15 Environment 96102117 MetallurgIcal productlon and l nvlronment In the Czech Republic, the preoent atate and rspsctive Marosxcxy~ V. Hubs. L&y, 1995, SO, (5). r -5. (In Cxech) Discusses environmental pollution caused by metallurgical production and wke manufacture. %I02110 Method and apparatus for desulfurlzatlon and dsnltrrtlon of flu0 gases from fossil fuels Kuroda, 0. ef al, (Assigned to) Babcock Hitachi KK, JAP. Pat. JP.O7,136,456, May 1995. ‘Ihe method and anoaratus for desulohurixation and denitration of 5ue gases from fossil &I comprises a ‘catalyst de&ration device for first stage denitratior~ process, a wet desulphurixation device for first stage desulphurization process, and an adsorption column for second stage denitration-desulphurrzation process to remove remaining NO, and SOX until low concentration. %./02110 Method and apparatus for rsmoval of dloxln In fly aah of garbage Incinerator Ogata, M. d aL, (Assigned to) Kurimoro Ltd, JAP. Pat. JP.O7,124,536, May 1995. %I02120 Method for disposal of contaminated adrorbents from flus aas eurlflcatlon Ka n, My a’ al., (Assigned to) Austrian Energy & Environment SGpp” lwaagner-Biro GmbH; RWE Energie A-G, EUR. Par. EP.657,694, Jun. 1995: %I02121 Methodology for physical characterlzatlon of mlnIng-generated and laboratory-generated coal dust artlclss Li, J. and Mutmansky, J. M. Trans. Sot. Min., Metal1 Exp Por., 1995,296, 1864-1869. The obiective of this studv was to oroduce coal dusts for laboratorv resea& that are similar to &ine airbohe dusts in chemical, mineral, and physical characteristics. In this study, dusts produced in laboratory commihution equipment were compared with continuous-miner-generated dust for similarity in physical characteristics. %/02122 Methoda of test for cooling tower drift rliminatorr Wigley, A. F. Walerline, Sep. 1995, 43-59. Reports that investigations into the causes of legionnaire’s disease have highlighted the need for really efficient drift eliminators. Describes a series of tests carried out at the University of Warwick. 06/02123 Migration of fallout -P&I, “‘Am and ‘=Cs in the various horizons of a forest roll under pine Bunxl, K. et al, J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1995, 28, (1) 17-34. At five plots in a pine stand the vertical distributions of “9*?u, %‘Am and “‘Cs from the global fallout of weapons testing in the sixties, and of 13’Ca from the Chernobyl fallout, in the soil (podxol) were determined. %I021 24 The mlns permlttlng process. A comparison of Chile and ths USA Martin, W. E. and Azouu H, F. Natural Resources Forum, Nov. 1995, 19, (4), 297-307. A comparison is presented between environmental regulations and the rcgulatory institutions of Chile and the USA. There are two important points to the-comparison. First, is one system more efficient than tlic other? Sccond, does each system result in a comparable level of environmental protection? While an answer to the latter question requires a baseline of data that is currentiv unavailable. the oucstion of cfficlencv can be addressed. The Chilean s ‘stem is founi to &more centralized &I that of the USA, with more deP** uutlve timelines for the permitting process. The US system is more complex and offers more opportunities for public participatidn in the permitting process. 96/02125 Mining disasters caused and controlled b manklnd: The case for coal mlnlng and other minerals. Part I . Control of mlnlng dlsasters Ramani, R. V. Natural Resources Forum, Nov. 1995, 19, (4), 309-319. In Part 1 of this paper, published in the August 1995 issue of Nawal Resources Forum, a review of several mining disasters around the world established the complex nature of their causation and their catastrophic effects. The involvement of human beings, either through acts of commission or omission, was highlighted. In Part 2, a discussion of the various approach to disaster prevention incorporating elements of hazard identification, mine design. emergency response and post-emergency audit is presented. %I02126 A multi-media approach to permlttlng mercury releases from coal-fired power plants Shell, K. J. and Anderson-Camahan, L. Water, Air, Soil Pollur., 1995,80, (l), 1161-1170. The approach presented in this paper is based on consideration of the Hg concentrations in various power plant emissions and the regulations governing these emissions. Multi-media permit development involves wnducting a mass balance for Hg across the facility.
(pollufion, heatth protectton, safety)
%/02127 Multlcomponrnt analyslr of hrnolr In waste water8 of the coal convrrslon Industry %y msanr of UVspectrometry Martin, F. and Otto, M. Fresenius’ J. AML Chem., 1995, 352, (S), 451-455. Describes the development of a roccdure for the determination of phenols as an alternative to the method If IN 38409 H16. Based on multiwmponent analysis using the PLS al orithm it is possible to analyze phenols selectively within 3 groups. kv o methods of background correction were explored, the so called WA-method and the method of turbid standard solubles. %/02128 A multlnatlonal model for CO, reduction. Deflnlng boundarles of future CO, emlsrlons In nine countries Kram, T. and Hill, D. Energy Policy, Jan. 1996, 24, (l), 39-51. A need to make substantial future reductions ln greenhouse gas emissions would require major changes in national energy systems. Nine industrialized wuntries have explored the technical boundaries of CO, emission restrictions during the next 40 to 50 years using wmparabli scenario assumptions and a standard model, MARKAL Quantitative results from the whries are shown side by side in a set of energy maps that compare the least-cost evolution of the national energy systems by the main factors that contribute to CO, emissions. The ability to restrict future CO, emissions and the most cost-effective measures for doing so differ among the countries; an international agreement that would mandate substantial emlssion restrictions among countries by an equal percentage reduction is clearly impossible. 95/02129 The natural depuratlon rate of “‘Ca radionuclldes In a lichen and moss soeclea Topcuoglu, S. et al., J. &viron. Radioactivity, 1995, 29, (2), 157-162. Caesium-137 concentrations in lichen and moss sam les have been studied for cakulations of natural depuration rates. The hc3 en and moss species were collected from the same trees in western and eastern Black Sea retion during the periods of 1987-1992 and 1990-1993, respectively. The natural depuration rates are estimated at bjological half-lives. The pattern of depuration results represented by a su#e component for each non-vascular plant. The biological half-lives of 1 Cs in a lichen and moss samples are estimated to be 58.6 and 10.9 months, respectively. This work set &pports the view that radioactivity monitoring in lichens can be a more useful monitor than mosses to determine the lasting effect of radioactive fallout. %I021 30 The nature and control of solld, llquld and gaseous emlrrlons from the thermochemical processing of blomasr Bridgwater, A. V. et al., Biomass & Bioenergy, 1995, 9, (l), 325-341. Presents a summary of the projects undertaken by the IEA Environmental Systems Activity over the period 1992-1994. The goal of the activity has been to investigate and evaluate systems that permit biomass canversion technologies to meet environmental requirements. %I02131 Net natlonai smlsslons, CO, taxation and the role of forestry Tahvonen, 0. Resource & Energy Economics, Dec. 1995, 17, (4), 307-315. The concept of net national emissions su ests that accumulation of carbon in forestry should be taken into account w9 en countries buy CO, permits or pay CO, taxes. The paper analyses the question of the correct tax/subsidy programme for giving proper mcentives to forest owners and utilizers of wood. The analysis uses a dynamic general equilibrium model with productive caoital and the stock of forests aa state variables. It turns out that in a decent&cd economy forest -ownen-should be subsidixcd and CO, emissions should be taxed independently of whether they_ originate from wood or fossil fuels. %I021 32 Net-waste-rsductlon analysis appiled to zero-water discharge systems for chromic acid electroplating C$$Iubal. E. A. and Overcash, M. R. J. Cleaner Prod, 1995, 3, (3), - . Chromic acid recovery and treatment technolo ies were evaluated to determine total waste produced by alternatives tf[at approach zero- or lowwastewater discharge systems. System boundaries were expanded to account for hidden waste produced by generation of energy required for operation of the recovery technologies. This type of analysis highlights the importance of expanding system boundaries when evaluating pollution prevention options, and demonstrates why zero-discharge electroplating processes may not be environmentally desirable. 96102133 Novel membranes for carbon dloxlde sepamtlon ~~~44);8sma,Y. et al., Energy Cowers. Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36. (6), - . The Membrane Laboratory, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth, Kyoto, Japan, is carrying out a research project to develop novel membranes for carbon dioxide separation. They studied the Cardo polyimides and plasma treated membranes. Cardo polyimides show good COP, separation properties. Cardo polyimides have high CO, permcabilities and large CO, solubilities wmparcd to conventional polymers.
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