03603 CORVIS. Researching reactor pressure vessel melt through

03603 CORVIS. Researching reactor pressure vessel melt through

05 Nuclear fuels (scientific, technical) The BWR vessel and internals projects 95103597 Nuclear Engng. Int., Jun. 1995, 40, (491), 34-35. Reports t...

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fuels (scientific, technical)

The BWR vessel and internals projects 95103597 Nuclear Engng. Int., Jun. 1995, 40, (491), 34-35. Reports that in June 1994, BWR owners formed the BWR Vessel and Internals Project (VIP) to address integrity issues surrounding these key corn nents, beginning with the core shroud. This includes efforts to reso p” ve outstanding issues with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The technical programme is managed by EPRI. Changing Y5’ Q35g0 Graae, T. Nuclear



Construction gets underway on Hungary’s modular 95103599 vault dry storage Nuclear Engng. Int., Jun. 1995, 4 (491), 16-19. The power output from the Paks nuf iear power plant represents half of the total power generated within Hungary. This is why Paks decided to build a Modular Vault Dry Store for the intermediate storage of spent fuel, to give them independence and cost control over what is an essential part of the Hungarian economy. The Paks store will be used for the medium term (50 years) storage of spent fuel from the four VVER-440 reactors at the site, which is located on the Danube, south of Budapest. 95lQ36QQ Contemporary health physics: Problems and solutions Bevelacqua, J. J. John Wile & Sons Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, USA. $64.95. f 416 DD.

The book dis&sses
issues that are important

Controlling containment H, levels after an accident 95103601 Koroll, G. W. and Graham, W. R. Nuclear Engn,q. - _ Int., May 1995, 40, (490), 26-27. A catalytic recombination is an attractive option for hydrogen management in the aftermath of a severe accident because modern recombiner systems operate passively, have a high capacity and are suitable for back-fitting. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited’s recombiner self-starts under a wide range of thermodynamic conditions and is resistant to radiation and anticipated poisons. 95103602 Core shroud cracking may close Wurgassen for good (Germany) Nuclear Engng. Int., May 1995, 40, (490), p. 2. Reports that the cracking in the core shroud at the Wurgassen BWR may not be repairable and the 23-year-old plant may be shut down permanently, according 10 utility PreussenElektra. The cracking was found in’the core shroud structure when the plant was shut down in August 1994 for regular maintenance. 95lO3603 CORVIS. Researching reactor pressure vessel melt through Hirschmann, H. et al., Nuclear Engng. Int., May 1995, 40, (490), 34-36. Discusses how severe accidents in nuclear power plants can involve accident scenarios which are not considered in the origIna design of the safety systems. CORVIS (Corium Reactor Vessel Interaction Studies) is a research programme for the experimental and analytical investigation of possible failure modes of LWR pressure vessels during a core melt accident. The research is being carried out by the Laboratory for Safety and Accident Research at the Paul Scherrer Institut of Switzerland.

95103604 Determination of input (data for probabilistic safety assessment Breilina, G. and Oehmgen, T. Kerntechnik, May 1995, 60, (2), 105-109. The application of probabilistic safety assessmint in decisibn processes depends to a great extent on the quality of the input data. The plant specific acquistion of these data must be performed in a way which allows a reliable prediction of system failures m the future. Comfortable computer tools are available lo facilitate data processing and to make use of data that are already available via the computerized fillant information system. The correct classification of failure occurrences with respect to the PSA relevant failure modes requires thorough evaluation of all information available in maintenance records, test reports, and licensing event reports. The flow of information relevant to future data acquisition must be properly organized. 95103605

The development of colliders Pellegrini, C. and Sessler, A. M. (eds.)American

Box 20, Williston,

The collection



Diablo Canyon record due to employees,


News, Apr. 1995, 38, (5), 28-31.

Reports that Diablo Canyon-2’s sixth refueling outage took 34 days and 10 hours, came in SlO million under budget, exceeded worker safety and radiation exposure goals, and set a world mark for large (more than 1000 MWe) four-loop Westinghouse pressurized water reactors. The event illustrated that with the right planning, people, attitude, and resources, history can be made.

the core shroud support in Oskarshamn

Engng. Int., J;n. 1995, 40, (491), 32-33. Reuorts that Oskarshamm 1 is now beine oreoared for restart after a reoair and upgrade outage which has lasted for over two years. The modern’isation programme, called Fenix, included the repair ofthe core shroud foilowing the discovery of weld cracking in it, a problem that has plagued BWRs throuehout the world. At Oskarshamn 1 ir was decided to reuiace the shroud s;pport.




of papers discusses

USA, $48.00,

Institute 274 pp.

the development

Fuel and Energy Abstracts

July 1995


of colliders.


95103607 Experience in the performance of probabilistic safety assessments Fabian, H. Kerntechnik May 1995, 60, (2), 91-98. Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) has been performed at Siemens/KWU for many years, covering a wide range of purposes over the compiere spectrum of issues. The recommended use of PSA as part of the comprehensive safety review of operating plants has provided a new sohere of activitv. A consensus on this aonlication has vet to be reached between the originators and the regulator; Authorities and: inspectorates. In spite of the PSA Guide and established tools, discrepancies still exist in r&pect of methodology, content and evaluation. Engineering objectives must take precedence over issues of completeness and accuracy. The integral damage frequency of less that 1w6 a.’ achieved in advanced design (e.g. Konvoi) plants and plants under development has reached the practical limits of mathematical proof. 95103608 Experiences from reviews of probabilistic safety assessments Spitzer, C. Kerntechnik, May 1995, 60, (2), 99-104. Probabilistic safety assessments (PSAs) prepared by German utilities are reviewed bv indeoendenr associations. Exoeriences from such reviews are presented ii this ;aper. Methods and appriaches applied are described and assessed, recommendations are made to ensure the validity of PSAs, and prospects on further developments and applications are given. The spectrum of initiating events, an adequate representation of instrumentation and control, the updating of thermohydraulic calculations, human factors and data are addressed within general points of view. Methodological aspects with respect to calculation methods and the assessment of common cause failures are presented in more detail.


Farewell FRG-2. Reviewing the life of a successful research reactor Krull, W. Nuclear Engng. Inf., May 1995, 40, (490), p. 50. Over its lifetime, FRG-2 generated 1.4 TWh of energy, used 80 kg of uranium, 93% of which was enriched U-233, produced about 800 g of neutrons and used 1030 fuel elements, over 90% of which have been removed. The permit to shut down the FRG-2 research reactor was granted ts9;y German Federal Ministry of Finance and Energy on 17 January

The first replacement SGs. How are they 95103610 performing? Eastwood, J. 0. and Throckmorton, E. W. Nuclear Engng. Int., May 1995, 40, (490), 44-45. Describes how in the late 197Os, Virginia Power replaced the three steam generators in each of the two Westinghouse reactors at its Surry power station, the first of many changeouts which have taken place throughout the world. Although the SG tubing is made of Alloy 6OOTI’ and not the 69O’IT in most of today’s replacement units, 16 years of successful performance have confirmed the wisdom of Virginia Power’s early decision.


Fitzpatrick’s pre-emptive strike on its core shroud Kovan, D. Nuclear Engng. Int., Jun. 1995, 40, (491), 33-34. Discusses the decision by the New York Power Authority, 10 carry out repairs of the core shroud at the James A Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant.

How to improve steam generator reliability. A 95103612 Canadian perspective Smith, J. C. Nuclear Engng. Int., May 19?5, 40, (490), 41-44. Steam generators in use in CANDU plants around the world have demonstrated high reliability for many years. The successful design which has evolved from CANDU experience is now being adapted to PWR replacement steam generators.

improving safety with a steam injector 95103613 Popov, E. L. and Stanev, I. E. Nuclear Engng. Int., Jun. 1995, 40, (491), 36-37. Discusses a steam injector which is under development which could provide a valuable additional passive safety system for VVER-440s. The injector could fully replace the auxiliary feedwater system and increase the capability of the existing emergency core cooling provisions. The low cost and small dimensions of the injector offer significant advantages over current safety systems.