Fuel science and technology (fundamental science, analysis, instrumentation)
Experimental studies of heat transfer by slot jet and single/triple row of round jets impinging on semlcylindrlcal concave surfaces
R. K.
et al.,
Hear Transfer Engng., Oct.-Dec.
1994, 15, (4),
Experimental obtained for a jets impinging numbers have and number, configuration.
results for average heat transfer coefficients have been slot jet, a single row of round jets, and a triple row of round onto a concave semicylindrical surface. Average Nusselt been expressed as functions of Reynolds number, Prandtl non-dimensional geometric parameters of jet-target
Expert systems wlthln the construction Industry In
the UK L..E~~E.
and Bouchlaghem,
N. M.
Autom. Constrn., Jan. 1995, 3, (4),
Discusses a number of issues relevant to the application related to the UK construction industry.
of expert systems
Flsheye views - Maklng corn lex systems manageable through selective presentation of InPormatlon
Zinser, K. and Reidel, P. ABB Review, 1995, (3), 10-1.5. Users of complex systems with information structures that are too large and intricate to be totally manageable are forced to concentrate on essentials. Peripheral areas assumed to be non-essential in the user’s context are often ignored and may not even be shown. In many cases, for example in power system management, this laces considerable restrictions on the operator’s options. Wide-area, hlg .g ly meshed power networks should be reproduced in a way that allows an operator trying to estimate the effect of, e.g. breaker operatioy, to identify in detail the situation in the immediate vicinity of the circmt-breaker while still keeping an eye on the more remote parts of the network, which should be shown but could be less detailed. So-called fisheye Views solve this problem.
Flash pyrol sis- as chromatography-mass s ectrometry of lower KittannYng v9trlnltes. Changes In distribut Pons of polyaromatic hydrocarbons as a function of coal rank
Kruge, M. A. and Bensley,
D. F.
ACS Symp. Ser., 1994, (570), 136-148.
95104306 Flux.compression generators (Tutorial) Smith, I. R. et al., Power Engng. J., Apr. 1995, 9, (2), 97-101. Describes the flux-compression process for the production of high-energy pulse, and identifies two classes of generator.
Free convection In power-law fluids near a threedimensional stagnation polnt
Gorla, R. S. et al., Heal & Fluid Flow, Feb. 1995, 16, (l), 62-68. Numerical results are presented for the free-convection boundary-layer equations of the Ostwald de-Waele non-Newtonian power-law type fluids near a three-dimensional stagnation point of attachment on an isothermal surface. The existence of dual solutions that are three-dimensional in nature have been verified by means of a numerciai procedure. An asymptotic solution for very large Prandt numbers has also been derived. Solutions are presented for a range of values of the geometric curvature parameter c, the power-law index n, and the Prandtl number Pr.
Hot spot histories In energetic materials
Mellor, A. M. et al., Combustion & Flame, Apr. 1995, 101, (l), 26-35. Interest in the mechanisms by which hot spots either grow to sustained reaction or are quenched results from the observation that the energy required to ignite a propellant or explosive can be significantly less than that needed to bulk heat a test specimen uniformly to its ignition temperature. This result is independent of the original form of nonthermal energy and has been used to interpret data for shock, impact, friction and electrostatic discharge stimuli. Presents new flowcharts that include events resulting in hot spot formation and subsequent pathways that lead to sustained reaction or quenching.
95lO4311 Identification and characterization of nitrogen compounds In Brazilian diesel oil by particle beams Lc-m.s. Mao, J. et al., Fuel, Jun. 1995, 74, (6), 880-887. A simple procedure has been developed to isolate the basic and neutral nitrogen compounds from a Brazilian diesel distillate through acid partition and open column chromatography using alumina. With minimum sample preparation and clean-up, isolated fractions were analysed by particle beam liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (l.c.-m.s.) using both reversed phase and normal phase chromatography. The basic fraction was found to contain mostly alkyl benzoquinolines (C&). The neutral fraction contained mostly alkyl carbazoles (C,-C,). The Identification was based upon electron im act mass spectra of each class of nitrogen compounds, and confirmed g y ultravoilet spectral characteristics obtained using online photodiode array detection. 95104312 The Incipient oxidation of pyrite Tao, D. P. et al., Colloids Surf. A., 1994, 93, 229-239. The oxidation of fresh surfaces of coal pyrite and mineral pyrite (e.g. by insitu fracturing) was studied electrochemically and photoelectrochemically, in order to better understand the role of surface oxidation in collectorless flotation of pyrite. Chronamperometry was used to determine the potential at which a newly created surface does not show oxidation or reduction currents.
Influence of ostweld heat treatment on creep properties of 1CrO.SMoan8 2.25Crl Mo weldments
Storesund, J. and Sandstrom, R. Materials at High Temperatures, 1994, 12, (4), 269-276. The creep properties of simulated heat-affected zone, weld metal and cross-weld specimens of lCrO.SMo and cross-weld specimens of 2.25CrlMo have been studied with reference to the effect of postweld heat treatment (PWHT). A reduction in the creep rupture strength of up to 20% has been observed after PWHT. Contrary to what has been previously proposed, PHWT was in the present investigation found to have only a marginal influence on the creep ductility. The creep rate can increase by up to a factor of 2-4 after postweld heat treatment, probably because of carbide coarsening during the heat treatment. Preheating at 200°C did not affect the creep properties of 2.25CrlMo. Overheating on the other hand, at 650°C for lOOOh reduced the rupture time of lCrO.SMo by almost an order of magnitude.
95104314 Inner-shell spectroscopy and lmaglng of a subbltuminous coal: In-situ analysis of or anic and Inorganic microstructure using C(ls)-, Ca(Pp)-, and 8 I(2s)-NEXAFS Cody, G. D. et al., Energy & Fuels, May-Jun. 1995, 9, (3), 525-533. Inner-shell microspectroscopy has been used to provide in-situ microanalysis of organic and inorganic constituents within Wyodak subbituminous coal (APCS No.2). Two specimens were prepared, one loaded with Ca*’ and the other rinsed in HCl. Carbon NEXAFS spectroscopy was used to determine the chemical structure of liptinitic and huminitic macerals.
Handbook of hydraulic resistance
Idelchik, I. E. CRC Press, 3rd Edition, 1994, 790~~. The handbook notes the importance to engineering of resistance to flow, including air conditioning and ventilation, including boilers, furnaces, heat exchangers, engines, air and gas-cleaning equipment.
Heat transfer enhancement In e vertical channel wlth asymmetric Isothermal walls by local blowing or suction
Jeng, Y. N. et al., Heat & Fluid Flow, Feb. 1995, 16, (l), 25-35. In this article, local heat transfer enhancement in a vertical parallel channel with asymmetric isothermal walls is numerically investigated. A porous wall segment is embedded in the hot wall to achieve this enhancement. By assuming the reference pressure and temperature on the other side of the hot wall, the heat transfer is enhanced as hot fluid is sucked from the channel. The heat transfer improvement is a local effect that becomes more effective with the increase of porosity and the distance measured from the entrance to the position of porous wall segment. It is shown that the local cooling enhancement is effective in low Reynolds number cases but is less impressive when the Reynolds number is higher. Numercial results also show the possibility of embedding multiple porous segments in a single channel, provided that the mass fraction sucked out of the channel is limited.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts July 1995
Investigation and Improvement adsorption purification of argon for oxygen
of cryogenic
Fedorov, A. N. Gas Separation & Purificarion, 1995, 9, (2), 137-145. The intensification of argon purification from oxygen by cryoadsorption is feasible by cooling the adsorbent in argon medium and by dehydration under decreased temperature. A modified NaA zeolite is used as an adsorbent. The argon purification process has been investigated at an oxygen concentration of 3% at 90 K and at a degree of purification of 1 ppm. The conditions of the occurrence of argon capillary condensation have been considered. The zeolite modification with the best adsorption performance has been defined and an improved method of argon purification from oxygen has been developed.
Iso-rank variation of vltrlnite reflectance and fluo95lO4316 rescence Intensity Quick, J. C. ACS Symp. Ser., 1994, (570), 64-75. Between 0.5 and 1.1% mean maximum reflectance of vitrinite, the log mean fluorescence intensity of vitrinite is shown to exhibit a negative linear relationship with iso-rank variation of vitrinite reflectance. Describes this relationship which is used to devise a method to both identify reflectance-suppressed vitrinite and to estimate the extent of suppression.