06503 Eco-inventories for energy systems: Exemplified by the lignite and hard coal system

06503 Eco-inventories for energy systems: Exemplified by the lignite and hard coal system

15 A cost-beneflt analyslr of rlowlng climate change 95/05492 Maddison. D. Enerav Policv. Am-May 1995, 23, (41 337-346. The paper’attempts t&onde& a ...

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A cost-beneflt analyslr of rlowlng climate change 95/05492 Maddison. D. Enerav Policv. Am-May 1995, 23, (41 337-346. The paper’attempts t&onde& a bass d info&ation‘&lating to economic growth assumptions, carbon emissions forecasts, abatement cost estimates, and global warming damage hmctions and incorporate it into a cost-benefit analysis of slowing climate change. By these means it is possible to provide evidence on the extent to which society ought to incur control costs now in order to orevent future climate change using the rules commonly associated with pioject appraisal. In a busine& as us&l scenario, the modil predicts a temperature rise of 3.6“C above preindustrial levels by the end of the next century inflicting damage with a present value of USS8.9 trillion. An optimal policy, however, seems to involve an immediate 12.7% cut in emissions and the establishment of 37.1 million hectares of forests.

Environment (pollution, health protection, safety)

95/05500 Dlffarent abllltles of certain succulent lantr In ramovlng CO2 from the indoor envlronment of a horp Ptal Raza. S. H. et al.. Environment Inr.. 1995. 21. 141.465-469. The paper deals with the different ibiity bf &A& succulent plants in absorbin CO, from the hospital environments. Plants are known to remove E 0, during day by hotosynthetic metabolism. CO, increases during night in a small unit oP space and time in the absence of a good air circulatory system and ventilation. Apicra drlroidea, Sedumpachyphyllum, Bryophyllum pinnara, and B. calycinum were employed as the succulent slants to remove the CO, that accumulated in the exnerimental chamber bd the rooms. Apicra delroidea seems to be a very u&u1 succulent plant in removing almost 80% of the accumulated CO,. Dlacountlng In Integrated assessments of cllmata


Daclslon analvslr In enerav __ and envlronmental

modellng Huang, J. P. ef al., Energy, Sep. 1995, 20, ‘(9X 843-855. Presents the findings of a literature survey on decision analysis in energy and environmental modelling. Surveyed studies are classified according to the decision analysis technique used and by application area. It has been found that decision making under uncertainty IS the most im ortant application technique and energy planning and policy analysis is t! e most common a plication area. The results of a multiple attribute analysis on suitatu.f!lty and actual level of usage of each decision analysis techmque for energy and environmental applications are also presented.

Toth, ?. L. Energy Policy, Apr.-May 1995, 23, (4), 403-409. One of the key decisions that economists working on integrated studies of climate change face is the selection of the method of accounting for damages resultini from possible climate change across a long ternbii scale and the method for the intertemporal comparison of the costs associated with ssible greenhouse gas abitement strategies. Sensitivity tests show that tR” e method applied and the resulting discount rate has a major impact on the optimal climate strategy. The paper is Intended to provide a short review of the various techniques that have been proposed and applied in various integrated models of climate change.

Dacomposltlon of chlorofluorocarbonr and the 95106494 apparatus (Assigned to) Dowa Mining Co.; Dowa Mashima, H. and Sakai, H.

95lO6502 Drlvlng total process afflclency Johnston, N. /. Cleaner Prod., 1994, 2, (3), 223-228. Reductions in pollution and improvements in profitability are not mutually exclusive. In the first 18 months of a project established to demonstrate the benefits of waste minimization and cleaner technology, the 11 participating companies have made savings of over f2 million a year. Further savings of a similar magnitude are po&bie in subsequent years. Reductions in thg use of inputs such as water, energy and raw materials exceeded savings in effluent production by a significant margin, thereby confirming the profitability of programmes which drive Total Process Efficiency.

Teppun Kogyo KK, JAP. Pat. JP.O7,24,2SS, !lan. 1995.

95lOSSSS Degradatlon of several refractory organic8 In coke dominant wastewater by using , lmmoblllrad plant mlcroorganlsm Huang, X. et al., Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue, 1995, 15, (l), l-4. (In Chinese) Three refractory organic compounds, i.e. pyridine, quinoiine, and isoquinoiine. were isolated from coke oiant wastewaters and used for cultivating micro&ganisms. Dominant species were obtained and entrapped by a coimmobilization material of PVA-Unwoven cloth. The results showed that 90% of the compounds could be removed. Dastructlon of dloxlns In MSW fly ash by maltlng 95106496 process Abe, S. I. er al., Organohalogen Compd., 1994, 19, 471-475. Describes a 2-step process to remove dioxins and heavy metals from municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash. The fly ash is first treated by a melting process where dioxins are d;composed at temperatures >1300’in a melting furnace, and heavy metals are concentrated in ash from the melting orocess electrostatic nrecinitator. In the second stage. heavv metals in eiec&t$c precipitator Ish a;e separated and re-conc&&ated by water cieansing. Results showed that municipal solid waste incinerator fly ash can be stably melted alone and transformed into environmentally safe, reuseable slag ;sing this process.

Eco-lnventorler for energy systems: Exampllfled 95106503 by the llgnlte and hard coal system I-I;-Ia;r, P. er al., Brennst-Waerme-I&aft, 1995, 47, (I), ,23-32. (In For nine Dower-generation svstems. ail environmental effects were recorded~thioughoit the entire iife cyiie of the plant. The eco-inventories form the basis for identification of environmentally influencing processes within an energy system and for the ecological comparison of different systems for the availability of the same energy quantities under present conditions; the inventories also can serve as a basic data handbook for preparing product and ecological balances of companies. Ecological and economic evaluation of under95lO6504 ground coal gaslflcatlon and of tradltlonal methods of coal mining Kreimin,E. V. andChekina,V. B. Ugol’, 1994, (lo), 41-42. (In Russian) The authors discuss how compared to traditional mining, underground gasification of coal decreases the emissions of particulate and gaseous poiiutants by 0.35-1.5 and 1 kg/ton respectively.

Dasulfurlzlng agents and their manufacture 95106497 Kobayashi, M. and Nakayama, T. (Assigned to) Denyoku Chuo Kenkyujo, JAP. Pal. JP.O7,39,750, Feb. 1995.

Datoxlflcatlon of munlclpal waste lnclneratlon rasl95106498 dues by vltrlflcatlon Iori, J. et al., ABB Review, 1995, (6): 9-16 16. Residues from waste incineration contam water-soluble, toxic, heavy-metal compounds as well as traces of dioxins. An increasing number of countries therefore require special treatment of these hazardous ashes prior to their dumping on landfill sites. ABB is currently developing a vitrification process-that targets the re-use of the materiaid contairied In the ash. The process destrovs the dioxins and transforms the ash through melting into a harmless gl&s. At the same time, most of the hazardoushetais argevaporated, being subsequently precipitated from the process off-gas in the form of a salt mixture. The heavy metals may be recovered from this so-called ‘condensate’, while the glass is suitable for various uses. The process has been tested in several installations, and a validation test is currently being performed with a view to realizing the first commercial plants. Daveio ment of an adsorptlon method for removal 95lO6499 of nltrogen oxldas Prom flue gases 5 Merts, R. K. et al., Khim. Tverd. Topl., (Moscow), 1995, (l), 78-83. (in Russian) Semicoke obtained by oxidizing carbonization of coal from the Irsha-Borodino deposits was used as the absorbent. The adsorbent was regenerated by rinsing with water and drying at 120-140’.

The economics of changing course. lmpllcatlonr of 95/06505 adaptability and lnartla for optimal climate policy Grubb, M. et al., Energy Policy, Apr.-May 1995, 23, (4), 417-431. The paper reviews evidence that energy technologies and systems adapt over time to accommodate external pressures: that technical innovation and systemic change in the energy sector is largely induced by need, and restrained bv ootentiaiiv large transitional costs. A simnle integrated model of optimal greenhousegas ibatement over time is prekented, $ which the abatement cost depends on both fixed and transitional elements. It is shown that the optimal current response and long-run prospects differ radically between the classical economic case - in which the cost of a given cutback in emissions is fixed exogenousiy - and the adaptive case - in which the respose is ultimately adaptive but heavily constrained by inertia (i.e. low fixed but high transitional cost). 95/06506 The aconomlcr of stablllzlng atmo pherlc CO, / concantratlons lG&h;:“i R. and Edmonds, J. Energy Policy, Apr.-May 1995, 23. (4). The paper examines the economics of stabilizing atmospheric CO, concentrations. A particular concentrations target can be achieved in a variety of ways. It turns out that the choice of emissions time-path is as important as the concentrations level itself in determining the ultimate price-tag. Rather than choosing arbitrary emission trajectories, more attention needs to be devoted to identifying those paths that minimize the costs of achieving a specific target.

Fuel and Energy Abstrscts November 1995 459