Nuclear fuels (scientific, technical)
96100360 Genlng down to the business of LCM In Nice Varley, J. Nuclear Engng. ht., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), 18-19. A report on the PLIM+PLEX 95 meeting held in Nice, organized by Nuclear Engineering International and the French section of the American Nuclear Society. The meeting demonstrated that nuclear plant life management is an area of growing importance and that it is maturing as a technical and management discipline. Practioners must work under even more demanding economic pressures as nuclear utilities worldwide face up to increasing commercial competition, deregulation and privatisation. Good housekeeplng slows agelng 96100361 Bock, H. Nuclear Engng. Int., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), 39-40. The 33 year old 250 kW Triga Mark II reactor operating at the Atomic Institute of the University of Austria in Vienna has been kept in good condition by intense utilisation and careful maintenance. Discusses how a variety of methods and custom-built tools have been developed in-house some of which have been successfully transferred to other research reactors worldwide. Harmonic perturbatlon theory for the analysis of 96100362 bolllng water reactor reglonal lnstabllltles Downar, T. J. and Phegley, D. A. Ann. Nucl. Energy, Jun. 1995, 22, (6), 339-357. The onset of regional instabilities in the boiling water reactor has been directly related to the reactor subcritical reactivity. Because the calculation of higher harmonic modes for practical reactor problems is a significant computational expense, the research in this paper investigated the application of perturbation methods to predict the subcritical reactivity. The method developed is based on a second order perturbation theory for the first harmonic eigenvalue. An original contributron of this work is an innovative method to predict the rotation of the first harmonic flux after a perturbation. Heavy water handbook 96100363 Bukovsky, J. and Haack, K. Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark 101 pp. The handbook is aimed to resolve some of the problems associated with the discrepancies that exist between the different data found in tables of the thermophysical properties of heavy water. Presents the D,O data found to be the most reliable in tables and diagrams together with corresponding H,O data for comparison. 96100364 Hopes for HANARO Kim, S. Y. Nuclear Engng. Int., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), 40-41. HANARO - the Korean word for unification, achieved first criticality in February 1995. As yet, the experimental facilities it will provide for have not been completed, but the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has a schedule for building them and ambitious plans to make HANARO an international research centre. 96100365 The Importance of delayed neutrons In nuclear research - A revlew Das, S. Progress In Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (3), 209-264. The paper presents a comprehensive review of the uses of beta-delayed fission neutron information in nuclear research with special emphasis on the energy spectra and reactor applications. A short introduction is followed by a discussion of the applications of delayed neutron properties in nuclear structure and astrophysics. Section 3 gives the delayed neutron requirements for reactor physics purposes and points out the difference between the physical and the mathematical representations of the delayed neutron data. In Sections 4 and 5, respectively, there are discussions of the total delayed neutron yield and the decay constants. Section 6 highlights the importance of and the need for an exact knowledge of delayed neutron energy spectra in high-accuracy criticality calculations and in precise evaluations of reactor kinetic characteristics, particularly the fast breeders. 96100366 Integral measurements In an Iron assembly bombarded wlth 14 MEV neutrons Jordanova, J. et al., Progress in Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (2). 129-140. The spectrum of 14-MeV neutrons passed through an iron slab with thickness of 8.4 cm is measured with a stilbene proton-recoil spectrometer over the energy range from 0.5 to 15 MeV. Reaction rates of threshold activation detectors are measured at three detector positions. The experimentally obtained data are underestimated by calculations employing the threedimensional Monte Carlo code MCNP and ENDFB-IV cross-section data in the energy range from 1 MeV to 10 Mev. 96100367 lrradlatlon effects In llquld methane used as a neutron moderator Evans, D. Cryogenics, 1995, 35, (ll), 763-766. Liquid methane is used as a moderator for neutrons produced by the pulsed neutron source ISIS. Radiation damage effects in the methane result in the formation of carbon within the moderator structure. These deposits restrict the flow of methane and reduce the efficiency of the moderator. The paper outlines the radiation chemistry of methane and details practical experiments that will be performed aimed at reducing the formation of hydrogen gas and other higher molecular weight reaction products.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
96100366 lrradlatlon hlstory correctlon for burn-up determlnatlon of tested fuel element of Qlnshan Nuclear Power Plant Liucheng, Y. et al, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (I), Burn-up determinatton of irradiated nuclear fuel is very important P,or 71. safe operation of nuclear reactors and good management of their fuel cycle. Gamma-ray sgctrometry wtth “‘Cs as burn-up monitor and mass-spectromety with Nd are considered as two effective experiental approachs to determine burn-up value with high accuracy and wide applicattons. Usually, the concentrations of fission product monitors r”Cs, IaNd are measured experimentally, from which burn-up of irradiation fuel element is derived. Problems associated with this method are the decays of radioactive fission productions and reactions in the reactor. The irradiation history correction on nuclear fuel element is calculated carefully and completely. The real parameters of the fuel element are used as input data. 96100369 ITER central solenold model toll lmpregnatlon optlmlzatlon Schutz, J. B. et al., Cryogenics, 1995, 35, (ll), 771-774. The success of the vacuum-pressure impregnation of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) central solenoid is critical to success of the magnet system. The size of the ITER central solenoid magnet is unprecedented, with overall dimensions of height 12 m and diameter 5.5 m. Analysis of fluid flow through a fabirc bed is extremely complicated, and complete analytical solutions are not available, but semiempirical methods can be adapted to model these flows, Several of these models were evaluated to predict the im regnation characteristics of a liquid resin through a mat of reinforcing gPass fabric, and an experiment was performed to validate these models. 96100370 Keeplng fuel covered. ABB’s new water level measurement system Graae, T. Nuclear Engng. ht., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), 30-31. As one of the basic principles of reactor safety is to ensure that the fuel is covered, knowing water levels is vital. Older designs of water measurement equipment can suffer errors caused by the presence of non-condensable gases m the water during a depressurisation transient. Describes ABB Atom’s new level measuring system, which uses an advanced condensation pot, which is virtually independent of any variation of gas content. 96100371 Kozloduy embrlttlement phosphorous Is the key Varley, J. Nuclear Engng. hr., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), 22-24. Discusses how the Bulgarian regulator believes the Kozloduy vessel is adequate for at least another six months of operation. 96100372 Load factors to end June 1995 Howles, L. Nuclear Engng. Int., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), 50-54. Compares load factors for the period to end March 1995, with the figures to end June 1995. PWRs and BWRs are on a rising trend and Magnoxes have also recorded a modest improvement. Provides graphs of production for the 12 month period ending June 1995. 96100373 Loose-part slgnal propertles Mayo, C. W. Progress In Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (4), 347-357. Lamb’s solution for two-dimensional wave propagation was used to identify plate bending wave characteristics observed in loose part impact signals. The surface displacement wave is shown to have large second derivatives at points that can be used to measure the impact contact time. General features of the initial impact wave shape provide guidance for the use of spectral analysis techniques to identify the contact time and wave arrival time when there is a low signal-to-noise ratio. Improvements in the determination of contact time improve the estimation of loose part mass and energy through the Hertz impact parameters. The shape of the initial impact wave shape can also be used to identify on which side of the plate the impact took place. This information has applications for Loose Part Monitoring System metal impact signal validation and for improved estimation of loose part parameters. 96100374 Methods of projecting operatlons and maintenance costs for nuclear power plants OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France, 90 pp. The report is a first attempt by the Nuclear Energy Agency at making a comprehensive comparison of the different methodologies used to estimate operations and maintenance costs. MHTGR developments In the Unlted States 96100375 Williams, P. M. er al., Progress In Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (3), 265-346. In response to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Advanced Reactor Policy Statement in the U.S. Department of Energy has sponsored the development of the modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (MHTGR) in the United States. A collection of contributions from the program participants summarizes the status of high-tempertaure gas reactor development, including recent evaluations of gas turbine cycles. 96100376 The MO-99 solution Ball, R. M. Nuclear Engng. Int., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), p. 42. An ageing reactor meets 80% of the world medical community’s need for MO-99. Describes a new production method by Babcock & Wilcox, using familiar technology.