (military specifications 5606 and 83282) in the wflowing configuration. Fifty ?? l9n-up to aafaty ?? tatutea %/02001 Atom, Oct.-Nov. 1994, (436), p. 6. A report on the International Nuclear Safety Convention which was signed by high-level delegates from fifty countries in June 1994. Its scope is broad, taking into account safety and radiological standard+ the promotion of education and training and the provision of technical asslstancc to plants located primarily in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. %/02002 Flrat Workshop on dealgn and conatructlon of deep repoaltorloa. Excavation through watortonductlng maJor fractun zonea - Saataholm. Swaden, 30-21 March 1992 Baelblom, G. and Svemar, C. feds) SKB &chnical Report 94W, Svensk Karnbranslehantering AB (Swedish Nuclear Fuel & Waste Management Co), Stockholm, Sweden, I81 pp. Flue gaa cleaning technology ualng coal ash %I02003 drrlved adaorbrnt Ueno, T. et al., Nippon Kagalac Kaishi, 1994, (9), 763-770. (In Japanese) The adsorbent is prepared by hydration of a mixture of wal fly ash, lime and g sum, followed by drying. A dry-type desulphurization facility using X e adsorbent has been successfully operated in commercial scale since March 1991. By improving the hydration process, a more active absorbent was developed and named LILAC after the abbreviation of Lively Intensified Lime-Ash Compound. The LILAC absorbent is used in a semi-dry flue gas treatment system. The semi-dry system is being wnstrutted at Huangdao Power Station in China. Formatlon mrchanlama of NO,, and N,O In coal %/02%4 combustlan ~roceaa Okazaki, K. Nensho Ken&, 1994, 97, 35-45. (In Japanese) Describes the fundamental mechanisms of various NO. formation processes focusing on pulverized wal combustion, and principles of lowNO, combustion technologies. Research of nitrous oxide formation in coal combustion, which may have a considerable effect on the global warming is also reported. The author reports that according to recent experimental results, a major N,O formation path should be through HCN evolved from volatile matter. It is emphasized that N,O emission is negligibly small in pulverized coal combustion which is usually used for large scale electric power plants. Fractal dlmrnalonal claaalflcatlon of asroaol partl%I02009 cl?a by computer-controlled rc~nnlng~elrctron mlcroacopy K&M&o, V. V. et al., Envaron. Scr Technol., 1994, 28, (12), Presents a method for the classitication of individual aerosol particles into 1 of 2 main groups, namely, 5y ash and soil dust. It is based on the calculation of the fractal dimensions of the images of the particles obtained with the computer-controlled SEM. Fundamental atudy on the corn ?? ltlona of hlgh %I02005 temperature combuatlon gaa and control of rs” 0 emlaalona Su, S. et al., Gaojishu Tongxw, 1994, 4, (3), 24-27. fin Chinese) Presents the results of a fundamental study on the calculation and analysis of the compositions of high temperature combustion gas and the control of NO, emissions in a coal-fired MHD-steam combined cylce power generation.