16 Fuel science and technology (fundamental
science, analysis, instrumentation)
16 FUEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Fundamental Science, Analysis, Instrumentation % solid-state n.m.r. sprctrosco y of fossil spore95m5437 pollenlns. Varlatlon In composltlon lndeprn cp ent of dlagenesls 1009-1012. Hemsley, A R. et aL, FueJ Jul. 1995, 74, “C solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance ocxsporopollenin from extant and extinct lycopods and gymnosperms shows that this material differs in composition between these major groups. The relative amounts of unsaturated carbon species are lower in the gymnosperms than in the lycopods in both the modem and fossil material. This su&ests that the pro ortion of unsaturated carbon species resent in the fossds is related to tL t of the original material. Since the Possil material used in this study was obtained from single rock samples, this largely eliminates the possibility that the observed differences m n.m.r. characteristics in fossil s n cxines from different species can be attributed to different diagnetic Ktories. a5los438 Adsorptlon enthalples for hydrocarbons on Wyodak coal rurfaces by Inverse gas chromatography Gisss.. S. Prep. Pap.& Chem Sot, Dw. Fuel Chem, 1995,40, (2). Presents’surface thermodynamic data for a low-rank coal. It has been found that the coal surface has relatively weak interactions with alkenes and aromatic adsorbates. The existence of strong ionic forces in low rank coal is supported by the results of the study. Anal lcal approach and ldentlflcatlon of the corn QSlQ5439 ooundr of ohenor8 In the llauld oroduct from coal Pang, Y. et il., M&tanZhuanhba, lb%, 17, (4). 81-85. (In Chinese) Discusses the determination of phenols in coal conversion products, especially by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectromctry. Appllcatlon of lmaglng TOF-SIMS to the study of 95/05440 some coal metieraIr Hou, X. et al., Inr. J. Coal GeoL, 1995, 27, (l), 23-32. Four areas of the surface of a hiah omanic sulphur coal from Guidin, Guizhou province,southwest Chin; we; examixicd using imaging time: of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOPSIMS). 95105441 ASICS basics Nuclear Engineerirq Int., Jul. 1995, 40, (492). 26-28. Discusses the potential value of application-specifw integrated circuits in safety s stems which is being increasingly reco@ed. Because they are cssenti*J ly hardwired circuitry on a chip, reliabdity can be proved more easily than with software-based systems. 95105442 Atmospheric aerosol sampling by an Annular Denuder System and a high-volume PM,, sampler Tsai, C. J. and Huang, H. Y. EnvirontnentInt., 1995, 21, 3), 283-291. An Annular Denuder System (ADS) was used to study sampI ing errors of total PM and soluble ionic species concentrations determined by the high volume IBM,, (HPVM,J sampler. Experimental results show that the HVPM,, sampler, more alkaline glass fibn filters collect more sulphate and nitrate but less ammonium ion than quartz filters. However, total PM, concentrations do not seem to depend on the types of filters. 95105443 CMOS ASlCs for voltage8 of up to 40 V Wiklund, P. J. et al., ABE Review, 1995, (4 14-18. Describes a new process for manufacturing Ct OS ASICs for voltages of up to 40 V which has been developed by ABB Hafo. It is a truly complementary high-voltage process, as it integrates both hi -voltage PMOS and hi@-voltage NMOS transistors on the same chip. ti e new process was originally developed for a silicon chip designed to control the print head of an innovative ink jet printer. Sensor interfaces and vehicle electronics are among the other areas of application for the 4OV CMOS process. Coal reactivity: Correlation8 with fuel ratlo and 95105444 NMR data Zaidi, S. A. Fuel Prcnxss. Technd., 1995, 41, (3 253-259. Thcrmogravimetry/differential thcrmogravimetry &ta were obtained for different coals in an inert atmosphere at 30-950”. The reactivity of the coals correlated with the inverse of the fuel ratio (VM/FC). Although the values for the coal structural parameter A-G (concentration of alkyl and naphthenic carbons attached to an aromatic ring) correlated with the semicoke formation, the H-gamma values (concentration of protons and methyls attachedto an aromatic ring) showed a linear relationshipwith the rate of degradationof coals. An equation relating the reactivity of coals to the coal structuralparameterH-gamma was proposed. The results have application in evaluation of coal reactivity in combustion.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts September 1995
Comblned conductlon, convection and radlatlon In
@#i. and Venkateshan, S. P. Hear % Fluid Flow, Apr. 1995,16, (2), . The paper reports the results of a numerical study of the fundamental problem of combined mode heat transfer in a vertical slot. The paper is a sequel to the work of the authors on problems of interaction of natural convection with radiation and conduction in closed and open cavities. The present paper considers the interactions between all three modes of heat transfer and, hence_,represents the most general case of interaction. The slot simulates a typical mtermediate fin in a 6n array or a typical section in an extruded heat sink commonly employed in practice. A detailed arametric study has led to useful correlations. The nature and extent of tL coup_ ling bet&en the various modes of heat transfer are also elucidated. _
95/05448 Comparlson of sample preparation methods for the spectrophotometrlc determlnatlon of phosphorus In roll and coal fly ash Smeller, J. M. Anulysr(Cambridge, mu), 1995, 120, (I), 207-210. Reports on three different sample reparationswhich were evaluated for determining P spectrophotometrl *caEy in two different matrixes, aoil and Wllflyssh.
95/0!%47 Correlations for fast corn utatlon of thermodynamlc propertles of saturated water sncf steam Fernandes,J. L Xnt.J. Energy Research, Aug. 1995, 19, (a), 507-514. An important issue in the engineering analysis and design of thermodynamic cycles is the calculation of saturation properties with enough s ed without sacrificing accuracy. A set of correlations to reproduce tabup” ated thermodynamic saturation properties to engineering accuracy is given. They are fast to compute and become adequate for use whenever several thousands to millions of property evaluations are re+red. Then, “ey can be applied in thermodynamic cycle desi o@miitlon, in dynarmc simulations of power cycles and in other m -8 usmal flow calculations. In addition, they can be incorporated into programmable calculators. For most saturation properties, the whole range from triple point to the aitical point is dealt with by a single equation.
Development of Fourier-Reynolds correlatlonr for 95/05448 cooling parameters Dincer, I. AppliedEnergy, 1995, 51, (2). 125-138. Fourierand Reynolds correlationsare presentedfor determiningthe values of thermalparametersdefmed in terms of the half wolii times and seveneighths cooling times for spheres and cylinders being cooled in air or water flows. In this respect, an experimental, modelling and literatum-survey investigation was conducted. In the experiments, several spheres and cylinders were cooled in air and water flows, and their centre temperatures measured. In the modelling part, a methodolo was used to determine the cooling parameters, and using experimen 3 data, together with some experimental data from the literature, the Fourier-Reynolds correlations for half and seven-eighths cooling times were developed.
DRIFT spectroscopy and optical reflectance of Q5/05449 heat-treated coal from a quenched gaslfler Glover, 0. et al., Fuel, Aug. 1995, 74, (8), 12161219. Coal samples collected from a quenched coal gasifiir were characterized for (thermal) heterogeneity by optical rcflectancc measurements. DRIFT spe&oscop); servedb esthaie the final temperature to which the ssmples were exposed. Particle size information on the coal samples was superimposed on the resultsfor the thermal history of the char samples collected f$zF aslfier +d..A good mat!h was foyd between these &rent sets .&I c Mplsauons for gaslficr operation are tissed.
Effect of fln geomet on the condensation heat transfer performance of a bundle o7 horizontal low-finned tubea y;;27H. and Kim, K J. of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 1995, 2, (l), . A theoretical study is made to optimize the fin dimensions of a horizontal low-fmed condenser tube havin a new class of high performance fin recently proposed by the authors.%lleshape of the proposed fm is characterized by a monotonically increasing radius of curvaturenear the fm tip and a constant thickness near the fin root. Extensive numericalcalculations with systematically changed values of fm dimensions and vertical bundle depth are conducted to optimize the fia geometry with HCFC123 as a condensing fluid. The results are comparedwith those for a rectangularfm. The newly proposed fmed tube shows a slgniicantly higher heat transfer performancethan the rectangularfin tube.