01090 Method for continuous measuring moisture content of coal using microwave

01090 Method for continuous measuring moisture content of coal using microwave

16 Fuel science and technology (fundamental science, analysis, instrumentation) 95lOlO75 Examlnatlon of sulfur forms in coal by direct pyrolysis and...

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Fuel science and technology (fundamental science, analysis, instrumentation)

95lOlO75 Examlnatlon of sulfur forms in coal by direct pyrolysis and chemllumlnescence detection Xu, X. et al., Fuel, Oct. 1995, 74, (lo), 1499-1504. The extremely high selectivity of the newly developed ozone-sulphur chemiluminescence detector (SCD) coupled with controlled-temperature pyrolysis, was applied to the qualitative and semiquantitative determination of sulphur forms in coal. Pyrolysis products from the heating of a sulphurcontaining solid sample were swept directly through a high-temperature conversion tube and into the SCD to yield a strong signal. Upon heating the pyrolysis tube from room temperature to 7CJ0°C, several distinct peaks were observed by the SCD, identified as being due to aliphatic sulphides and thiols, elemental sulphur, simple thiophenes, pyrite and complex thiophenes. Standard additions of pure inorganic substances provided semiquantitative determination. Three coals were examined and could be quickly and easily distinguished by their sulphur forms.

In-situ measurement of residual carbon content In Bonanno, A. S. et al., Proc. SPIE-Int. Sec. Opt. Eng., (Optical Sensors for Environmental & Chemical Process Monitoring), 1995, 194-201. The paper describes an online carbon-in-ash monitor based on in-situ IR emission spectromety. Laboratory measurements of the IR spectral cmissivity of fly ash are presented in order to demonstrate that emissivity can be correlated to the residual carbon content in the range of interest for pulverized coal-fired power plants. Presents data collected during a field test at a oilot-scale combustor in order to demonstrate that the emissivitv measureients could be made in-situ on a realistic facility, and that thk spectral emissivity could be correlated to the residual carbon content.

Inelastic neutron scattering study of free proton 95lO1053 dynamics In coal

Fillaux, F. et al., J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 1995, 188, (l), 161-168.

Fractionation by planar-chromatography of a coal tar pitch for characterization by size-exclusion chromatography, UV fluorescence and direct-probe mass spectrometry


J. Chromatogr. A, 1995, 708, (l), Herod, A. A. and Kandiyoti, R. 143-160. The paper describes how a coal tar pitch, extensively studied by other techniaues. has been fractionated bv olanar chromatoeranhv usine successive develbpment in THF, chlordfdrm-methanol, t&&d and “pentane. Pitch fractions were distinguished by relative retention.

FTIR 8 ectroscopic studies of fulvlc acid from weathered coal and Pts complexes


Sheng, F. et al., He Huaxue Yu Fangshe Huawe, 1995, 17, (l), 43-47. (In Chinese) Describes how the FTIR spectrum of fulvic acid from weathered coal of Gong-Xian is determined using second derivative spectroscopy and the spectroscopic resolution enhanced.


Heat transfer In two- and three-phase bubble column reactors with Internals $‘“1:“;’ S. et al., Chemical Engng. & Processing, Jun. 1995, 34, (3),

Indirect and direct heat transfer is an important aspect in the design of bubble column reactors used for many industrial organic and inorganic processes. Longitudinal flow or cross-flow tube-bundle heat-exchangers, Jacket cooling, direct evaporative cooling or circulation cooling are possible methods for this purpose. The existing physical and empirical models describing heat transfer in bubble columns are reviewed. The results of experimental investigations of longitudinal-flow and cross-flow tube-bundle heat-exchangers in bubble columns are presented and compared with empirical and semi-theoretical correlations.

ICP-MS determination of 45 trace elements in whole coal using microwave oven acid digestion for sample preparation

The influence of gaseous lmpuritles In alr on the high temperature corrosion of coated and uncoated nlckelbased superalloys


Link, T. er al., Materials at High Temperatures, 1995, 13, (l), 55-66. The influence of small concentrations of SO,, HCl or Na,SO, vapour in air on the corrosion of the uncoated nickel-based superalloys IN 792 DS t Hf, CMSX-6 and MA 760 ODS and the coatings RT 22 and LCO 22 has been investigated in this paper at 1000 and 11OO’C.

95lO1055 The information revolution. A vlew of the horizon Reza, F. Comuutinn & Control Enann. J., Oct. 1995. 6. (51 241-242. These personal’ refl&tions are taken &oh the opening. ahdress by the author at the recent Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering.

95/01055 Infrared spectrometrlc and gas chromatographlc determination of the soluble organic matter from rock samples (oil shales)

Brukner-Wein, A. Analyst (Cambridge, UK), 1995, 120, (6), 1687-1691. Reports on a study of oil shales of different types and ages from various locations which were analyzed to characterize their soluble organic matter. On the basis of IR spectra and gas chromatograms, the differences found in the organic matter of oil shales of the same age and type but from different countries can be explained by the type of the orginal organic matter.

95/01057 Introduction to mass spectrometrlc techniques for fossil fuel analysis Veloski, G. A. and White, C. M. NATO ASI Ser.. Ser. C. 1995. , 455. 93-105. The paper describes mass spectrometer construction, ionization types, and high-resolution mass spectrometry for fossil fuel analysis.


Fadda, S. et al., Geostand. NewsI., 1995, 19, (l), 41-54. Describes the microwave oven acid digestion technique which was routinely applied to the ICP-MS multielement analysis of whole powdered coal. The samples were treated with a mixture of HF/aqua in _ regia/HClO, closed vessels-without any pretreatment.

95/01050 Identification of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons In a coal tar pitch Fetzer, J. C. and Kershaw, J. R. Fuel, Oct. 1995, 74, (lo), 1533-1536. High-performance liquid chromatography using a shape-selective reversed phase and a diode-array absorbance detector was used to identify several 7lo-ring polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coal tar pitches. The structures of these PAHs suggest that many different reaction pathways occur in the production of coal tar pitches.

In situ combustion model development and Its applications for laboratory studies Ocalan,R. and Versan Kok, M. Fuel, Nov. 1995, 74, (ll), 1632-1635.


A one-dimensional in situ combustion model was developed for oil and gas production calculations using a frontal-advance theory combined with mass and energy balance equations and simplified by boundary conditions, limitations and assumptions. The model is run for data from laboratory combustion tube experiments. Model runs for such experiments show that the results are in good agreement with the experimental values for the dry combustion mode, but not for the wet combustion mode where the water injection is high.

An Introduction to open-tubular gas chromatography. Analysis of fossil and synthetic fuels


White, C. M. NATO ASI Ser., Ser. C, Composition, Geochemistry & Conversion of Oil Shales, 1995, (455), 107-123. Discusses the high resolution open-tibular gas chromatography and the instrumental aspects, along with a substantial amount of practical information concerning its applications. Sample introduction systems, detectors, and column technology are presented.

Maximum gas flow In circular ducts at various pressures: An approximate approach


Chemical Engng. & Processing, Jun. 1995, 34, (3), Schlunder, E. U. 220-234. An approximate solution is given for the prediction of the gas flow rate depending on the pressure drop for compressible laminar flow in circular ducts. The pressure and pressure drop range from high to low values, i.e. both Newtonian flow and Knudsen flow as well as the transition regime have to be modelled. The resulting equations are easy to handle and may be sufficient to serve engineering purposes. A numerical example displaying how fast a vessel can be evacuated is also included in the paper.

95107 090 Method for continuous measuring moisture content of coal using microwave

Kato, A. et al., (Assigned to) Kawasaki Steel Co., JAP. Pat. JP.O7,55,726, Mar. 1995. The method of measurement is carried out by using a microwave moisture meter with a pair of antenna arranged on two sides of the belt conveyor, and adjusting the thickness and density of the coal layer by arranging a plate on the coal layer upstream of the meter.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1995