(supplies, policy, economics, forecasts)
95104332 Quantitative LIF measurements and modeling of nltrlc oxlde In hlgh-pressure C,H,/OdN, flames Reisel, J. R. and Laurendeau, N. M. Combustion & Flame, Apr. 1995, 101, (l), 141-152. The authors have obtained quantitative LIF measurements of NO concentration in the post-flame zone of a series of flat, laminar, premixed C,HJO,N, flames at pressures ranging from 1 to 11.9 atm. The internal consistency of the data was verified by demonstrating good agreement between measurements based on two different NO excitation lines. The temperatures of the flames were 1600-1850 K, indicating that most of the NO produced in the flames is prompt-NO. The resultsshowthatthe equivalence ratio corresponding to the peak NO concentration at a given pressure shifts towards leaner conditions with increasing pressure.
Rapid separation of polyc clic aromatic hydrocar95104333 bons by packed column supercrltlcal fYuld chromatogra‘phy Heaton,D. M. et al., Chromatographia, 1994, 39, (9), 607-611. Describes the separation in 6 min of the 16 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on a single packed column by supercritical fluid chromatography, and compared to that obtained using liquid chromatography with the same column.
Real-time determination of metal hazardous air pol95104334 lutants In flue gas emissions: Laboratory study ~8;~~~4G.A. and Lee, K. W. Process Control Qual., 1994, 6, (2), Legislation regulating municipal and industrial effluents released into the environment has been steadily increasing in both the United States and the European Community. Demand for more frequent sampling and decreased sample turnaround time has prompted the resurgence of process analyzers to the market place. Among the available analysis technologies for performing metal determination, inductively coupled plasma at. emission spectromety (ICP-AES) combines the widest range in elemental sensitivity with moderate cost. Detection limits determined indicate that the mixed gas argon-air ICP can offer the necessary sensitivity lo detect on a real-time basis the concentrations of hazardous air pollutants emitted from stationary sources. Rellablllty-centred maintenance 95104335 Moubray, J. Reed Book Services Ltd., PO Box 5, Rushden, Northants NNlO Olx, UK, f15.00. Maintenance based on the inherent reliability of each item of manufacturing equipment in its o erating context, is today reco nised as the key to controlling problems o P downtime, product quality, sa Pety and rising maintenance costs. Recent research into failure patterns of complex equipment has overturned earlier concepts of the ‘blanket’ approach to preventive maintenance. The book rovides a method of identifying, for each’piece of equipment, the costs ef Pective measures necessary to maintain its reliable performance.
95104336 Repeatablllty of maceral analysis using Image analysls systems Cloke, M. et al., Fuel, May 1995, 74, (S), 654-658. The paper describes the effect of scanning patterns and number of images in each scan on the accuracy of automated image analysis techniques used for maceral analysis. The results are compared with the accuracy of manual point counting. Current theoretical standards are discussed together with actual results obtained from within the laboratorv. Wavs of increasing the accuracy of automated maceral analysis using differeAt methods of iampling with automatic staging are demonstrated, together with the number of images which need to be scanned.
95104337 Separatlon of blnary, ternary and multlcomponent organic/water mlxtures Shaban, H. I. Gas Separation & Purification, 1995, 9, (2), 75-79. In this paper, the separation characteristics of polyvinyl alcohol membranes are compared for pervaporation of binary, ternary and multicomponent organic/water mixtures. The analyses were performed as a function of composition at steady-state operating conditions. Results are compared in terms of difference in permeation rate, separation factor, time taken for dehydration and temperature drop across the membrane for the three systems. The separation ability of the membranes is expressed in terms of permeation rate and selectivity. From the results, it was found that the permeation rate increased and the separation factor decreased as the water concentration in the feed increased. 95104336 Thermal performance of a pin-fin assembly Babus’Haq, R. F. et al., Heat & Fluid Flow, Feb. 1995, 16, (l), 50-55. The steady-state forced-convective cooling of a horizontally based pin-fin assembly has been investigated experimentally. The circular pin-fins protruded vertically upward from a horizontal base plate. For each in-line or staggered corn&&on of specified pin-fins and &-flow rate, the optimal spacing-to-diameter ratios corresponding to the maximum rate of heat dissipation from the array have been deduced. The effect of changing the thermal conductivity of the pin-fin material has been studied.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts July 1995
95104339 Total quality management Oakland, J. S. Reed Book Services Ltd., PO Box 56, Rushden, Northants NNIO 9fl, UK, f35.00. This book is about how to manage in a total quality way. Commitment to quality, meeting the customer requirements, communication of the quality message, and recognition of the need to change the culture of most organisations to create total quality. These are the soft foundations, to which must be added the systems, the tools and the teams - the hard management necessities. 95104340 Trace elements XRF analysis of Mongolian coals Baimonda, D. et al., J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 1994, 185, (l), 27-34. Trace elements in Mongolian coals were determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Compares the various approaches to quantitative XRF analysis including a simple quantitative method, a emission-transmission method, and a full fundamental parameter method
Visualization of convective Instability phenomena In the entrance region of a horlzontal rectangular channel heated from below and/or cooled from above
Cheng, K. C. and Shi, L. Experimental Heat Transfer, Jul.-Sep. 1994, 7, (3), 235-248. The developing secondary flow patterns caused by buoyancy forces in the simultaneous hydrodynamic and thermal entrance region of a horizontal rectangular channel (aspect ratio, sib = 2) with isothermally heated lower wall and/or isothermally cooled upper wall are studied using the smoke injection method.
17ENERGY Supplies, 95104342
Policy, Economics,
Analysls of optlmal recycling policy In a market
Ezeala-Harrison. F. Natural Resources Forum. Feb. 1995. 19. (11. 31-37. Recvcline is stili in its relative infancv in manv western so&&. ilthoueh recycling”programmes have grown c&sideradly in recent years and different programmes have evolved. The paper applies straightforward analytical techniques lo demonstrate ways to achieve an optimal recycling programme - a policy that would result in a longer-term cost-efficient programme which would be beneficial in overall resource and environmental management. 95104343 Annual energy outlook 1994: Supplement U.S.Dept. of Energy, USGPO, Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.20402, DOEIEIA-0554(94), 1994, 220 pp. The report contains projections of US macroeconomic activity, oil and gas reserves, energy consumption, prices and end-use (1990-2010). Also provides forecasts of world coal trade.
APEA chalrman urges a clear focus 95104344 Queensland Government Min. J., May 1995, 96, 13-14. Reports on the speech made by the conference chairman Dr. Bevan Devine at the Australian Petroleum Exploration Association Conference (APEA), A capacity growth Input-output model with forward recursive solution
Henry, E. W. Energy Economics, Jan. 1995, 17, (l), 3-13. In a previous paper an n-sector input-output model of sector output capacity growth was presented, having a solution through backward recursion from known capacities of a terminal year. Numerical illustrations was provided by twelve-sector data including an energy sector, and by two-sector data. The present paper offers a forward recursive uniform growth version by the same open model, with solution by a set of n simultaneous linear equations. It uses any chosen value of k, the uniform one-year capacity growth rate of all sectors. Also examined is the special closed model, implying all capacity being used up by capacity expansion; solutions are found by eigen analysis, giving unique k-values and sector capacity proportions. Numerical illustration is again given for the open and closed versions, using the same twelve-sector data including one sector for energy. 95104346 Catalysls overview Rabo, J. A. Caral. Today, 1994, 22, (2), 201-233. The role of heterogeneous catalysis in future energy technology is discussed. Addresses the societal impact of catalysis, current evolution as a science and technology, and the role of heterogeneous catalysis in the energy industry (e.g. energy savings either in production or in ultimate utility as a fuel). Also discusses metal catalysis, acid catalysts with zeolites, natural gas and synthesis gas chemistry, liquid transportation fuels from coal and biomass, environmental considerations, reformulated gasoline, automobile emissions, replacements for chlorofluorocarbons, recycle recovery of catalytic material, feedstocks manufactured, new catalytic materials, and catalyst characterization.