05366 Nitrous oxide behavior in the atmosphere and in combustion and industrial systems

05366 Nitrous oxide behavior in the atmosphere and in combustion and industrial systems

Environment @ollution, health protection, safety) 15 Natural snaloguo studies on the geological disposal of radloactlvo wastes Miller, W. et al., St...

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Environment @ollution, health protection, safety)


Natural snaloguo studies on the geological disposal of radloactlvo wastes Miller, W. et al., Studies in Environmental Science 57, ELwvkr, Awwterdam, The Netherlands, DjL295. US$16&50, 395 pp. 95lQ5363

Nltratr In groundwaters of the Central Valley, Costa

:YL:53m I$r$ds-Vargas, J. S. and Richter, D. D. ,


Environment Iti, 1995,21, (l),


Nitrate contamination of groundwater under agricultural areas is a well ncognizcd cnviromental problem, yet few reports describe the problem in tropical regions. This stud evaluated concentrations of NOs in shallow water to the inhabitants of the Valle aquifers used to provide L Central in Costa Rica. 95105365 Nitrous oxide (N,O) from fossil fuel combustion Tamaki, M. et al., Kankyo Gijutsu, 1994,23, (lo), 636641. (In Japanese) Discusses the detection of N 0 determination in flue gases and air, and interfering compound rcmov $ 95/05366 Nltrous oxldr behavior In the atmospherr and In combustion and Industrial systems Kramlich. J. C. and L.inak, W. P. Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 1994,2O, (2). 149-202. A review concerning N,O bchaviour in the atmosphere and in combustion and industrial systems is given. Topics discussed include: atmospheric chemical and environmental consequences (global warming, stratospheric 0, chemical, tropospheric N,O measurements and balance); N,O measurements (atmospheric analysis procedures applied to combustion samples, N,O formation in samphng containers, continuous IR spectrometry and online nas chromatonrauhy auoroaches): N,O in nas-fired combustion fN,O reactio& relevant to- & flat&, N,O t&ha~iourb homogeneous systimb, industrial gas flame f ta). 95105367 NO, ?? mlaalons control: Small bollera DOOI oraat . _ challangaa Jones, C. Power, 1994, 138, (12). 34, 36. 38t 40-41. A review of NO? emissions controlled by: o tmmm feeding of powdered coal, fuel-air ratro adjustment, flue gas rccycping, staged combustion, and reburningin smallboilers. NPT Ravlew Conferanca. An outcoma that allows 95/05366 the nuclear Industry to breaths agaln Simpson, J. Nuclear Engineerin Int., Jul. 1995, 40, (492). p. 22. Reports that on the 11 May 199 , re rescntativcs of 175 out of the 178 SBP iferation of Nuclear Weapons (the parties to the Treaty on the Non-Pro NP’I) extended indefinitely this foundation of the nuclear non-proliferatin regime. NUHOMS” MPl67 cask. Vactra’a MPC rystam for 95105369 Ranch0 Seco Thomas, B. D. and Taylor, M. Nuckar Engineering Znt.,Jul. 1995, 40, (4921. 34.36.

R&-I& &Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Vectra are develop ing wmmerical MPCs and the NUHOMS MP187 cask to load spent f&l from the shut down Ran&o Sew station in 19%. QSiQ537Q On-Ma vltrlflcatlon malts waste troubles away Hansen, J. E. and Haass, M. J. Nuckar Engineering ht., Aug. 1995,40, 493), 22-23. k eports that the US DOE-patented in situ vitrification technology was successfullvtransferred from the laboratorv to wmmerical aoolication. It csn be used to treat hazardous radioactivi and mixed haxa&us/radioactive wastes and wntaminatcd s&s. 95106371 The oparstora’ perapactlva on tha dacommlaslonIng of UKCS offahors lnstsllatlonr Dymond, P. F. Pet. Review, Apr. 1995, 49, (579). 176-178. The UK offshore business has installed just over 200 oil and gas producing facilities since it started in 1966. It has decommissioned nine of these, which were all floaters or in shallow water and were totally removed. However, the North Sea also has some much larger structures where the practicalitics of decommissioning are more challenging. These deeper water structures, where decommissioning options other than total removal are potentially applicable, account for about 25% of all UK. 95105372 Optlmlzatlon of dlasel, methyl tallowata and ethanol bland for reducing emlsslona from dlesal anglne Ali, Y. et aL, Bioresource TechnoL, 1995, 52, (3). 237-243. A Cummins Nl4-410 engine was operated on diierents fuel produced by blending methyl tallowate and ethanol with No. 2 diesel fuel. Four fuel blends, namely: neat No. 2 diesel fuel; and 80:13:7, 7Q19.5:lO.S and 60:26:14 (96 v/v) blends of diesebmethyl tallowate:ethanol, were pm ared and tested for ermine nerformance and emission analvsea. Ermine Derpormante and emissyon bata were used to optimixc *the bleid of diesel fuel:methyl tallowate:ethanol for reducing engine emissions. The emissions were found to be minimum with a 80:12:7 blend of diescl:methyl tallowate:ethanol. without a significant drop in engine power output.


Fuel and Energy Abstracta September 1996

95105373 Overall modellng. 2. Sulphur ratrntlon and NO, raductlon: the SURE model S&x$, J. C. armVan den Bleek, C. M. Coal Sci TechnoL, 1995.22, Describe’s the development of the SURE (Sulfur RBtention) model and its laterversions for sulphur retention and lower NO emissions in coal comSURE model was develbustion using lime-based sorbcnts. The at Dclft University PC opcd b J. Schouten and C. van den lower 0. concentrahons Nether rands) and extended to include the c in staged substoichiometric combustion and the inter&on between sulpbur retention and lower NO, emissions in fluidixed-bed combuston. 95105374 Overview of envlronmental assessmant for Chlna nuclear power Industry and coal-fired power Industry Zhang, S. et al., NucL Sci Tech, 1994, 5, (4). 225-229. Presents a quantitative environmental assessment method and the cormspending computer code. 95105376 Oxldatlon-enhanced ?? mlsslon of ruthrnlum for nuclear fuel Ronncau, C. et al., J. Environ Radioactivity, 1995, 26, (l)? 63-70. In the course of a nine-day release by the Chernobyl reactor m April-May 1986, ruthenium was considered to have been emitted at the same rate as other refractory elements. In fact, there are indications that the release was more important than previously estimated and lasted for tens of days because of oxidation of Ru into volatile forms. The paper demonstrates that, when put in contact with air, small uranium oxide particles can release 100% of radioruthenium at temperatures of the order of 1fKNX. 95105376 Oxldatlve regsnrratlon of sulflded aorbent for H,S without amlsslon of SO Lee, Y. S. et aL, Korean j.Chem. Eng., 1995, 12, (1 23-28. SO. another oerilous air oollutant. was emitted durino t1e oxidative receneraiion of sulphided so&t for I&S. In order to pm&t emission of’s0 the authors carried out oxidative regeneration with a physical mixture oI CaO and sul hidcd sorbent and investigated the effect of re cncration tcmperature andpoxygen concentration on the reactivity of Ca% with SO,. 95iQ5377 PAH charactarlatlca and ganotoxlclty In the amblant air of s petrochrmlcal Industry complex Tsai. J. H et al., Environment hat., 1995, 21, (l), 47-56. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons AHs) samples, at four sampling sites, in the ambient air of petrochemic s plants were collected by several PS-1 samplers from October 1993 to July 1994 in a petrochemical complex area located in southern Taiwan. In addition, the genotoxicity of the PAH samales were invcstiaated by the Ames Salmonella/microsomal assay svstcm. The winter/sum&r ratios of total-PAH composition were O.fXl?l-39; 2.97, and 1.28 for sites A, B, C, and D, respecttvely. This result lmplicd that wind direction is the most significant parameter affecting the total-PAH composition in these four sampling sites. Pembroke looks to FGD 95105376 MPS, Modern Power Systems, Apr. 1995, 15, (4), 57, 59, 61. Reports that the National Power (UK) has a plied for authorization to wnvert Pembroke power station to burn emuls i!red hydrocarbons. To wmply with emission regulations the station would have to be fitted with FGD equipment capable of removing 94% of the sulphur dioxide from the plant flue gases. 95105379 Petroleum hydrocarbon .oollutlon of urbsn to~aoll In ‘lbadan City, Nlgerla _ Onianwa, P. C. Environment Inr. 1995. 21, (3), 341-343. The distribution of total petroleum hydrocarbon in topsoils from various parts of Ibadan City. Nigeria, was studied. 96/65360 PI8 In tha sky wlthout dlamonds - or thumbs down on the rasant sad stats of envlronmantal ?? conomlca Banks,%. E. OPEC Review, Apr. 1995, 26, (4). 7-10. Is there perhaps less than meets the eye to the growth of environmental Ferdinand E economics? In thii highly . gsonal contribution, Profe~ Banks, of Nationslekonomrs Instrtutlonen, Uppsala Umvcrstty, Sweden, vigorously challenges the orthodox viewpoint. Post-Chernobyl radlomonltoring of Ukralnlan for96105361 eat acosyatsmr Poiarkov, V. A. et a$ J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1995, 26. (3). 259-271. More than 20 expenmental sites in different directions out from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukrainian territory were established as a network to study the mi ation of radionuclides in forest ecosystems. The depth distribution of ,srg and e”Sr in the surface layer of forest litter s of Uhainien coniferous and deciduous and sod for characteristic forests has been studied in !Y* etarl.