01637 An integrated approach to power system reliability assessment

01637 An integrated approach to power system reliability assessment

06 Electric power generation and utilisation (scientific, technical) 99/01935 Generator parrmater ldrntlfkatlon using avoiutionary programming Ma, J...

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Electric power generation and utilisation (scientific, technical)

99/01935 Generator parrmater ldrntlfkatlon using avoiutionary programming Ma, J. T. and Wu, Q. H. Electrical Power t Energy Sysrems, 1995, 17, (6), 417-423. The paper presents a new approach of evolutionary programming (EP) to the parameter identification problem. The EP is used to identify the generator parameters based on the measurements of generator outputs which are highly contaminated by noise. The EP is a very powerful search method and can be used for parameter identification of complex systems, by contrast to the conventional techniques such as the extended Kalman filter (EKF) method. Comparison between the two different methodologies, EP and EKF, is presented in the papr to show the potential of applications of the EP to parameter identifica~on and system mdoelling.

WOW42 MHD ratrofit channel with diagnonai l iactroda gaomatry: Paramatrk invaatigation E”4J”“;o” and Bhadoria, B. S. Energy Comers. Mpnt., Jan. 1996,37, . -. The power generation by the proposed Indian MHD retrofit channel has been evaluated under Merent operating conditions. Coal is used as a workinn fuel. and the various orooerties of the combustion rcaseshave been calculakd u&n a corn uter Go&am based on the principle of Gibb’s fne energy. The et!lects oP operating conditions, e.g. load resistances, input ressure and temperature, magnetic fields, etc. on the ou t characteristics ii ave been studied at a constant slant angle (457. Basdr on these studies, some optimum working conditions for the MHD retrofit channel have been suggesied.

induatriai interiora 99iOl936 Van Cl& P. et al., Int. Ltg. Rev., 1995, (2), 42-63. Presents five short articles dealing with lighting of industrial interiors.

99lO1943 Modailing tha partial piannad outagaa in production coating aimuiation Hoffer, J. Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 1995, 17, (a), 377-380. The paper presents two ways of modeling such scheduled maintenance whose length is less than that of the simulation period. The author suggests usinn modified forced outane rate instead of derated caoacitv in this case. The-effect of the differen: representations is shown ‘on a’ very simple numerical example by comparing the loss-of-load robability, the energy not served and the expected ener concludes that the modification of more appropriate than deratlng the capacity. - -

se/o1 937 An intagratad approach to power ayatam raiiabiiity aaaaaamant S&iIlhlhg, M. T. et aL, Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 1995,17, (6), - . The paper presents an integrated approach to gpwer system reliability assessment.It gives an updated view of the su Ject and w to umfy, classify and extend some fundamental ideas and controversial issues which provide theoretical and practical support to these studies. The resulting conceptual framework lays the basis for a useful taxonomy which may be recalled for development or comparison of dissimilar techniques and computational programs which are frequently used in this field of engineering.

Neural networks for the calculation of the minimum 96101944 frequency during forced outage of a generating unit Kottick, D. and Or, 0. Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 1995,17, (6). 371-375.

99/01939 &.h.h;g,


mode tranaiant

F. et al., Electrical


stability aatimation % Energy Systems, 1995,

17, (S),

Inter&a model transient stability evaluation of large interconnected power systems have proved to be difficult because of the complexity of the phenomena and the long time duration over which instability manifests itself. Very few studies have been published and this paper describes a new method which is reliable for this complex probleq, fast and accurate in its evaluation of critical clearing time, provides an e&mate of transient energy margin and has some potential for control evaluation. The technique is a hybrid between the detailed multimachine representation, the singlemachine equivalent and energy methods. It has been tested on three standard test systems including the IEEE SO-generator system. Lighting supplement 99lOl939 Magog, E. et aL, Elect. Times, Sep. 1995, 27-52. The supplement contains the viewpoint from the director of LIF plus four articles dealing with emergencies and ICEL marking of luminaires, DDT and fibre optic lighting. 96/01940 Linear Kaiman filter algorithm for anaiyaia of tranaiant atability awinga in large Interconnected power ayatama y;Ez S. A. et aL, Electric Power Systems Res., Sep. 1995, 34, (3), The amount of damping in power system oscillations plays an important role in the stability of the system. The aper presents a new application of linear Kalman filtering for analysis oP transient stability swings in large interconnected power systems in order to determine the damping constants and oscillation amplitude. It is shown that Kalman filtering models are well suited for analyzirig beat oscillations as well as noisy measurements. The effects of sampling rate, data window sixe and overall accuracy are also investigated. Results are reported for an actual recorded data set. It is concluded that the quality of estimates is degraded as the noise level is increased. Mannhaim’a new inner-city aubatation %I01641 Korff, H. et al, ABB Review, 1995, (lo), 4-10. Reoorts that electric oower demand in Mannheim. Germanv. has been the inner city and ‘tie north-&stem subsited. As a result, the substations in these areas have been working at very high levels and could no longer guarantee a reliable powr supply. After studying the situatioq, Mannheim’s power utility, MVV, gave the go-ahead for a new substation. In October 1992 ABB Calor Emag Schaltanlagen AG was awarded a contract to build and commission a turnkey substation on the site of an existing facility in the city center. The new substation went on stream at the bcguming of 1995.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts

March 1996

Dynamic security assessmentis of special importance to island power systems. The CPU time required in order to apply conventional methods for those calculations does not allow real-time aoolication. An imoortant advantage of artificial neural networks compared%ith other m&ho& is the fast calculation time. The paper presents a neural-network model which was designed to calculate the minimum frequency during forced outa c of a generating unit. The minimum frequency is a strong indication 0f the severity of the fault. Hence, it is a si lflcant part of the dynamic securi assessmentprocedure. In the future, t&pe authors plan to incorporate ne urlx network models into other aspects of the dynamic security asssessment process. 90lOI 945 A new technique for o timai size and location of capacitor banka in the praaanca of I: armonica and diatortion bh&a5~ E. B. et al., Electric Power Systems Res., Sep. 1995, 34, (3), - . The paper presents a new technique to optimize the number, location, and sixc of shunt capacitors on a radial distribution feeder in the presence of harmonics and distortion. The optimization objective is to achieve maximum savings resulting from reduced line losses. The mathematical model devised is a mixed O-1 polynomial program, with restrictions imposed to limit the harmonic current magnification that results from parallel resonance. A global optimization algorithm for polynomial program is utllixed to solve this formulation. The effectiveness of this state-of-the-art algorithm ensures optimali to a complex mathematical model which more accurately represents xt e physical problem than other formulations. The method presented is suitable for solution on a personal computer, and has yielded promising initial results.

96/01949 A novel switched reluctance motor with muiti~ia teeth par atator pole and comparison of such motora ’ Faix. J. et aL. Electric Power Svsrems Res.. Sev. 1995, 34. (3). 197-203. Various ava&blc configurations-for switched r&ctan& r&t& (SRMs) are described and the concept of an SRM with multiple teeth per stator pole is reviewed. The static testing of the novel 24/22 motor ls briefly described and an accurate prediction method is adopted to determine its performance. Some typical performance characteristics are shown. The fIux llnkagc, mean torque, and efficiency of two rototype SRMs with multiple teeth per stator pole, with WlO and 24/22 spotting, are compared. Such a comparison clarifies the benefit of increasing the number of teeth per stator pole and suitable ranges of speeds for each design are defined. 96101947 0 aration of high-temperature regeneration o P daauifurization catalyst Ikeda, K. et aL, (Assigned to) Mitsubishi Heavy JP.O7,169,497,

Jul. 1995.

fuel Ind




