00383 Nuclear decommissioning

00383 Nuclear decommissioning

05 Modeiiing and verification of the PWR burnable 96100377 poison designs by ELCOS code system Galperin, A. et al., Ann. Nucl. Energy, May 1995, 22, ...

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Modeiiing and verification of the PWR burnable 96100377 poison designs by ELCOS code system Galperin, A. et al., Ann. Nucl. Energy, May 1995, 22, (5), 317-325. A PWR core of a current design was used as a test problem for a verification of the ELCOS corn utationai system. The chosen core was relatively complex, including 11 Puel types, differing by fuel enrichment and Burnable Poison (BP) design. Two main BP designs were modelled: WABA and IFBA as well as a combination of both. Results of the calculations were compared with utility data, and demonstrated the adequacy of the ELCOS system. The modeliing of the BP designs was carried out by performing a series of calculations with different time-step lengths and poison spatial representation. It was found that relatively simple models are sufficiently accurate in simulating core behaviour with accuracy of about 1 mK. Corn arison of the depletion rate of two BP designs indicated potential bene FIts in using a combination of both designs in a single fuel assembly.

NDE systems of the future 96100376 Rogerson, A. Nuclear Engng. Int., Nov. 1995, 40, (496), p. 48. A report on the 13th International Conference on NDE in the Nuclear and Pressure Vessels Industries held in Kyoto, Japan.

Nuclear fuels(scientific, technical)


Nuclear reactor engineering, 4th edition. Volume 1. Reactor design basics. Volume 2. Reactor system engineering

Glasstone, S. and Sesonske, A. Chapman & Hall, London, UK, f49.00 each, 852 pp. The new editions have been extensively revised and contain significant new material on reactor safety, fuel management, plant operations and advanced systems. 96100366

and %I

Partial neutron cross sections for Y!n, @Qn,@‘Zn between 14.2 and 16.2 MeV

Ghorai, S. K. et al., Ann. Nucl. Energy, Jan. 1995, 22, (l), 11-15. Activation techniques hav5 been used to measure the partial neutron cross sections for the Zn(n,p) Cu reaction at neutron energies between 14.2 and 17.2 MeV, also for other reactions at similar MeV. The mixed powder method and a Ge(Li) detector gamma-ray spectrometer were utilized in the measurements. Neutrons were produced bg the ‘H(d,n)4He reaction, and the neutron flux was measured through the Al(n,alpha)*‘Na reaction. The reactions, the measured cross sections and the respective neutron energies are given in this paper.

Particle deposition and plugging in tubes and cracks (with special reference to fission product retention)

96100369 96100379


man-machine interfaces in nuclear power

plants OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris, France, 128 pp. The report outlines the consideration given to human factor principles in the design and operation of nuclear power plants in member countries. Attention is given to advanced digital technology and the licensing experience.

The new sarcophagus. A plan without funds 96100360 Perra, J. Nuclear Engng. Int., Nov. 1995, 40, (496). 33-35. Reports that while the recommendations of the Alliance consortium’s engineering feasibility study for a second sarcophagus at Chernobyl did not meet with universal approval in Ukraine, there was general agreement on both sides that compromise would eventually be possible on technical and other matters. But these differences are rapidly becoming academic in the face of the failure to find funding. 96100361

A new way to measure RCCA guide tube wear

Trumpff, B. et al., Nuclear Engng. Int., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), 28-30. Measuring Rod Control Cluster Assembly (RCCA) guide tube wear poses a particular problem for PWR operators because of the difficulty in performing a complete in-service inspection that covers all the guideways along the whole length of the guide tube. A laser inspection system has been developed by Framatome to resolve the problem. The system is used when the upper internals are on their storage stand in the reactor cavity.

Nuclear communications: A handbook for guiding good communications practices at nuclear fuel cycle facilities


International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 72 pp. Guidelines for operators and nuclear fuel cycle facilities to help them respond to questions that members of the public may ask about various aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle.


Williams, M. M. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (l), l-60. The main function of a containment structure enclosing a nuclear reactor is to retain any accidental release of radioactive materials. However, if the containment has leak paths due! for example, to cracks or failed seals, then there is the possibility of particulate matter and gas passing through the opening due to the pressure difference. The work presented in this paper describes in some detail the three main steps required to assess the amount of gas and particulate matter that pass into the environment.

Penetration of multi-energy gamma-rays through 96100390 double layer shield slabs &I_;; G. C. and Tsagas, N. F. Ann. Nucl. Energy, Jan. 1995, 22, (l), In this paper the calculation of exposure build up factors for photons of three energies (1.6, 6.13 and 7.10 MeV) has been performed applying two different methods namely, the Bowman and Trubey (Bowman and Trubey, ORNL-2609, 1958) and Broder (Broder et al., Sov. At. Energy 12, 26, 1962) formulae. Photon penetration for double shielding slabs of six possible combinations of aluminium, steel, and lead was examined. Transmission dose build up factors obtained in the present study have been compared with those reported recently (Bakos, Ann. Nucl. Energy 21, 725, 1994) using the Harima and Nishiwaki formula.

Phase behaviour between the signaia from detec96100391 tors located in and around the reactor Por, G. et al., Progress in Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (2), 103-113. Phase functions on frequency between displacement sensors, ex-core and in-core neutron detectors in horizontal plane of a 1300 MWe PWR reactor were measured and presented. A phenomenological model was developed to explain the in- and antiphase behaviour. The detailed analyses revealed that the most probably source of antiphases between detector signals are due to collective motion of the fuel assemblies into two indeuendent oer1 pendicular direction.

Nuclear decommissioning

Bindon, J. L. Energy World, Sep. 1995, (231), p. 16. In this short article John L Bindon discusses how over the next decade more than 60 nuclear power plants and hundreds of research reactors and radioactive facilities will be candidates for decommissioning.

Nuclear energy, 4th edition. An introduction to the 96100364 concepts, systems and applications of the nuclear processes Murray, R. L. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, f29.50, 437~~. This 4th edition has been enhanced by the inclusion of computer exercises that use a set of computer programmes available from the author. The computer exercises appear not only at the end of the technical chapters but include studies on waste disposal and world energy analysis.

Nuclear energy: in search of a paradigm shift 96100365 Harms, A. A. et al., Ann. Nucl. Energy, May 1995, 22, (5), 291-296. The leveling-off trend in global installed nuclear power capacity together with the absence of an assured prospect of fission energy renewal, is here taken as a potential precursor lo a paradigm shift in fission reactor technology. Underlying tins perspective is the recognition that existing reactors are based on a rigid-fuel core configuration which has been shown to possess an intractable sensitivity to fuel melting under conceivable operational disruptions. Our analysis suggests that a fuel-in-suspension developmental initiative could-with considerable efficiency-clarify a critical component substitution as a potential factor in nuclear energy renewal. Nuclear heats up in China 96100366 Ty4;y, X. and Yuliang, S. Nuclear Engng. Inf., Nov. 1995, 40, (496), Reports that on the 14 June 1995 the first concrete struction of a 10 MWt high temperature gas-cooled Why has China chosen the HTGR?

was poured for conreactor near Beijing.


Plant safety - Pool boiling issue still not settled for

engineer Zeyher, A. Nuclear News, Oct. 1995, 38, (13), 23-24. Reports that David Lochbaum is still not satisfied with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s response to safety concerns he and Donald Prevatte raised in 1992, while they were engineering consultants to Pennsylvania Power and Light’s Susquehanna nuclear plant. 96100393

Poiy(benzimidazoie) superconductors




Onishi, Y. et al., Cryogenics, 1995, 35, (ll), 795-798. The authors have developed a poiy(benzimidazole) (PBI) insulator for superconductors for the Superconducting Supercollider. The PBI compounds used for the insulator matrix are expected to be a superior material with high radiation resistance, high flexural modulus and high thermal resistance. On superconductor wire, PBI coating is superior as an insulator to Kapton-film wrapping. In particular, after electron-beam irradiation of 12,000 Mrad of a CuiFBI system, the radiation-dose resistance of the PBIcoated insulator was evaluated as 4.4 kV of the test voltage (initial 4.8 kV), whereas that of a Kapton-wrapped conductor was 2.5 kV after 6000 Mrad of irradiation. 96100394

Proceedings lnternatlonai 1994. Vision for the Future

Nuclear Safeguards

International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 2 volumes 839 and 921 pp. Proceedings of a symposium held in Vienna, Austria 14-18 March 1994. The symposium was organised in cooperation with the American Nuclear Society, the European Safeguards Research and Development Association, the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management and the Nuclear Society International (Moscow).

Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1996