Alternative energy sources
(ofhers, including development,
95/03046 The jobs connection. Energy use and local economic development Green, B. Solar Today, May-Jun. 1995, 9, (3), 22-25. The author discusses how investments in energy efficiency and alternative energy technologies can improve the economic health of American communities. 95103647 National incinerator testing and evaluation roramme: The environmental characterisation of refuse-der Pved Buel (RDF) combustion technology Environmental Protection Publications, .Environmental Protection Service, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KlA 0H3. 95103646 A new method for the utlllsatlon of solar energy Kitami, T. Proc. Solar ‘94, ANDES Administrator, PO Box 124, Caulfield East, VIC.3145, Australia. This paper proposed a new system for solar energy to obtain a super high intensive beam of luminous flux by means of an asymptotically looping scheme for concentration. If obtained, it would be able to develop new utilisation methods of solar energy. 95103649 Optimlsing the operatlon of hybrld remote area power supplies Hancock, M. et al., Proc. Solar ‘94;Ah’ZSES Administrator, PO Box 124, Caulfield East, VIC.3145, Australia. Describes a new method for optimising the operation of Hybrid Remote Area Power Supply (RAPS) systems. The photochemlcal
Quality improvement of MSW-fly ash and APC-resl95103651 due from MSW-lnclncerator Amsferdam-West uslng dlfferent lmmoblllzatlon processes Van de Laar, H. T. et al., Stud. Environ. Sci:, 1994, (60), 811-820. Describes a project which was carried out on immobilization of fly ashes and air pollution control residues for the Municipal Waste Incinerator Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The project was to determine if the leachability of these residues could be reduced by immobilization in such a way that could be classified in a lenient category. 95103652 Regional waste to energy plants: A case study Talacko, J. Proc. Solar ‘94, ANZSES Administrator, PO Box 124, Caulfield East, VIC.3145, Australia. -Describes an anaerobic digestion system developed by Bio-Resources Australia Pty Ltd which enables wastes to be used as resources for the production and commercialisation of energy and organic fertiliser prodticts. 95lO3653 Ftegulatlng sustalnablk development Drummond, I. and Marsden, T. K. Global Environmental Change, Mar. 1995, 5, (l), 51-63. Sustainable development is an intuitively rational and attractive idea which has solicited considerable interest from both academics and policy makers in recent years. Despite this, the prospect of operationalizing the concept in any meaningful way now appears increasingly remote. In this paper the authors attempt to identify key dificiences in extant approaches to sustainable development. They argue that the formulation of a more substantial theory requires the incorporation of key insights from social theory. Subsequently they developed this agenda by linking current ideas on sustainable development with regulation theory. This, they suggest, allows further progress to be made in understanding what sustainability must be and how it might best be achieved. Renewable energy development in New South %:Y Proc. Solar ‘94, ANZSES Administrator, PO Box 124, Crawford, R. Caulfield Easr, VIC.3145, Australia. The New South Wales Government provides funding for renewable energy research, development and demonstration projects through the Office of Energy. The author reviews its priorities and policies for support of renewable energy technology development. 95103655 Renewablea under fire Hochanadel, .I. Solar Today, May-Jun. 1995, 9, (3), 11-12. Reports that as expected, priserviig funding for so&/renewable programmes is an uphill battle as the budget cutting agenda prevails in Washington. The House Energy and Water Development Appropriates Subcommittee recommended $35 million in recisions from the fiscal year 1995 solar budget. Recisions withdraw previously enacted appropriations and therefore threaten current 95 oblieated funds. The future of the recisions in the Senate is still an unknownlt press time. If passed, the Department of Energy would likely have to work out the specifics of which programmes
to cut.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
Solar/wind hybrld remote area power supply 95103657 Case studv number 13 Rees, J. Silar Progress! Autumn 1995, 16, (l), p. 36. Describes a wind/solar/diesel power system at a working cattle farm in Western Australia. 95103656 Southeastern renewable energy: Now and the future Roach, J. et al., Proc. Solar ‘94, ANZSES Administrator, PO Box 124, Caulfield East, VIC.3145, Australia. Forward thinking by electricity utilities throughout the world are now moving towards positive involvement in the promotion of renewable energy sources as viable alternatives or supplements to traditional grid suppii. Discusses how Illawarra Electricity. the fourth largest electricity distributor in New South Wales, is leading thkway with part;ership approaches to the promotion of renewables.
of carbon dioxide to
Matthews, D. et al., Proc. Solar ‘94, ANZSES Administrator, PO Box 124, Caulfield East, VIC.3145, Australia. The authors describes their work on artificial photosynthesis which is biomimetic, it uses in vivo photosynthesis as a model to direct research on in vitro photosynthesis.
95103656 The role of an umbrella oraanisation for the sustainable energy industry Sonneborn. C. L. Proc. Solar ‘94. ANZSES Administrator. PO Box 124. Caulfield i‘ast, VIC.3145, Australia. The paper discusses the Sustainable Energy Industry which is unlike many traditional industries. It does not have a single type of product such as steel or cars. The range of products and services is as varied as the number of ener y services demanded by our energy-intensive culture. It is also a high Py fragmented industry composed of many subgroups, some of which compete with each other for the sale of products and services. However, there is a basic commonality: these businesses are the basis of an ecologically sustainable energy system.
July 1995
Sulfur-polycycllc aromatic hydrocarbons In tyre 95103659 pyrolysls oil _ Williams. P. T. and Bottrill. R. P. Fuel. May 1995. 74. 15). 736-742. Scrap tyres were pyrolysed in two bench&ale’reacto;s: a’sia&c batch slow pyrolysis reactor and a tluidized bed reactor. The pyrolysis oils were analysed for their content of sulphur-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PASH), using a series of liquid column chromatography fractionation with oxidation and reduction to produce a PASH-enriched sample. The PASH were identified and auantified using couoled caoillarv column pas chromatography-mass specirometry and ;apiliary column gas chromatography with flame photometric sulphur-selective detection. The PASH identified were mainly dibenzothiophene and methyl, dimethyl and trimethyl dibenzothiophenes: and also naphthothio henes and their methyl derivatives. The PASH identified were not blo .P oglcally active according to the literature on the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of PASH. 95/03660 Sustainable energy and the buildlng code Zealand Bannister, P. et al., Proc. Solar ‘94, ANZSES Administratdr, PO Caulfield East, VIC.3145, Australia. The scope for new measures is discussed, taking into account the ance based nature for new measures of the New Eland Building
In New Box 124, performcode.
Sustalnable energy systems: Pathways for Austra95103661 llan Energy Reform Dovers, S. (ed.) Cambridge University Press, $A29.95, 2!6 pp. The book discusses Australian energy issues. 95103662 A techno-economlcal comparison of three processes for the productlon of ethanol from plne Von Sivers, M. and Zacchi, G. Eioresource Technol., 1995, 51, (l), 43-52. There is an increasing interest in the use of ethanol as a substitute for fossil liquid fuels, such as gasoline and diesel. Ethanol can be produced from renewable resources, which gives no net contribution to ‘greenhouse’ gases since the carbon dioxide produced by the combustion of ethanol is consumed by the growing raw material. This study comprises a technical and economic comparison of three different processes for the production of fuel ethanol from pine. The processes were based on the same technical and economic assumptions. The main difference between the processes lies in the front end of each process, i.e. in the pretreatment of the raw material and in the hydrolysis of the hemicellulose and cellulose to sugars. Utility involvement in RAPS supply 95103663 Watt, M. and Ma&ill, I. Proc. Solar ‘94, ANZSES Administrator, PO Box 124. Caulfield East. VIC.3145. Australia. The pap& dis&sses how electricity’distributors are in an excellent position to provide a range of RAPS services to remote area customers. However, there are a variety of barriers to their involvement. In NSW these include unfamiliarity with RAPS technology, differences in the nature, timing and proportion of costs involved with RAPS and grid supply. 95103664 Welsh site pioneers power balancing technology Elec. Rev., Nov. 1994, 18-19. Describes a new Dower manaeement svstem which is beine develooed at the Centre for Aliernative Terhnology: Machynlleth, Wales. The fi million Idem (Integrated Domestic Energy Management) project avoids synchronisation of various AC sources of power by rectification and battery charging, with the power fed to on-site AC loads via inverters.