04252 World fossil fuel subsidies and global carbon emissions in a model with interfuel substitution

04252 World fossil fuel subsidies and global carbon emissions in a model with interfuel substitution

16 Fuel science and technology (fundamental science, analysis, instrumentation) True-coincidence correction when using an LEPD 95104270 for the dete...

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16 Fuel science and technology (fundamental

science, analysis, instrumentation)

True-coincidence correction when using an LEPD 95104270 for the determination of the lanthanldes in the environment via k, based INAA

Freitas, M. C. and De Corte, F. Biol. Trace Elem. Res., 1994, 691-696. As part of a recent study on the environmental effects caused by the operation of a coal-fired power station at Sines, Portugal, k,-based instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was used for the determination of the lanthanides (and also of tantalum and uranium) in plant leaves and lichens.

Update on NO, control technologies 95104271 PETC Review, Spring 1995, (II), 28-39. Various nitrogen oxide control technologies are being demonstrated under the US Department of Energy Clean Coal Technology Program. These NO,-reductton technology demonstrations will assist utilities and industry in meeting the requirements of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Final results are available on many of these projects, and preliminary results are available on the rest. 95164272


energy use and greenhouse


In economic development. Results from a cross-national study of development countries Parikh, J. and Shukla, V. Global Environmental Change, May 1995, 5, (2), 87-103. The paper seeks an exploratory assessment of the possible global greenhouse consequences of economic development in general and urbanization in particular, especially insofar as they relate to changing patterns of energy use. First, the nature of the relationship between urbamzation and increased resource use is elaborated upon, and the impact of the development transition upon levels of energy consumption is empirically analysed in a multiple regression framework, using cross-national variations in urbanization and other development indicators to estimate a fixed-effects model of the determinants of energy usage. The same set of hypothesized determinants is then used to measure their contribution to estimated greenhouse gas emissions for the full set of countries.

Ventilation and fans 95104273 Rossi, N. Installatore Ital., Jan. 1995, 46, (I), 45-53, 54-65, 67-74. (In Italian) Presents three short articles on ventilation and fans. 95104274 Ventilation system hygiene - A review Loyd, S. BSRIA Technical Note TN.18192, 7th Edition, f25.00, BSRIA, Old Bracknell Lane West, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 7AH, UK, Jan. 1995, 50 PP. The report reviews published literature on the hygiene of ventilation systems to provide designers with information to limit contamination as well as aiding building owners in rocedures to help mitigate the effects on the occupants of a building. Su t?Jects covered - Legislation, Contaminants, Micro-organisms, Effects of dirt, Limiting contamination, Hygiene access doors, Inspection, Cleaning and disinfection, Air sampling, Further research.

What kind of gasoline will you use? The question Is still In the air


Seetin, M. and Khtzman,





Energy in the News, Winter 1994, 12-16.

Why are public perception studies on the envlronment Ignored?


Lofstedt, R. E.

Global Environmental Change, May 1995, 5, (2). 83-85.

The results of the elobal warmine oerceotion research has to date not been used by policy makers in sett& up ‘climate change public campaign programmes. Social scientists conducting work in this field believe that this-is a missed opportunity. Examples of-past studies the author and others have presented show that public concern is an important factor for environmental policy making. Today the public are worried by a whole series of environmental problems, where global warming in particular stands out.

95164261 Why evaporative nalres’ disease Puckorius,

coolers have not caused leglon-

P. et al., ASHRAE J., Jan. 1995, 37, (I), 29-33.

Discusses how there has been no reported cases of legionnaires’ disease related to wetted media direct evaporative coolers or to indirect evaporative coolers that incorporate a heat exchanger. This is most likely due to the difference in design and operation of these coolers versus cooling towers and evaporative condensers.

World fossil fuel subsidies and global carbon emls95104262 slons In a model with Interfuel substitution Bjorn, L. World Bank Publications, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC.20433, USA, Paper No.1 256, 1994, 24 pp. Reviews existing fossil fuel pricing regimes and estimates the level of fossil fuel subsidies. The author assesses the impact of subsidy removal on national and global carbon emissions, using a detailed sectoral data set that includes prices and consumption for a large sample of countries.




Discusses the significant impact on the oil industry since the Clean Air Act was introduced two decades ago, and also the effect on the financial markets, especially the New York Mercantile Exchange’s energy futures and opttons contracts.

Science, Analysis,




Perederii, M. A. and Kazakov, V. A. Khim. Tverd.Topl. (Moscow), 1994, (6), 79-85. (In Russian) The paper discusses the effectiveness of brown coal adsorbents in the treatment of phenolic and petroleum product containing wastewater.

Water pollution in coal mining areas of Madhya Pradesh: Case study from Amlal and Damuha colliery


Pathak, V. and Banerjee, A. K. Proc. Acad. Environ. Biol., 1994, 3, (2), 233-239. Reports on a study of groundwater pollution in the coal mining areas of Madhya Pradesh, India. 95104277

Watts in green substances - The first ACF green


Aerial fibre optic cable systems

Haywood, B. Queensland Government Min. J., (Queensland Power Australia), May 1995, 96, 4-5. Discusses the convergence of power distribution and telecommunications which has started to occur in the US and Europe where business-focussed utilities have identified their enormous transmission and distribution line assets as having the potential to carry voice video and data through the medium of fibre-optic cables.

95164264 Air flow measurement with a deflecting vane anemometer behind finned tube heat exchangers Technik am Bau, Jan. 1995, (l), 45-48. (In German)


Presser, K. H.

Oppenheim, D. Solar Progress, Autumn 1995, 16, (l), 40-41. Describes the design of an Australian Conservation Foundation green home. -

A stationary air flow measurement procedure applied immediately behind a finned tube heat exchanger of an air conditioning unit, using commercially available deflecting vane anemometers for single-point and grid measurements is described. Explains the measurement principle and illustrates the test set-up schematically. Discusses the results obtained with three types of deflecting vane anemometers, and different evaluation methods.



What factors determine Sweden’s aid to Eastern Europe?




Lofstedt, R. E. Global Environmental Change, Mar. 1995, 5, (l), 41-49. The paper seeks to analyse the debate which has shaped Sweden’s environmental aid programme to Eastern Europe over the past four to five years, through focusing on two criteria: efficiency (both economic and environmental) and responsibility. Efficiency is used to refer to using resources to obtain the maximum environmental benefit for resources expended. Responsibility is examined here in terms of ultimate liability for the products or outcomes of aid given by one nation to another, and how it affects the recipient nation’s sovereignty. Do donors give aid because they feel responsible on moral, historical or other grounds? Long-range air pollution and cleaning up the Baltic Sea are used as illustrative examples. Concludes by looking at the policy and practice of Sweden’s environmental assistance to Eastern Europe and how this has been influenced by efficiency and responsibility arguments.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts

July 1995

Analysis of contact melting of phase change materlals Inside a heated rectangular capsule


Chen, W. Z. et al., Int. J. Energy Rex, Jun. 1995, 19, (4), 337-345. Close-contact melting processes of phase change material (PCM) inside a horizontal rectangular capsule are studied. The PCM is heated by the capsule at constant h