01452 Characterization of tar obtaind by flash pyrolysis of Beypazari lignite

01452 Characterization of tar obtaind by flash pyrolysis of Beypazari lignite

04 By-productr, related to fuels %I01446 Carbon nanotubea alignment and manlpulatlon using rlectroatatlc field8 Fishbine. B. H. Fulkrenc Science & T...

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By-productr, related to fuels

%I01446 Carbon nanotubea alignment and manlpulatlon using rlectroatatlc field8 Fishbine. B. H. Fulkrenc Science & Technolo~, 19%. 4, (11. 87-100. Carbon ¬&es can be aligned and manipulid usin. a&‘ei&trostatic dipole moment induced by an applied electrostatic field. -ii c theory of this technique is discussed, as well as some applications. %I01447 Carbonaceous anode8 and secondary lithium battterlra uelng the anodes Kahata. T. er aL. (Asskned to) Ricoh KU. JM. Pat. JP.07.169.455, Jul. 1995. . ’ . Catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dloxlds to %/01446 hydrocarbon8 $nnY. et aL, Energy Convers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36, (6), HydrogCnation of carbon dioxide was studied by using rare earth alloy catalysts, h brid catalysts and Fc-Cu catalysts in or&r to convert carbon dioxldc to il cl. %I01449 Chamcterlatlc morphology of the Interface between cement paste and fly ash Wang, P. d aL, Proc. 17th Int. Gun Microsc. Co& 1995, 102-109. Using SEM and EDS, the characteristic morphology within the interfacial zone between fly ash and cement paste was studied. Chamcterlatlca and geologlcel l lgnlflcfmce of C, %I01460 and C and thrlr darlvatlvea Chen, f et a&, Dizhi Keji Qingbao, 1995. 14, (l), 60-64. (In Chinese) Fullerene (Cd is the third polymorph of carbon. C, its higher molecular weight analogs (C& and the derivatives of these carbon compounds have many new and peculiar physical and chemical characteristics. This review of these compounds describes techniques for research into their structure, physical and chemical characteristics, conditions for their synthesis and purification. %I01461 Characterlzatlon of alr blown pltchea wlth ESR Choi, 1. H. et aL, Tanso, 1995, 167, 108-115. (In Japanese) The paper discussesthe reactions of coal tar and petroleum pitches with air blowing process for carbon fibrc precursors. Air and nitrogen blown itches were divided into several fractions with solvent extraction. The !f actions were characterized by the ESR. Charactrrlzatlon of tar obtalnd by flash pyrolyala of %I01 462 Bevoezarl llanlte E&&&H. a& Bilgesue. A. Y. Turk J. Eng. Environ. Sci., 1995, 19, (2), 137-144. (In Turkish) The structural analysis of tar obtained by flash pyrolysis of BeypazariAnkara lignite under vacuum is investigated. %I01 463 Chemical actlvatlon of elutrlllthe producing carbon-alumlnoalllcata compoalte adsorbent Hu, Z. and Vansant. E. F. Carbon, 1995, 33, (9). 1293-1300. Ac&atcd carbons he particularly ~usefu~ due ‘to- their high adsorption capacity, fast adsorption kinetics and relative ease of regeneration. They ad&b all organic tid other non-polar compounds from iaseous or liquid phase. Due to the increasing applications of activated carbon, a lot of research has been carried out on the preparation of cost-effective adsorbents as a substitute for activated carbon. Few studies have been devoted to the use of coal waste, cl&lithe, as a starting material to produce an adsorbent. In this paper, the following topics were studied: (1) the preparation of new carbon-aluminosilicate composite adsorbent, elutrilithe activated with potassium hydroxide; (2) the examination of the influence of synthesis parameters on the properties of adsorbents; (3) the comparison of their adsorption behaviour towards benzene, toluenc and xylene. Chemlcel and mlneraloglcal corn oaltlon of brown 96101464 coal fliter aah (BFA) from Qerman power atat Pona Poehl, K. et aL, VGB Krajbverks~ech., 1995, 75, (5), 465-471. (In German) Reports on the chemical bulk compounds, qualitative and quantitative particle composition, and particle size distribution of brown coal filter ash from the Niederlausitz, Central Germany, and Rhine areas.

%I01466 Chemical modlficatlon of coal tar pitch Lee, H. B. et al., Han’& Somyu Konghakhoechi, 1995.32, (S), 403-411. Korean) order to introduce a functionali to coal tar ich, dieno bile-s such as p benzoquinone (B(2) andmaleic i?y drii (MA! were uaet!in i chemical modification reactIon. The coal tar Ditch was reacted with BG or MA at 16O“C under N atmosphere. The the&l behaviour of the react&n product was examined by softening point measurement and thermogravimetric analysis under N atmosphere.


%I01467 Coel ash for cement and concrete l dmlxturea, lte quality Judging method end fl aah cement Shhsaka, M. ef aL, (Assigne % to) Chichibu Onoda KK, JAP. Pat. JP.O7,1%,346, Aug. 1995. %I01466 Cocurrrnt downflow clrculatlng fluldlud bed for catalvtlc cracklna of dlmethvl ether JAO, B. et aL, k&gong Yej&~?<95, 16, (3), 235-241. (In Chinese) Converting di-Me ether to light olefm by catalytic cracking is the most importantstep in the process for synthesizing liglit olefins froh natural 4as or syngas made from coal. Using a concurrent downflow circulating fhudized bed not only alleviates the conflict between high conversion and high selectivity, but also can sustain the reaction temperature by easily dispersing the reaction heat, making the operation of reaction regeneration system stable and smooth. Experiments were carried out to test the operating feasibility of the unit, and evaluate the tiuencc of operating an apparatus parameters on the process and the flow characteristics of the reaction regeneration system. fy~~ 459


atudy on the endohedral

Iaomera of

~?~&o, E et al Fullerene Science & Technology 1996 4 (1) 67-86. A computahonal itudy (MM3 and PM3) on the eidoh&a;el’iso&s of has been carried out. The exohedral isomers were computed by iif . A comparison between the computed properties for both isomers is _ _. also presented. 96/01460 Corroalon-realatant NI-&-MO alloya In hot concentrated aulfurlc acid wlth active carbon :;$~;a, Y. and Sugahara, K. Mater. Sci Eng. A, 1995, 198, (l), - . Dew point corrosion by &SO, has often been observed in the heat exchangers of coal-burning plants. If the ash contains active C, corrosion becomes oarticularlv serious. Various Ni allovs with hinh corrosion resistance in &ch envir&ments have been desiged. The c&rosion behaviour of these alloys was examined in hot concentrated &SO, with and without active


%I01461 Development of CuRnO-baaed high performance catalyata for methanol l yntheala by CO hydrogenatlon Saito, M. et al., Ener Convers. Mgmt., Jun.-&e .1995,36 6), 577-580. The role of metal 0x1*f ea such as G7 0,, A&O,, &O, and C&$~h~~ in Cu/ZNO-based ternary catalysts or methanol synthesis by genation was classified mto two cate ories: to improve the Cu d&ersion and to increase the specific activity. h e multicomponent catalysts developed on the basis of the role of metal oxides were highly active and stable for a long period in a continuous methanol synthesis operation. 96101462 Effect of activation of Iron aulflde (pyrite) on hydrogenatlon of coal tar and polycycllc hydrocarbona Baiienov, M. I. et al., Neftekhimiya, 1995,35, (2), 152-158. (ln Russian) 96lOl462 Effect of calclnatlon rate on petroleum coke orooertle8 kc&, E. A. Carbon, 1995, 33, (6), 817-820. The excellent work of Bui, Perron, and Read studied several process parameters pertinent to the Cal&nation of green petroleum coke tid the subsequent effect on calcined coke properties. One parameter studied was a calcination rate that was comparatively fast. Other work has shown that the calcination rate may be more important in its effect on anisotropic, or premium, coke properties that on more isotropic coke properties than was suspected by Bui, Perron, and Read.

for fly

Effect of coal fly ash on the phyalcal propertlea of %I01464 mortar Urn, M. H. et al., Kongop Hwahuk, 1995, 6, (3), 435-445. (In Korean) For the utilization of fly ash produced in domestic power plants, the properties of mortar using fly ash was studied.

Inter- article variations in particle diameter and chemical composition in coal Ry ashes are significant and can be quantitatively studied using currently available microanalysis techniques. One such technique, computer controlled SEM, is now routinely used to determine chemical compositions and diameters of individual fly ash particles, using statistically significant sample sizes. The paper proposes simple mathematical formulae for expressing the inter-particle variations.

Effect of aalflcatlon on the oroua characterlatlca 96101466 of activated carbons Brom a aemlanthrac Pte Parra, J. B. er aL, Carbon, 1995, 33, (6), 801-807. Describes how activated carbons with degrees of bum-off between 20% and 80% were prepared from a semianthracite char by gasification in steam at 1123 K. The adsorption isotherms of nitrogen at 77 K and CO at 273 K have been determined. The pore size distribution has been cslcd ated from t plots, and helium and mercury densities.

Chemical compoaltlon and alze dlatrlbutlona i%~a~5 Ghosal, S. et al., Fuel Process TechnoL, 1995, 44, (l), 81-94.


Fuel and Energy Abstract8

March lS96