07 Prlclno electric harmonics 95/04535 Secto, D. et al., En&y, Jul. 1995, 20, (7), 617621. Rapid arowth in oowcr electronic eauipment IPEES) implies that in about lO’ye& more &an 50% of elect& &lity output’wili be consumed by PEES. While PEES yield benefits of large energy savings and product reliability, they cause the problem of harmonics. Harmonics deteriorate power uality, produce metering errors, increase reactive power, and cxacerbate !i ne losses and heat in transmission cables and power equipment. Thus, harmonica directly affect electric utility revenue and costs. The authors objectives were: (i) to characterize harmonics, (ii) to describe the effects of harmonics on utility revenue and costs, and (iii) to propose alternative strategies for pricing harmonics. 95/04936
The pursult of excellence in Atlanta
Alternative energy sources (bioconvetsion energy)
95104942 The structure of demand for rlectriclty in the Gulf Cooperatlon Council Countrler Eltony, M. N. and Yusuf H. Mohammad. J. Energy & Development, 18, I?, ?1, ?-I,
the contribution of each sector in oss domestic product, and the lagged electricity demand, are examined Por their contributions. The results mdicate that the demand is neither price nor income elastic in the short run. It is also inelastic with rtspect to price and income in the lone run with the exception of the commercial sector, which is income elastic in both the short and long run.
MPS Modern Power &stems. Jun. 1995. 15. (6). 19, 21.
Elect&al networks miiht ae&m a minor~co&d&ati& to some, but an adequate and regular supply of electricity over the period of the 19% Olympic Gamts will be cntical. Georgia Power will be directly serving the majority of the Olympic venue sites, including the Olympic Stadium, as the official powtr suppliers to the Games. Rapid growth combats acute shortages Q5104537 Xutmin, C. MPS, Modern Power Systems, Apr. 1995, 15, (4), 31, 33, 35-36. The total tltctric power capacity in China amounttd to 182.92 GW by the end of 1993. New power capacity commissioned in 1993 was 16.4 GW, up 9.9% from the previous year. Tht annual electricity generation was 836.4 TWh in 1993 in China, up 10.9% from the previous year. In spite of the raoid growth rate in the electric Dower industrv. tht nrowth rate of China’s nation;1 economy maintained evin higher gro$h in&e past several years. This resulted in an acute power shortage in the whole country. The shortage is estimated at 12 GW to 15 GW, and this is not likely to be alleviated in the near future. Rscurslvely bootrtra ped probablllty dlstrlbutlon 95104535 of electrlclty demand forecast In Baklstan Chishti, S. J. Energy & Development, lg, (2), 223-231. In Pakistan the demand for electricity has been growing at more than twice the real owth in gross domestic product (GDP) for the last 30 years. This trend is ?lkely to continue. Besides increasmg supply, appropriate demandmanagement policy is crucial to contain this demand. A prerequisite for such a policy is the availability of reliable projections. This study makes these projections through a formal demand model and uses the bootstrapping technique to develop interval estimates of that. projections. It has been shown that the extent of uncertain@ in the peak-demand projections is uite large, which should be incorporated in planning for futurecapacity an1 devising demand-management policits. 95104839 The rectoral demand for electrlclty In Kuwait Nagy Eltony, M. OPEC Review, Spring 1995, 19, (1), 37-44. Electricity is a vital ingredient for the economic and social development of all developinn nations. Kuwait is no exception in this respect. Tht goal of this study-is lo analyse the structure of eitctricity demand in Kuwait. The three main sectors considered are: residendal, commercial and industrial. Slmulatlon of natlonal grld operatlon In lndla 95/04540 Pa&h, J. et al., Utilities Policy, Jan. 1995, 5, (l), 65-74. The formation of a national grid is a promising option for improving upon the currtnt status of power shortages and uneconomic operations in India. A linear programming simulation model (NATGRID) is used to analyse the key issues related to national grid operations. A simulation exercise for the year 1989/90 shows that the power shortage could be reduced by 22.9 TWh and total generation could be increased by 26 TWh (10.9% of actual generation) throu@ better capacity utilization. Four additional interregional transmission links are Identified to reduce power shortages in the southern states. The short-run marginal costs for all states vary wnsiderably across peak and off-peak periods, indicating the need for a time-of-day pricing mechanism for mttr-utility power tradmg. The strategy curve. A method for representing and 95/04541 lnterpretlng generator blddlng stretegles Lucas. N. and Tavlor. P. Utilities Policv. Jan. 1995. 5. 111 75-80. The &l is the iovei trading arrangemiit at the he&t’df’ihc privatized electricity market in England and Wales. Thii central role in the new system makes it crucial that it Is seen to function efficiently. Unfortunately. it is governed by a set of complex rules, which leads to a lack of transparency, and this makes monitoring of its operation difficult. The paper seeks to provide a method for illuminating one aspect of the pool, that of generator bidding behaviour. The authors mtroduce the concept of a stratlgy curve, which is a concise device for representing generator bidding strategies. This curve has the appealing characteristic of directly revealing any deviation in the bid price of a gense.t from the costs of generating electricity.
95104543 A survey of works on external cosW: Inquiries of sn observer Beutier, D. Revue de lIEnerg& Apr. 1995, (46 274-283. (In French) The assessment of txttmal costs associated with e? e&city gentration has developed in the USA, in Germany and in the UK mainly. A survey of published works since 1987 in these countries displays an inadequacy of results and their uncertainties to potential utilization in decision procedures. Such a misfit has called for the recently launched wide scope R&D programmts in the. USA and in Europe. More consistent and accurate methods have been dtvelooed now. but thev remain confronted with touti questions, such as the moietizationof damigts by the ‘willingness to p&’ approach. Problems associated with the assessment and the utilization of external costs belong to the broader issues of risk assessment and social decision making processes. 95iO4844 Urban household-electrlclty use In Chlnr Yan, F. Ener Aug. 1995, 20, 8), 711-713. Urban houstho Pd-electricity use in &hinahasgrownrapidlyinreccntyears. To develop a better understanding of this most active component of tlectricity consumption growth, the author examines its main‘characterisdca and analyses the major factors affecting its growth. An outlook for the futirc growthis presented. 85/04845 The US hlgh voltage transmlsslon network MPS, Modern Power Systems, May 1995, 15, (S), 63. 65, 67.
Provides a map of the txttnsivt high voltage transmission network in the US, and a list of statistics and graphs of outputs. 95104545 Vale dlerel power statlon houses Guernsey grid control centre MPS, Modern Power Systems, Apr. 1995, 15, (4), 75, 77, 79, 81-82. Reports that on 15 March 1995, the first of two Sulzer 9RTAS8 15 MWE slow speed, two stroke ditsel engine generating units ma& by Z&lady Prettmvslu Metaloweno H. Ccnielski (HCP1 of Poland for the new Vale D power &ation on the-island gf Gut&sty ‘in the English Channel, was resented to an international group of power supply industry executives. !-he group also had a first hand look at the new network control centre for the whole island which is housed in an adjacent building.
SOURCES Bioconversion Energy 95/04547 Batch blomethanatlon of banana trash and colr plth F;!;yai, K. and Kasturi Bai. R. Eioresource Technol., 1995, 52, (l), Anatrbbic digestion of banana trash and wir pith was carried out for a period of one month by batch digestion. During biomethanation, reduction of total- and volatile-solids was, respectively, 25.3 and 39.6% ln banana trash and 13.6 and 21.6% in wir pith. A production of 9.22 1 and 1.69 1 (per ka TS added) of bioaas with average methane content of 72 and 80% &s a&e& from banah trash and CL& pith, respectively. Blochemlcal methane potential and rolld Hate ana95/04548 eroblc dlgestlon of Korean food wastes Cho, J. K. et a&, Bioreswrce Technol., 1995, 52, (3 245-253 In order to develop an anaerobic digestion process for kortan fodd wastes containinn lS-30% total solids ITSI the biochemical methane potentials (BMP) ofthtir components andmi&ure (mixed food waste, Mm were measured. The methane yields of cooked meat, cellulose (as control), boiled rice, fresh cabbage and MFW were 482,356,294,277 and 472 ml CH,/gvs added and anaerobic biodt dabilities based on the stoichiometric methane yield were 0.82, 0.92, !ra .72, 0.73 and 0.86, respectively. In a one-phase methane reactor system, VFAs were accumulated so excessively as to inhibit subsequent methane fermentation.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts September 1995