01 95103330 An overview of the bacteria and archaea involved In removal of inorganic and organic sulfur compounds from coal Karavaiko, G. I. and Lobyreva, L. B. Fuel Process. Technol., 1994, 40, (2), 167-182. The paper discusses the bacterial desulphurization of coal. 95103331 Peroxidase-catalyzed polymerlzatlon and depolymerlzatlon of coal In organic solvents Blinkovsky, A. M. er al., Appl. Eiochem. Biotechnol., 1994, 49, (2), 153-164. The paper discusses the polymerization and depolymerization of coal by using peroxidases (e.g. horseradish roots, soybean hulls). The peroxidasecatalvzed oxidation of free ohenoiic moieties of lienite. leadine to oxidative ‘polymerization of the low-molecular-weight coal pglymers is observed. 95103332 The Port0 Torres biodepyritization pilot plant: Light and shade of one year operation Loi, G. er al., Fuel Process. Technol., 1994, 40, (2), 261-267. Describes the coal biode yritization in the Porto Torres pilot plant. For all the test runs more than 8 0% pyrite removal was achieved in the first five bioreactors. The kinetics of the process and power requirements are also discussed. 95103333 Pressure filtration of lignite sludges from wet grinding Naundorf, W. et al., Braunkohle Bergbautech., 1994, 46, (9), 18-22. (In German) Describes how the suspension obtained by wet grinding of soft and full iignites was dewatered to the level of saturated water contents of the corresponding raw lignites by pressure filtration. Pros ects for biodesulfurization of coal: Mecha95103334 nisms and relate B process designs Olson, G. J. Fuel Process. Technol., 1994, 40, (2). 103-114. Discusses recent developments in microbiological desulphurization of coal, organic sulphur removal, biodepyritization, and microbial removal of other forms of inorganic suiphur. 95103335 Review of the XII International Coal Preparation Congress Hucko, R. E. and Schimmoiier, B. K. Coal Preparation, 1995, 15, (3) 207-214. The XII International Coal Preparation Congress (ICPC), sponsored jointly by the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the State Coal Agency of Poland, was held in Kracow, Poland, during May 23-27 1994. The theme of the XII ICPC was ‘New Trends in Coal Pre aration Technologies and Equipment’. About 650 representatives from 2 !! countries attended the Congress. The Congress preprints contained 156 papers, divided among 15 technical sessions. The sessions presented a thorough treatment of the science, art, and industrial practice of coal preparation for the early years of the 1990s. Gives a summary of some of the papers presented at the Congress. 95103336 Screening of fungi for the biological modification of hard coal and coal derivatives Bublitz, F. et al,, Fuel Process. Technol., 1994: 40, (2), 347-354. Discusses the modification of hard coal with fungr. The coal materials such as powdered or hydrogenated hard coal (asphahene) are aseptically exposed to fungal pure cultures in a four-step screening system. Agar surface cultures were examined for softening and erosion of the coal particles, and for alterations in the asphaltene films fixed in plastic chips and silica gel. 95103337 Second high-efficiency preparation project completed at PETC PETC Review, Spring 1995, (11) p. 43. Reports that a recent emphasis of the US Department of Energy’s Coal Preparation Program has been on the development of high-efficiency technologies that offer near-term, low-cost improvement in-the ability of coal preparation plants to address problems associated with coal fines. 95103336 Separation technology of an autogenous medium drum separator Yan, F. and Xie, X. Kuangye (Beijing), 1994, 3, (3) 55-60. (In Chinese) Describes the autogenous medium separation in coal preparation. 95103339 The significance of chemical markers In the bloorocesslna of fossil fuels Premuzic, E. T_ et al., Fuel Process. Technol., 1994, 40, (2), 227-239. The use of the chemical markers to determine the extent and the efficiency of fossil fuel bioconversion by thermophilic and pressure tolerant microorganisms is discussed. The markers (e.g. trace metals, asphaltenes, organic sulohur comoounds) indicate multiole biochemical urocesses involving chemical rea&ons at sites containing heteroatoms and metals leading to a breakdown of the structure(s) to smaller molecular weight units.
Solid fuels (transport, storage)
95103340 A standardlsed procedure for performance analysis of crushers t_\atttacharya, S. and Misra, D. D. Mine & Quarry, Mar. 1995, 24, (3), Performance analysis of industrial crushers is a difficult task. No standardised methodology or parameter is available for this purpose. The work summarises the difficulties experienced by the authors, in the absence of any standardised norm, while doing the performance analysis of a large number of crushers operating in Indian coal preparation plants. On the basis of the experience gained from the work a precise methodology is proposed to standardise the performance evaluation of crushers. 95103341 Study of influence of irradiation time on the mlcrowave-magnetic desulfurization of raw coal by Moessbauer method Weng, S. Hejishu, 1994, 17, (7), 437-442. (In Chinese) Describes the selective dielectric heating- by microwave energy to convert a portion of pyrite particles to pyrrhotite to enhance the magnetic separation of inorgamc sulphur from coal. Study on dissociation and complexation of fulvic 95103342 acid from weathered coal using potentlometric titration Du, J. et al., He Huaxue Yu Fangshe Huaxue, 1994, 16, (3) 135-141. (In Chinese) The dissociation and compiexation of fuivic acid from weathered coal are studied by means of potentiometric titrations. 95103343 Substitution of natural gypsum by gypsum obtained from flue gas desulfuriration Haugn, N. Staub-Reinhalf. Luff, 1994, 54, (7), 309-312. (In German) Discusses the use of flue gas desuiphurization gypsum from coal- and lignite-fired power stations for the manufacture of building materials due to its chemical composition and low content of trace elements. 95103344 Use of a batch hindered-settling model to investigate variable interactions in dense-medium cyclone separations Kiima, M. S. and Cho, H. Coal Preparation, 1995, 15, (3), 129-148. The oaoer details the use of a batch hindered-settline model to investigate dens&-medium cyclone separations, particularly wish respect to variible interactions. The model parameters are based on those obtained for various dense-medium cyclones processing fine coal. Simulations were run over a wide range of test conditions to investigate changes in volumetric flow rate, cyclone diameter, pulp split, medium density, and magnetite size distribution The oerformance is anaivzed in terms of the fractional recoverv (partition) cur;es and corresponding parameters. Comparisons are made tb the results obtained from the actual dense-medium cyclone separations. 95103345 A useful model for the calculation of the performance of batch and continuous jigs Tavares, L. M. and King, R. P. Coal Preparation, 1995, 15, (3), 99-128. A model based on the potential energy minimization principle allowing for the dispersive effects due to particle-particle and particle-fluid interactions is developed and applied to the jigging of coal. The model requires only a single parameter, the specific stratification constant. The model generates the equilibrium stratification profile for ail components in the jig bed and the separation of each component is then calculated as a function of the total vieid of solids. The model is validated aeainst exoerimental data obtained from a laboratory batch jig and against operating’ data from several industrial single and two-compartment Baum and Batac jigs. The model calculates the performance of continuous jigs for arbitrary compositions of the feed and is particularly useful for the reliable simulation of washing plant performance. I
Effects of weathering of coal on the propertles of a 95tO3346 highly loaded coal water mixture Takao, A. and Imori, Y. Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu, 1994, 20, (6), 912-917. (In Japanese) The paper discusses the changes in properties of a highly loaded coal-water mixture by weathering of feed coal. 95103347 Magiev moves materlal magnetlcally Coal Mug., Apr. 1995, 100, (4), p. 66. The short articie discusses how magnets may offer a new way to get goods off the ground and on the go. Reports that the U.S. Bureau of Mines have designed a friction-free freight pipeline system that uses magnetic levitation (Maglev) to move coal or other materials. Panorama - Modern earthmovers improve effl95103346 clency of Turkish lignite mlnlng Mining Mug., Feb. 1995, 172, (2), p. 68. Report on the increased profitability and increased productivity of lignite mining in Turkey.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
July 1995