02235 Finite-element modeling of the normal resistivity tool in azimuthally inhomogenous formations

02235 Finite-element modeling of the normal resistivity tool in azimuthally inhomogenous formations

16 Fuel sdence and technobgy (fundamental s&w, analysis, Instrumentation) 96/02226 Datarmlnatlon of chromium oxldatlon l tatea In coal comb&Ion ...

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sdence and technobgy



analysis, Instrumentation)

96/02226 Datarmlnatlon of chromium oxldatlon l tatea In coal comb&Ion producta by XAFS l pactmacopy Najih, M. a al., Pnpr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Cheer, 1995.40, (4), 606-612. iztxi tiz%izi:rf%!%~T~~E zg1: obtained from coal combustion. The method, is based on the relative heights of the pm-edge peaks for the different Cr oxidation states in XANFS spectra, and can be used to speciate as little as 50 ppm of chromium in ash. Results indicated that the fraction of Cr(VI) ox&ion state present in combustion ash from commercial combustion plants is typically at or close to the detection limit. Determlnatlon of molatura content In power atatlon 96/02229 coal ualng mlcrowavaa Ponte, D. G. et aL, Fne& Jan. 19%. 75, (2). 133-138. The paper presents the results of studles of a discootinuous system which, by measuring the phase shift of microwaves passing through a sample, determines the moisture content of coal. Measurements were carried out on different types of coal with moisture contents ranging between 5 and 15 wt% and sixes from fine powder to 12 mm pat&lea. 96lO2230 ~~af~lth

Datarmlnatlon of polyc cllc aromatic hydrocarl uparcrltlcal fluld l xtm CJ on and chromatography

!ao. W. et al.. J. Environ. Sci. (China), 1995. 7. (2). 224228. The online sup&critical fluid extraction and super&&al fhtid chromatography (SFE/SFCL are used for the extraction and determination of PAHs in a& p-articulates dear coke oven and a traffic island. The method combines the extraction, separation, and analysis into one operating procedure. The method is simple, rapid and accurate and saves operation time by removing the concentrating step of extracts before analysis. Datermlnatlon of the strength of metallurgloal coke WO2231 Mel’nichuk, A. Y. et aL, Koks Khim., 1995. (3). 12-16. (In Russian) Discusses the determination of the strength of metallurgical coke. 96102232 Dlract numerlcal l lmulatlon of a turbulent flow In a channel havlng perlodlc pressure gmdlent Miyeke, Y. er aL, In?. J. Heat & Fluid Fkw, Oct. 1995,16, (S), 333340. The intent of this paper is to contribute database information for a flow less complicated than a backward step Eow and less simple than a flat channel flow, demonstrating the influence of pressure gradient in an internal flow and serving to stimulate the creation of new improved turbulence models. A direct numerical simulation was conducted for a turbulent channel fIow having a periodic pressure gradient; i.e. a channel having flat plate walls, a solid one on one side and a porous one on the other side, which allows variable strength injection/suction of Duid. The dlractlonal reaponaa error In lnte ratlng96lO2233 sphere tranamlttanca maaauramente at solar wavelangt ll a h$l;;m, D. I. and Hollands, K. G. Solar Energy, Aug. 1995, 55, (2). - . To correctly measure the solar transmittance of a material that scatters light, a detector with uniform directionsI response must be used, and the integrating sphere is often used in combination with an optical detector for this purpose. However, no real optical detector system has a completely uniform directional response, thus a directional response error will always exist. This note analyxes the directional res rise error in directiooal-hemispherical transmittance measurements at sofz wavelengths and determines this error for transmittance measurements on materials that scatter light in different ways, made with a state-of-the-art integrating-sphere-spectrophotometer system. Effect of the type of atmoaphere durlng thermal 96102234 degmdatlon of coal on the optlcal texture of char Porada, S. and Swietlik, U. Karbo-Energochem-E&d, 1995, 40, (6) 157-159. (In Polish) Examines bard coal thermal decom sition under 2.5 MPa pressure of argon and hydrogen. Chars obtaine r at temperature 625, 725, 835, 926, 1025 and 1200 K were examined under a microscope. 96102236 Flnlte-alement modellng of the normal reelatlvlty tool In azlmuthally Inhomogenoua formatlone Bittar, M. s. et aL, J. Petroleum Science & Engng., Dec. 1995, 14. (1) 59-63. In this paper, a three-dimensional theoretical model of resistivity lo by the finite-element method is presented. The finite-element m sii verified by comparing it to an integral equation model for a limiting case and good agreement 1s shown. The finite-element method is used m complex geometry to analyze the response of a 16-i& normal resistivtty tool m ammuthally inhomogeoous formations. The outlined finite-element theoretical model can be made more general to study the responses of all electrode-type tool in many complex logging situations.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts

March 1996

96lo2236 Fluoraacance atudlaa of corn ax coal llquld aamplea ualng the Ilfatlma synchronous ape2 rum (LlSS) Shaver, J. M. and M&own, L. B. AppL S’trosc, 1995, 49. (6), 813-818. An analysis of coal liquids in the first application of the lifetime syncbronous spectrum (L&S) to the characterixation of complex samples is discussed. The measurement of wavelength-resolved fluorescence lifetimes in the LiSS is shown to enhance the fingerprinting of coal li uids relative to conventional synchronous luminescence sepy. 83 e concentrate independence of fluorescence lifetimes of individual compounds provides unique information about the composition of the coal liquids and the sources of their spectral features. 96iO2237 The formatlon of cobalt l lllcataa on Co/SIOs under hydrothermal condltlona Koaelbauer. A. et al., CataL Lett.. 1995. 34, (3). 259-267. A &/SiO,.catalyst recovered after both gas and liquid phase FischerTropsch synthesis exhibited significant decreases in the amount of reducible metal. Hydrothermal conditions similar to those occurring during Fischer-Tropsch synthesis were simulated in order to study compound formation in this Co/SiO, catalyst. 96102236 Qlobal scale-up of reaervolr model parmeablllty with local grld reflnement L.i, D. et al., .I. Perrokum Science & Engng., Dec. 19%. 14. (1). 1-13. ze;hpa r presents a new method for absolute permeabthty scale-up. The OF IS referred to as a lobe1 scale-up because tt attempts to preserve the variance and the span*akcorrelation within an entire permeabiity field. It focuses on the spatial connections within a global permeability field. Conventional methods, referred to as local scale-up, concentrate on local areas and can lead to loss of important structural information. 96102239 Heat transfer In mrefled gee at a gaa-aolld Interface Demirel, Y. and Saxena, S. C. Energy, Feb. 1996. 21: (2), 99-103. Modified expressions for the heat-transfer fluxes at the mterface of a solid surface and a gas are given for different Knudsen-number regimes. These expressions for diatomic gases contain both a gas-reflection and a thermal accommodation coefficient. Parallel-plate, coaxial-cylindrical and wocentric-spherical surfaces are considered. A general expression for the thermal accommodation coefficient is based on experimental data. Sample numerical calculations of heat flux in different heat-transfer regimes are presented in terms of the reciprocal Knudsen number. 99lO2240 The hoatlng of optlcal flbraa on electrical networka Kerss, W. Power Engng. J., Dec. 1995, 9, (6), 272-276. Discusses how the growth of communication technology over the last decade has been made possible by the significant improvements in the trammission of high-speed data between locations. Today the use of fibre optic and satellite for data transmission has transformed the technology. Electricity supply companies are utilising fibre optics to provide substantial datacarrying capability. for themselves and for thud-party use, since the medium provides inherent isolatin and insulating properties and immunity to electrical intcrfercoe, and cao %e used to advantage alongside existing power networks. 96102241 Improved model for solute transport In hetaroganaoua porous mtidla Bai, M. et aL. J. Perroleum Science & Enmw, Dec. 1995.14. (1). 65-78. An .improved. model for solute transport -&&# heterogeneoui porous media, considering physical non-equilibrium and convection domination, is presented. 96102242 The lnternatlonal Ener y Agency’s (IEA) work In harmonlalng l ampllng and analyt f cal protocols related to munlclpal aolld waste (MSW) convemlon to energy Scott, P. E. Biomass & Bioenergy, 1995. 9, (1). 415-439. Discusses the legislation relating to the composition of waste and the end products from energy from waste processes which is becoming increasingly strict, therefore appropriate sampling procedures need to be available to perform the analyses accurately. It is also important to be able to wmpare methods used and results obtained from analytical procedures carried out in different countries. Efforts are focused on three areas: Household waste, landfii gas, and emission monitoring at MSW combustion facilities. 96102243 Inveatlgatlona of neutron flelda uaad In aIemental analyala of bulk aamplea AIi, M. Y. et aL, NucL Geophys., 1995, 9, (3). 203-217. Flux density distributions of thermal and primary 14 MeV neutrons have been measured in different configurations of bulk samples wnsisting of graphite, water and coal. Analysis expressions are given for the calculations of the absolute flux values of neutrons in various moderatore-samplereflector


96102244 IR-spectroscopy . . In atudlea of coals and thelr macerala Matusxewska. A. Garbo-Enernochern-Ekol., 1995.40. ..,. (7). 175-180. (In Polish) ’ IR spectra of gas-coking coal its vitrinitc, exinite and inertinite are interpreted by using literature data.