WHO dlacusaaa resulta ht., Feb. 1996,41, (499), p. 3. Reports that the health effects of the Chernobyl accident and subsepuent p&ems in the US were addressed when do&on and scientists f&m a diverse range of countries met in Geneva recently at the WHO Intemational Conference on Health Consequences and Other Radiological Accidents in November 1995. Nuekw
%m2212 Zinc In follagr downwind from a tire-burnlng powrr plant Doss, G. J. et al., Chemosphere, 1995, 31, (3). 2901-2903. in power plants is becomappreciable percentage of ipped tyres with coal. Since the by weight of zinc as an accelerator activator, possible emission o zinc from such a power plant was studied.
Science, Analysis, Instrumentation
@g/o221 3 “C NMR detrrmlnatlon of protonated and nonprotonatrd carbons In mod.1 compounda, mlxturea, and coalderlvod llauld aamoles Bai, S. et P’L, Anal &em, 1995, 67, (19). 3433-3440. The ratio of protonated to nonprotonated carbons provides an estimate of the average rmg size in complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures such as heavy oils and coal-derived liquids (derived from Wvodak subbituminous coil). Two model compounds, six‘mixtures of known composition, and nine heavy oil samples have been studied by “C spin-lattice relaxation inversion-recovery methods. 96102214 “C NMR spectrosco y and hydrocarbon generatlon characterlatlca of mudatone I! aroaen In Hallar Baaln
science, analysis,
95Jo2219 Changlng the role of the IAPWS Cooper, J. R. and Dooley, R. B. Energy Worhf, Jan. 1996, (235). 12-14. Many readers will not be familier with the International Assocution for the Properties of Water and Steam (LQWS) and its activities. At a time when the area of interest of the association is changing, it is apropriate to provide information about IAFWS and its connection wuh the UK National Committee for the Properties of Steam (UKNCPS). Reports on the International Steam Table Conference in London. e6/02220 Characterlxatlon of bitumen by dlffarentlal acannlng calorlmetty Chambrio+ P. et aL, Fuel, Jan. 19%. 75, (2). 144-148. The behavlour of bitumen was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, It is shown that two glass transitions take place a&r cooling at constant rate. The magnitude and temperature of these transitions depend on the cooling rate. At low cooling rate, (lOppm, H,S can be easily determined using gas chromatographic apparatus such as is available in most coking plants. At
same rank from Euramerica and Gondwana. 96102216 Abaorptlon power cyclaa lbrahim, 0. M. and Klein, S. A. Energy, Jan. 1996, 21, (l), 21-27. Presents a thermodynamic analysis of the Maloney and Robertson and the Kalina absorption wer cycles. The maximum power for specified exterI I.$.entlfied nal conditions 1s and used as a reference to evaluate the performance of these two absorption power cycles. The evaluation focuses on power cycle operating with low temperature heat sources such as geothermal heat, solar energy or waste heat. 96lO2217 Anal als of polyaromatlca In crude gas oil mlxturea: A new l tra Yegy ualng H 2D n.m.r. Doan, B. T, et al., Fuel, Dec. 1995, 74, (12), 1806-1811. A new method for analysing complex mixtures, ‘H 2D n.m.r. was used to determine lyaromatics in crude gas oil mixtures. 2D NMR overcomes the lack o$ resolution due to crowded 1D spectra and provides structural information. In particular, TOCSY (total correlation spectroscopy) 2D n.m.r. is well suited to polyaromatics because these molecules give specific 2D fin erprints which can be easily recognised. These patterns were selectet and analysed in two way. 96/02218 Aaaeasment of the PVT correlatlona for predicting the propertlea of Kuwalti crude olla Elshsrkawy, A. M. et al, J. Petroleum Science & Engng., Nov. 1995, 13, (3), 219-232. Several correlatons have been proposed for determining PVT (pressurevolume-tern erature). Limitations concerning the validity of these correlations for dd3 erent type of hydrocarbon systems, accuracy, range of applicability, correction for non-hydrocarbon contents, etc., have been controversial.
96102224 Comments on: Influence of n-alkanea on the cold flow propertlea of thalr aolutlon In dlfferent solvent stems Khan, H.U., Dllawar, S.V.K., Nautlyal, S.P. and Madhwa,7 D.C., i uel 1995,74.704) Mehrotra, A. K Fuel, Jan. 1996, 75, (2), 246-248. 96102225 Complex optlmlzatlon of a almple method for automated aualltv control of coal Gorlov, i’. I. it h!., Kokr Khim., 1995, (3), 29-33. (In Russian) Presents the optimization of the determmation of ash and total sulphur in coal based on simultaneous recording of inverse scattering of a 60 keV gamma radiation from “‘Am source. 96102226 Computerized glow curve deconvolutlon: Appllcatlon to thermolumlneacence doalmetry Horowitz, Y. S. and Yossian, D. Nuclear Technology Publishing, PO Box No.7, Ashford,
UK, f35.00,
102 pp.
96102227 Coalna raaponaa characterlatlca of aoma radIome& rlc and photometric sensors Michalsky, J. J. et al, Solar Enemy, Jul. 1995, 54. (61.397402. Global atid diffuse irradiance and &minance a& &&red with instruments that are assumed to have true cosine res rises. From one referred paper, some institutional reports, and by wor 8”-of-mouth, it is generally known that no instrument is perfect in this regard. The paper reports on measurements of cosine responses for several commercial instruments and on the cosine response of a multi-fibre rotating shadowband radiometer. ‘Ihe measurements were made with an automated cosine response test bench using the same protocol for each instrument. The cosine bench measures with variable angular resolution as fine as 0.25”. The automated rotation is in one plane. A manual rotation allows measurements at other azimuths.
Furl and Energy Abstracts
March 1995