Solid fimls (preparation)
Proximate analysis of New Zealand snd Australian coals by thermogravlmetry Beamish, B. B. N.Z. J. GeoL Geophys., 1994, 37, (4). 387-392. Describes a technique which has been developed at the University of Auckland for roximate analysis of coals by therm0 ravimetry using sample weights oP ~20 mg. Samples from three New #e aland coalfields and the Bowen Basin of Queensland, Australia, have been analyzed. Coals tested ran e in rank from subbituminous to semianthracite, and have ash contents ! rom 3.1 lo 21.4% on a dry basis. Results obtained using the technique are within acceptable precision limits of the standard procedure. 95104437
95104438 Selective electrochemical oxldatlon of coal In aqueous alkaline electrolyte Soonho, A. et al., J. Electrochem. Sot., 1995. 142, (3), 782-787. The selective electrochemical oxidation of coal at room temperature in an at 1.0 V showed little or no oxygen production. Electrode alkaline slu activities an7 selectivities toward coal oxidation and oxygen evolution were determined by monitoring and analyzing anodic and cathodic gas products. The activities of Pt and various NI (electrode) surfaces were compared. Slberlan sapropellc coal: A unique type of worka&&ev, S. J. GemmoL, 1995, 24. (5). 349-353. Discusses the composition and workable properteis of sapropelic coal from Eastern Siberia and referred lo as ‘jet’. In the 193Os, for about ten years, a jet industry existed in the USSR aimed at the production of consumer and industrial goods from Siberian sapropelic coal. Interest in certain types of jet for the manufacture of artifacts has now reawakened. 95104440 Study of petrographic structure of coal components and their p)irldlnie extrictlon products Machnikowska. H. and Jasienko. S. Karbo-Enernochern-EkoL 1994.39. (6), 131-132. (in Polish) . Describes an .mvestigatlon into the structure of vitrinite and exinite from &i-! gas-wkmg and coking coals and their pyridine extraction products. Itmutes have more aromatic and pyridine soluble matter than exinites. Study on chemical stablllty of organic sulfur In coal 95104441 and Its structure Hu, X. D. et al, Fuel Sci Technol. Inr., 1995. 13, (2), !61-177. The aper describes the rcsencc and reactions of organic sulphur functionaf ItIes for two high-su Pphur coals from the Yanzhou and Donglin mines of China. 95104442 Sub-models. 2. Coal characterlzatlon Van Engelen, A. B. and Van der Honing, G. Coal ScL TechnoL, 1995,22, 277-290. A series of 14 coals are characterized regarding char and volatiles. An analysis model describing conversion of porous particles was usedto interpret results of char combustion experiments in a small scale fluidized bed reactor. Sulfide formatlon In reglon of recent peat accumu95/04443 latlon In the Rlon lntermontane trough. 2. Dlstrlbutlon of pyrlte In peat bogs of t ):e Kolkhlda Ilttoral-contlnental belt Tiiofeev, P. P. et aL, LitoL Polezn. Mop., 1994, (2). 3-16. (In Russian) The content, mode of occurrence. and distribution were studied of Fe in peat deposits localized in bottom clays contrast-facies sediments of the Riony intermontane basin, Russia. Temperature-coallflcatlon aspects on gas dlstrlbutlon In the deposlt of the Upper Slleslan Coal Basln Tarnowski, J. and Zawierucha, M. PrzegL Gem., 1994.50. (7), 17-24. (In Polish) Reports that the study of 480 drill cores has led to a conclusion that maximum number of occurrences of methane gas was related to the range of temperatures from 35 to 45’C and volatilti wntents from 30 to 35s(dry ash-free basis). Depth zones corresponding to these wnditions overlapped in more than 90% of cases. 95lQ4444
95104447 ZG45Sl2Mn2MoVRE steel used In cast cutter picks for coal cutters Lin, X. er al., JLcieGongcheng Cailioq 1994.18, (4), 44-46. (In Chinese) Describes the design of a low-alloy high strength cast-steel ZG45Si2Mn2MoVRE.
Preparation 95104448 Adaptive control system for the process of drying of coal concentrate Ulyshin, V. A. and Zotov, V. A. Koks Khim., 1994, (10). 32-34. (In Russian) 95104449 The agglomeration of brown coal Naundorf, W. Braunkohle BergbuutecA, 1994, 46, (12), U-28. (In German) Describes the granulation of lignite with mixers and pelletization with extrusion-type roll presses as an alternative lo brown coal briquetting. Hard pelletsand granules with favourable properties were produced by pretreatment and agglomeration of the raw lignite and a subsequent drying. ~fl~;OU;O
Automatic productlon line for honeycomb brlquets
Shari,, Z. (Assigned to) Yidu Iron Works, Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu CN.l,082,593, Feb. 1994. The automatic production line consists of a control system, feeders, mixers, conveyers, presses, unloading gates and feeding and conveying belts. A controller is used in the central console to control the line. Beneflclatlon of coal-heavy oil coprocesslng resl95104451 due bv Oil-DhaSe aaalomeratlon Majid,x ei aL, FucL-Jul. 1995, 74, (7)! 1036-1041. Surface characterization techni ues (scanmng electron microscopy, and Xray photoelectron spectroscopy1 were used to examine toluene-insoluble s&s from coproc&ng of &I and heavy oil in order to evaluate their physical separation potential. Washability studies, using float-sink tests, were also carried out to provide an empirical estimate of the ash separation attainable. On the basis of the results, agglomeration tesb were performed io an attempt to optimize the beneficiahon of the organic matter in the residue pitch. Ash rejection in these. tests ranged from 30 to 40%. Analysis of the ash from the a@omeration and reject fractions suggested thatmost of the irons was retamed in the agglomerates. Cake unlformlty In pressure flltratlon of coal slurry 95104452 Sung, D. J. ef aL, Filtr. Se ., 1994, 31, (8). 819-824. Describes a novel approach Por producing a uniform structure filter cake in pressure filtration. Chemical coal desulfurlzatlon research In Turkey 95104453 Yaman,S. et aL, Fuel Sci TechnoL Int, 1995, 13, (1). 4958. chemical desulphurization of lignitea. The paDcr discusses
__ 95104454 Chemical desulfurlzatlon of coal Gao, Z. et aL, Huanjing Huaxue, 1994, 13, (a), 486-491. (In Chinese) The aper describes the effects of FeXSO,), solution, NaOH solution, and pyro Pysis on desulphurization of three types of Chinese coals, i.e. Yanzhou, Donglin and Nantong. Coal pulverlsers - Performance and safety 95104455 Scott,D. IE4CRJ79, IEA Coal Research, Gemini House, lo-18 Putney Hill, London SW15 6A.4, UOO.00, June 1995. The qort includes an assessment of the safety implications which may arise from the different propensities of different coals to self ignite and to form explosive mixtures. 95104456 Okamoto, H.
Current actlvltles of clean coal technology of Japan Sekitan Riyo Ggutsu Kaigi Koenshy 1994. 1-6. (In
Jauanesej Abiscus&on is given on coal cleaning in Japan, including technologies and operation.
Roszkowski, J. d aL, Gornictwo, 1994, 18. (3), 187-193. (In Polish) Reports on experimental results which confirm the validity of the assumplion that at the particular moment in time, the rate of methane evolution from coal drift walls is inversely proportional to the square root of the time elapsed since wall exposure.
Develo mental status of BHEL’s hl h tern erature 95104457 high pressure (HT; $$clrculatlng bed granular fBlter (CIi OF) f;r ~“1” R. 3. ., Hear Recovery Sysr. CHP., 1995, 15. (2). .s The pa & discusses granular bed filtration which is one of the processes under a evelopment for separation of fine dust at relatively high tcmperalures and pressures, for application in coal based combined cycle power lants. Bharat Heavy Electncals Ltd, Hyderabad, India have installed a test Pacility to evaluate the performance of a circulating bed granular filter. Gives details of the test facility and some of the important test results on the performance of the filter and the online granule circulation system.
Trace elements In fossll dopplerlte Admakin, L. A DokL Akad Nauk, 1994.337, (3). 352-354. (In Russian) Discusses the pressure of trace el&ment.~in do~ph&te coal niatter, espe: cially in gelocollinite, which is a primary indicator of their association with the organic matter of coal. Varlatlon of methane ?? voluUon from coal walls of a
Fuel snd Energy Abstracts September 1995