So/id fuels (sources, winning, properties)
95103249 Development of coal chemistry in the Institute of Fossil Fuels (on the 60th Anniversary of the Institute) Krichko, A. A. Khim. Tverd. Topl. (Moscow), 1994, (6), 5-9. (In Russian) The author discusses the research carried out on coal chemistry over the last 60 years at the Institute.
SOLID FUELS Sources, Winning,
Accurate hydrogen determination with a dual 95103239 nuclear gauge Elias, E. and Gozani, T. Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A, 1994, 353, (l), 691-694. Nuclear techniques for measuring the hydrogen content of coal were theoretically evaluated using the ANISN code and the results were verified by laboratory-scale experiments on different US coals. New concepts based on the simultaneous application of two independent techniques were studied. Application and abstraction of shaft drilling tech95103240 nlque In coal mine construction In Chlna Gu, D. and Lin, B. Trans. Sot. Min., Metail., Explor., 1994, (294), 1084-1086. Describes the application and development of shaft drilling technique in coal mine construction in China. Bacterlal pyrite oxldatlon: Influence of morpholoal95103241 cal, physlcal and chet&al propertles Karavaiko. G. 1. et al.. Fuel Process. Technol.. 1994. 40. (2). 151-165. In the oxidation of pyrites (isolated from ores and co&), ‘&e’;atio of S*. /Fe*’ indicated simultaneous oxidation of Fe*’ and .S*-by Thiobacillus ferroxidans and preferential oxidation of S*. by Sulfobacillus thermosulphidooxidans. The kinetics and mechanisms of bacterial oxidation of pyrites are discussed. 95103242 Calculation of the true denslty of coals and coke Wutti, R. and Staudinger, G. Erdoel Kohle, Erdgas, Petrochem., 1994, 47, (lo), 382-384. (In German) An equation for the calculation of the true density of coals and semicokes was developed by the authors and from published experimental data. Comparison with published models showed the accuracy of the equation. 95103243 Calculation of vltrinlte reflectance from thermal hlstorles and peak temperatures. A comparison of methods Baker, C. E. and Pawlewicz, M. J. ACS Symp. Ser., 1994, (570), 216-219. One purpose of vitrinite reflectance, a thermal maturation parameter, is lo characterize the degree of heating in sedimentary rocks. This use of vitrinite reflectance makes its calibration lo peak temperature (Tpeak) important because Tpeak constitutes an absolute thermal maturation parameter. The authors compare the two major methods available for predicting thermal maturation through vitrinite reflectance evolution. 95103244 The central Myanmar (Burma) oil family - Composltlon and lmpllcatlons for source Curiale, J. A. et al., Org. Geochem., 1994, 22, (2), 237-255. The chemical structure of coal In regard of mlcrobl95103245 ologlcal degradatlon Hodek, W. Fuel Proces. Technol.. 1994, 40, (21, 369-378. Discusses the chemical structure of coal and its &stance to microbiological degradation. Its accessibility to the microbial attack can be increased by derivatization of the coal substance.
95103250 Dielectric properties of partially saturated rocks Garrouch, A. A. and Sharma, M. M. Energy & Fuels, May-Jun. 1995, 9, (3), 413-419. A four-electrode setup has been used 10 measure the complex impedance of partially saturated Berea sandstone and Ottawa sand-bentonite mixtures saturated with n-decane and NaCl brine solutions. The effects of water saturation, clay content, and wettability on both the real and imaginary parts of the rock impedance are investigated at frequencies between 10 Hz and 1MHz. A reactivity index exponent (analogous to the resistivity index exponent) is defined and shown to be related lo the water saturation by an Archie type relation. The reactivity index exponent is related to Archie’s resistivity index exponent. This relationship can be used to estimate water saturations at frequencies above 0.1 MHz where the resistivity index exponent (used in the Archie equation) is found lo be inadequate. Both exponents are shown to increase with wettability and decrease with clay content. Dlstrlbutlon of sulfur In Chlnese coal and the 95103251 means of controlling sulfur poilutlon Li, W. and Zhai, J. Meitan Zhuanhua, 1994, 17, (4), l-10. (In Chinese) Reviews the distribution of sulphur in Chinese coals based on the Data Bank of Chinese Coal Rank Source and Classification Standard for Sulphur Content in Coal. The sulphur contents in Chinese coals are anaed and evaluated according lo the quality standards of coal for various \XZlustTles.
Do dislocations and stacking faults Increase the 95103252 oxldatlon rate of pyrltes? Martello, D. V. et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 1994, 58, (21), 4657-4665. Discusses the studies of XPS, SEM, and TEM made on coal, non-coal, and shock loaded pyrites that had been experimentally weathered under high relative humidity. Reactivity of the different pyrite samples may be related lo their stacking fault densities. A coal pyrite sample that had the highest stacking fault concentration was also the most reactive pyrite. No systematic relationship between reactivity and dislocation density was observed. 95103253 Effect of anthracite metamorphlsm level on quality of thermo-anthracite Ulanovskii, M. L. et al., Koks Khim., 1994, (lo), 12-16. (In Russian) The effects of oxidation on the macromolecular 95103254 structure of coal Ndaji, F. E. and Thomas, K. M. Fuel, Jun. 1995, 74, (6), 932-937. The effect of oxidation on the macromolecular structure of four coals of rank 902 to 204 in the British Coal classification scheme was investi ated. P Various particle size ranges of the coals were oxidized in air at 200 C for 24 h. Oxidation led to an increase in the extent of swelling in pyridine, which indicates a decrease in the covalent cross-link densities of the coals. Unlike that of the initial coals, which can be described by Fickian diffusion and relaxation processes, the swelling of the oxidized coals occurred by a two-stage process. This behaviour was attributed to the differences in extent of oxidation with increasing depth in the coal particles. Results are consistent with breaking of the cross-links in the coal by severe oxidation.
Coal structure characterlzatlon and analysis by 95103247 dlgltal texture processing Agus, M. et al., Fuel Process Techttol., 1994, 40, (2), 361-367. The paper describes the processing of data (digital images) of reflected light optical microscopy in coal characterization. A procedure for a quantitative characterization of coal macerals is also discussed.
95103255 Effects of solvent sterlc propertles on the equlllbrlum swelllng and kinetics of solvent swelling of coal Ndaji, F. E. and Thomas, K. M. Fuel, Jun. 1995, 74, (6), 842-845. The effects of solvent molecular size on the equilibrium swelling ratio and kinetics of the swelling of a high-volatile bituminous coal in straight-chain amines were examined. The swelling ratio increases with amine size up lo a critical level, above which the swelling ratio decreases. This decrease is attributed lo reduced access of the solvent lo the coal structure with increasing molecular size. The maximum swelling is evidently limited by the density of covalent cross-links, which prevents the coal structure from swelling further to accommodate larger molecules. Rate constants for solvent swelling decrease with increase in molecular size of the amine. Values of the apparent activation energy show that the energy barrier for the swelling process increases with amine size.
95103240 Coailficatlon reactlons of vltrlnlte derlved from coallfled wood. Transformatlons to rank of bitumlnous coal Hatcher, P. G. et al., ACS Symp. Ser., 1994, (570), 112-135. Vitrinite, a major componentof most coals, is derived from degraded wood in ancient peat swamps. Discusses organic geochemical studies conducted on a series of coalified wood samples derived mostly from gymnosperms which have allowed the development of a chemical reaction series lo characterize the major coalification reactions which lignin, the major coalproducing component of wood, undergoes.
95103256 Enhancement of coal extraction by serles reaction (ATD’ reactlon): Optlmlzatlon of reactlon condltlons Sharma, D. K. and Mishra, S. Fuel, Jun. 1995, 74, (6), 917-921. Extractability of Assam coal by quinoline was enhanced up to 90% by orior reaction with cetene or cetanol in anthracene oil. The reaction is a iomplex series reaction: alkylation-transalkylation-dehydrogenation-degadation-disintegration (called the ATD’ reaction). The reaction conditions for this reaction (reaction time, temperature, reagent concentration etc.) were optimized for using cetene or cetanol in anthracene oil.
95103246 Coal classlflcatlon problems Eremin, 1. V. and Bronovets, T. M. Khim. Tverd. Topl. (Moscow), 1994, (6), 28-35. (In Russian) The paper discusses coal classification according to coalification and technological characteristics.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
July 1995