Engines (power generation
and propulsion,
electric vehicles)
96/00737 Smart flame scanners - Myth or reality? Khesin, M. er al., Proc. Am. Power Co@, 1995, 57, (l), 748-752. The authors propose that their method has great potential as a tool to satisfy the industry needs for rapid adjustment of burner operation, particularly for low-NO_ burners. The results indicate that temporal flame frequency spectra c&r be utilized as a practical basis for extractin useful information from the chaotic and noisy flame environment and Prom the outputs of existing burner flame scanners and for developing a new and effective method of combustion diagnostics.
10 ENGINES Power Generation Vehicles
and Propulsion,
96lQQ745 Comblned heat and power Duffy, P. et al., Energy in Bldgs. & Industry, Sep. 1995, 14, (8), 10-20. Six short articles dealing with combined heat and power m the UK.
96lQO730 Stabilization of a propane-air flame In longltudlnal and transverse electric fields Yagodnikov, D. A. and Voronetsky, A. V. Fiz. Goreniya Vzryva, 1995, 31, (I), 40-45. (In Russian) Describes how a propane-air flame is best stabilized against detachment by applying an electric field generated by a cylindrical grid electrode.
96100746 Combined heat and power In Japan: Markets and technology for cogeneratlon JITEX Corporation, FT Energy Publishing, Maple House, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London WIP 9LL, f350.00, $560.00, 1995.
Structures Induced by perlodlc acoustic excltatlon 96100739 of a diffusion flame y;;_i;6:. R. and Lin, L. H. Combustion & Flame, Nov. 199.5, 103, (3)
96100747 approach Barclay, F. J.
Signal recovery techniques have been used to measure the periodic structures formed in a coannular diffusion flame due to acoustic excitation of the flow from upstream. The flow response was sensed using he quantitative schlieren technique, and consistent results were obtained on the basis of both axial and transverse optical beam deflections and appropriate analysis of signal records. The two dominant modes of response were identified as a series of alternating disturbances along the flow axis at the higher freauencv. and a series of alternatine rine disturbances containine on axis disturbances of opposite sign at thelowe; frequency. The formeymode is essentially associated with the fuel jet shear layer, while the latter is associated with the outer annular shear layer surrounding the air flow from the outer nozzle. 96lQQ740 Study of combustion characteristics of char partlcles In circulating fluldlzed bed combustor Zheng, Q. er al., Gongchen Rewauli Xuebao, 1995, 16, (l), 106-110. (In Chinese) Describes the development of a mathematical model of single char particle combustion in circulating fluidized bed combustor. Its numerical solution verifies that the distributton of carbon content of char particles has a peak value vs. their diameters. Results shows that the temperature of the smaller char particle is close to the bed temperatures and that there also exists a peak value for the burnout time of char particles vs. their diameters. 96100741 A study on the efficient conversion of lndonesla Pasir coal Ahn, J. H. et al., Han’guk Chawon Konghak Hoechi, 1995,32, (l), 37-45. (In Korean) Reports on tests carried out using C.T.C. mild coal pyrolysis method for the energy conversion of the Pasir coal. 96lOQ742 Theoretlcal study of micro- and macroscopic processes developlna In solld fuels durlna combustion bladkov, S. 0. Prog. Energy Cornbust. Sci., 1995, 21, (2) 109-144. By the classical method of the least action the differential equation for the function of the displacement of a solid fuel combustion front has been derived. The solution analysis is given in this paper. The theory of the narrow channel with the triangular section burning up in the fuel has been worked out. The experiments-on the measurements of the coordinate temperature dependence at the surface of combustion are explained. The theory of the diffusion increase of the condensed particles which were formed as a result of the combustion is formulated. The function of the particle distribution by size has been found. Transltlon explosions L);;_$;v, S. B. et al.,
to detonatlon Combustion
In vented
Flame, Nov. 1995, 103, (3),
Discusses the emergency venting of a gaseous deflagration which is widely used to prevent severe consequences of a confined explosion. 96100744 A wide-range modeling study of n-heptane oxldatlon Ranzi, E. et al., Combustion & Flame, Oct. 1995, 103, (I), 91-106. The paper presents a semi-detailed kinetic scheme for n-heptane oxidation. Both the low and high temperature primary mechanisms are conveniently reduced to a lumped kinetic model involving only a limited number of intermediate steps. This primary reaction scheme, similar to the Shell model, is flexible enough to predict accurately the intermediate components, the heat release and also ignition delay times. General criteria for the reduction of intermediate species allows efficient coupling of the scheme with a detailed kinetic model of C,-C, oxidation. Several comparisons with experimental data, obtained under very different operating conditions, from pure pyrolysis to fuel-lean conditions, including shock tube, flow and jet stirred reactors support the applicability of this kinetic model of n-heptane oxidation over a wide range of pressures, and temperature.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
Mechanical Eng. Pub., 1995, I55 pp.
96100740 Endoreverslble thermoeconomlcs De Vos, A. Energy Convers. Mgmt.. Jan. 1995, 36, (l), l-5. An endoreversiblepower plant id optimized with respect to economical exploitation. This leads to an optimum performance, depending on the relative costs of investment and fuel. 96100749 Exergy analysis of hot-gas clean-up In IGCC systems Woudstra, T. and Woudstra, N. J. Inst. ofEnergy, Sep. 1995, 68, (476). 157-166. IGCC (integrated coal-gasification combined cycle) has a highly effective gas-cleaning system for purification of coal gas, and it reaches efficiency rates of over 4b%. An improvement of efficiency can be effected by cleaning coal gas at higher temperatures. To examine the influence of gascleaning at elevated temperatures, an integrated system study was carried out for base systems and systems with hot-gas clean-up at 250, 350 and 600°C. The results show that the greater the part of the improvement in plant efficiency comes from the change from wet-gas purification to dryeas ourification. For three svstem desiens with the Shell aasification orogess: the base system and two system; with hot-gas cleai-up at 250’and 350”C-an exergy analysis was made, so that the contribution of various units to improved efficiency could be evaluated. Experience wlth unconventional gas turbine fuels Mukherjee, D. K. ABB Review, 1995, (9), 29-37. Low-grade ‘fuels, such as blast furnace gas, biomass, residual oil, coke and coal, used in conjunction with appropriate combustion, gasification and clean-up processes and fired in a gas turbine combined cycle, are an attractive and environmentally sound primary fuel source for-power generation. Recently, the Bao Shan Iron and Steel Company in Shanghai, China, olaced an order with Kawasaki Heavv Industries of Jaoan to suoolv a combined cycle power plant. Describes’the ABB GTllNS’gas turbin’e’with a combustor which has been modified to burn blast furance gas for the plant. 96100750
96/00751 A gas turblne Integrated wlth a combined power and refrlgeratlon closed system Najjar, Y. S. and Zaamout, M. S. J. Inst. ofEnergy, Sep. 1995, 68, (476), 152-156. Closed-cycle gas turbines have numerous advantages, among which are the flexibility of utilising waste heat at low and high temperatures, the possibility of using a variety of fuels, the ability to use high pressures and thereby reduce the cost of turbomachines, and controlling the part-load output efficiency of varying the gas pressure and mass, rather than the turbine inlet temperature. In this work the waste energy in the exhaust gas of a l-MW gas-turbine engine is partly recovered in a heat-exchanger, to heat helium which drives the turbine compressor system in two closed cycles. The hot cycle produces power, whereas the cold cycle rovides a refrigerating effect to liquefy mtrogen at a rate of about 130 B t/day. A parametric study by means of a specially designed computer program is used. 96100752 Gas turblnes Becker, B. Brennst-Waerme-Kraft, 1995, 47, (4), 179-183. (In German) The paper reviews the market situation and technology of gas turbines, such as compressors, turbine blade cooling, low NO, combustion, and the use of coal as a fuel for power generation. Guide to CHP and on-site generatlon Escombe, C. L. et al., ERA Technology Ltd, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead Surrey, KT22 7&A, UK f125.00, 1995. The guide provides commercial and technical information relating to onsite generation. The guide is intended for international use by those who are operating, specifying or evaluating on-site schemes, for plant suppliers and others in the industry. 96100753