02 95104536 Asset awareness comes full cycle Fay, C. Offshore Engineer, Jun. 1995. 34-36. The traditional North Sea preoccupation with new projects haa given wa in recent years to heightened awareness of the life-time value of all od shore assets. And not before time reports the author. 95104537 Belfast yard back In the groove Bsau, I. Ofihore Engineer, Jul. 1995. 16-17. BP’s go-ahead for pre-sanction work on the second hase of the Atlantic Frontier Programme brings Harland and Wolff bat E to offshore prominence after a length absence. Examines the Belfast yard’s chquered history and ambitious plans. Can Mexico and the US bury the hatchet7 95104535 Adam, P. Petroleum Review, Jul. 1995, 49, (582), 308311. If Mexico, the United States and Canada can create a unified hydrocarbons market all the way from Hudson Bay to the Yucatan, there could be benefits all round. Discusses how the transition will involve major changes in attitude on both sides of the Rio Grande River. Caucasian circles 95104539 Roberts, J. Pet. Review, Apr. 1995, 49, (579), 164-165. There is plenty of oil in Central Asia, and plenty of corn anies have signed agreements to extract that oil. Now the focus is on Bnding secure and financial1 viable export routes. And it looks increasingly aa if a route through x e Caucasus to a Turkish terminal on the Mediterranean will be favoured for Azerbaijani crude, and perhaps also for exports from Chevron’s giant venture at Teagix in Kazakhstan. Cllpplng OPEC’s wings 95104540 Smith, N. Offshore Engineer, Jun. 1995, 27-32. Extending the North Sea’s reserves-enhancing experience to the global scale could put an end to OPEC’s control of the world oil price. Setting the scene for Offshore Engineer’s 20th anniversay celebration, leading industry commentator Norman Smith of Smith Rea Energy Associates explains why in the article. Domestlc prlclng of petroleum products In OPEC 95104541 member countries - An overvlew Paga, E. and Birol, F. OPEC Review, Spring 1995, 19, (l), 15-36. The paper differs from the mainstream interests of OPEC. Rather than analysing the impact of OPEC decisions on world markets, the authors turn their attention to OPEC’s domestic market by focusing on the pricing of domestic petroleum products. The economic impact of subsld phase out In 011 95104542 exportlng developing countries: A case stuJ y of Algeria, Iran and Nlgerla Birol. F. et al.. EnerPv Policv. Mar. 1995. 23. (3). 209-215. One of the crucial is&s of eierg markets id oi’exporting developing countries is the hieh level of subs1.dtes on petroleum products and the low efficiency in energy use. The purpose of-this paper-is to investigate the impacts of a subsidy phase out policy on the energy sector and oil revenues in three countries: Al cria, Iran and Nigeria. By using a standard econometric approach. 8 e authon found that the effects of different deregulation polici’cs are substantial. They also analyse the impact of a policy based on autonomous ener -efftciency improvement. Finally, a combination of both policies is elaBorated and quantified. The results show that a policy geared at more rational use of energy would permit these countries to save enough oil to meet future increases in demand while maintaining stable production capacity. The effect of petroleum exports on the Algerlan 95104543 economy: A quantltatlve analysis Heidarian, J. UMI Dissertation Services, University of Microfibns Int., A.Bell & Howell Information Co,. 300 North Zeeb RcJAnn Arbor, Michigan 481061346, 174 pp. The Dissertation is based on the study of the Algerian economy over the period 19681983. The effects of alternatlve monetary-fiscal policy 95104544 regimes on forelgn debt and balance of payments - A case study of Nlgerla Basu, D. R. OPEC Review, Spring 1995, 19, (l), 45-70. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of the structural adjustment programme in Nigeria, which has one of the strongest and largest economtes in Africa and where the adjustment programme should, theoretically, have worked out, due to the immense oil revenue Nigeria can generate.
Liquid fuels (economics, business, marketing, policy)
95104545 Flnanclng the lnternatlonal oil Industry - Problems and risks In the Commonwealth of Independent States Kingston, M. L. Pet. Review, Apr. 1995, 49. (579). 158162. For many, the former Soviet Union and gas market. Its natural resources skilled workforce and its potential to point to its future position. However, it is a market which is be with roblems and uncertainties. Thus far, failures have been much more prev a!ent than successes. The author discusses the situation and economics of the oil and gas industry in the former Soviet Union. Fossil fuel subsldles: The case of petroleum prod95/04546 ucts In lndla Bhattacharyya, S. C. OPEC Review, Spring 1995, 19, (l), 71-80. After the major oil price increases of the 197Oa,a series of energy pricing studies was carried out in different countries and regions, in order to study the impact of these increases and to help formulate policies to prepare for similar events in the future. Recently? interest in energy ricing has resuf faced, as concern grows over the environmental aspect 0P energy use. Thts is evrdent from an increasing number of recent studies. A general conclusioa of these studies is that energy prices are not efficiently set in develop ing countries and some energy products are highly subsidised. Oeolo lcal conslderatlons for the economic evalu95104547 ation of oil shale c!eposits In Turkey Sener, M. et al., Fuel, Jul. 1995, 74, (7), 999-1003. Geological information is given on four oil shale fields in middle and western Anatolia: Himmetoglu, Seyitomer, Beypaxari and Hatildag. time petrol0 ical, geochemical, Fischer assay and fluidixed bed combustion test results f or the oil shales are also presented. As a result of economic evaluatioa, it was concluded that Himmetoglu oil shale is the most appropriate for domestic and industrial utilization. _ 95104540 Handbook of oil industry terms and phrases Langenkamp, R. D. Penn Well Books, PO Bar 21288, Tulsa, OK74121, USA, $104.00, 1994, 512 pp. The book contains new entries on advances in seismology, angle-building technology, hortontal drilling and well completion, and mformatioa on the subsalt realm in the deep Gulf of Mexico. 85/04549 The hypermarket challengr Zajdela, M. Petroleum Review, Jul. 1995, 49, (582). 326-328. Discusses how Britain’s motor fuel retailers best meet the growing threat to their trade from hypermarkets? The author suggests that they wuld learn a lot from survivors of the alto ether more devastating hypermarket onslaught that has already taken p&ace in France. 95104550 lnternatlonal petroleum encyclopedla 1994 Penn Well Books, PO Box 21288, Tulsa, OK.74121, USA, $120.00,1994, 368 PP. The en clopedia gives data on petroleum reduction, refining and reserves s y country; and special features on No rt! Sea production systems, double hull tankers, Kuwait’s recovery, E&P spending (1992-932, worldwide gas procesing, near-term etrochemical supply/demand, refiimg technology, and US giant oil Ptelda. Statistics are given for world oil production, consumption, reserves, and refining. Provides a directory of national otl wmpames and energy ministries. Iran and Conoco - The deal that nearly was 95104551 Barraclough, C. Pet. Review, Apr. 1995, 49, (579), 172173. The author reports that it has been a busy month in Tehran. The National OC) at last si ned a $1 billion deal with Conoco Iranian Oil Company for the development oy two offshore 01.&telds in the Gulf, only to have the deal auashed bv an executive order from US President Bill Clinton preveriting US fiis fram entering into wntracts for the fiiancing, supervisioa and management of oil development projects in ban. 95104552 Iran: Petroleum Industry In perspective International Petroleum Enterprises, 6450 Ferralone Ave., Canoga Park, cA.91303, USA,$495, 1994, 130 pp. The report analyses ban’s oil market pros cts and business opportunities under changing global markets and geopof. tics. 95104553 Market Review - February OPEC Review, Apr. 1995, 26, (4). 21-35. Provides the crude oil movements and refinery operations and product prices for the month of February 1995. Market revlew - March 1995 95104554 OPEC Bulletin, May 1995, (5). 23-37. Reviews crude oil production and prices for the month of March 1995.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts September 1995 339